Misting during Flowering


Did a quick search and didn't see a topic on this. I heard from an (inexperienced) friend that misting my girls while they are flowering was bad. During their clone/veg cycles I was doing frequent mists to keep the bugs off and now I'm worried about spider mites if I can't mist during the flower cycle. Is he full of shit or will I need to seek another preventative measure?


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt... can get mold... spray once a week with pesticide(organic perferably or neem oil) till like week 4-5... if any bugs come after they wont do much damage.... try to spray the leaves and not the buds


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice. Can I buy neem oil in most nurseries/hydro shops or is it a specialty item?
u can get it at home depote in the garden section or jus look for no-txic pesticide.. read the lables.. sum u can spray a day or 2 b4 u harvest but like i said. ide do it once a week till week 4 and shake off acess