What's up everyone
Today I made an 18 gallon DWC container for three of my purple clones. The 18 gallon tote is black and has three 3 inch holes to fit the three inch net pots. Right now I have about 13 or 14 gallons in there. The pH is 6.2 and ppms at 880. These clones are going into flowering so they should just be sog colas. What do you guys think about the pH and ppms and where they are at? Here are some pics of the system:
You can see the roots poking through in the cup farthest to the back if you look close enough
Due to me installing the three plant 18 gallon DWC into the flowering room I had to move two of the purple plants. I moved one soil and the ebb and flow. They are both under a 70 watt HPS in a DIY cooltube. The cool tube is attached to a hrg supply horizontal reflector so it works real nice. There is also a 23 watt CFL in there at 6500°K. I will be switching that out with a 42 watt 2700°K CFL in a few days.
Here are the last two rooted clones. They may both end up in a tent under my old 250 watt HPS. We will have to see
Here is the church looking a little better. I will be doing a much more detailed update in a few days or so
Until then let me know what you all think about my new dwc tote (6.2 pH, 880 ppm)
I am going to put a thermometer in the tank in a little bit to see what the water temp is, I have one from an old aquarium. I'll let you guys know the temps a little later. Thanks everyone