how fukin excellent is that ... plants look awesome ... and you have a moosehead beer sticker on the window (one of Canada's better products!!) ... fukin A man! Great work!

Thanks to you graciously my friend in Tahoe Land ;)

And thank you for posting that pic up like that! I really like it.

And just a little info about the design and construction of this greenhouse...... originally, the frame was built to hold different windows...... didn't work out, so those are the windows in there.....

these pics don't do them justice....

wanna come over and snap some shots for me? :P
fuk that sounds like a great plan ... I love the surroundings ur in ... my kinds place for sure ....

anbd you taking donation with VISA/MC at the door ... friggin priceless man ... hahahaha!
I got plenty of "surroundings".... thats for sure :)

anytime anytime :)

trimmin some premature SS from that puke plant right now....... didn't seem to effect the nugs (the puke that is) just killed the roots I guess.......
well ya just never know when a ROADTRIP might be in order ...... hahahahaha! (my longest one to date .... Calgary to Atlanta to Jacksonville to Dallas and back to Calgary ..... I believe it was like 7000-8000 miles in a couple of weeks .... ) Done the CAli trips a hundred times .... I'm 'bpout ready to do that again ....
will keep that in mind ... I've always wanted to meet Yosemite Sam ! LOL! (seriously ... will kep that in the plan ...):eyesmoke:

no worries mate ... glad it brought a smile, I love the old Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny Woody Woodpecker cartoons ....

me too...... and one of the reasons are the Lessons held in them!

they aren't taught the same anymore.....

it seems as though social educational methods have seriously deteriorated over the years.......
holy crap ..... so fukin true. I believe the entire debate around two income families and subsidized daycare is the worst social experiment ever!! At least for us in Canada. I strongly believe that this will live in history as an error in understanding human social relations. But then what the fuk do I know ,,,, LOL! :peace:
me too...... and one of the reasons are the Lessons held in them!

they aren't taught the same anymore.....

it seems as though social educational methods have seriously deteriorated over the years.......
holy crap ..... so fukin true. I believe the entire debate around two income families and subsidized daycare is the worst social experiment ever!! At least for us in Canada. I strongly believe that this will live in history as an error in understanding human social relations. But then what the fuk do I know ,,,, LOL! :peace:

Leaves change naturally

Our hearts swell with love and joy

Harvest this power
haiku about cannabis ^^^ and much more ;)

behold the power of words...... if you can read INTO them that is of course.........

substantiate the means for reason and action
fuk that sounds like a great plan ... I love the surroundings ur in ... my kinds place for sure ....

anbd you taking donation with VISA/MC at the door ... friggin priceless man ... hahahaha!

Hahahaha:hump: that is funny shit, when I come I'll be sure to bring my visa credit card just in case;) lol
today Sensi Stars are around 5 1/2 weeks

Two or three more feedings.....

I plan to start flushing around October 5th

I will continue to use Bio Bizz Bloom Until October 12th but 1/2 strength, :).

Harvest between 16th and 20th sometime (when they say Im done, but according to the moon, thats when it will be ;) ) and staggered some are going a bit faster than others, :).

PK...... just Wow.....
yeah I love that pk.......

going to attempt to clone both this evening.... hope its not too late...... just one pk (maybe two) and a couple SS to make mommas to hold on to them... :)........

I really need to borrow a camera... OR something.... cuz the one I had that was ok the screen turned all purple.... everything has a purple tint in the pics, and they aren't as clear..... and this other one.... well I wrote about it yesterday.... It SUCKS..... sooooo gotta figure something out..... sigh...... I would really like to document some things to have to reflect on later that are happening NOW, and won't be this way for long......

Lady bugs and some garlic going in....... Got enough time for two garlic sprays (maybe even more if I do it every evenning) since I noticed the spidermites started to spread :evil::cuss::cuss:

I am going to be Extremely proactive about ridding them where I can and holding them back..... things cooling off outside would be a great help! especially night time temps.... there has been a heat swell here for the last week... lots of sunshine (yay!) but super hot and not enough of a breeze.....

So ima take cuttings this evenning and THEN spray garlic spray, :)

It doesn't effect taste, smell, potency, flower production, anything....... so I like it..... I will get ladie bugs on the 1st.... and let out a few hundred at a time in there.....

maybe its the LED screen and the pics are fine on that camera.... I will check on that..... anyone else know what it could be or a way to fix it if its actually how the pics are coming out?