Dubstep Fans


Well-Known Member

its the cheapest guitar you can make 1 string, plank of wood n a bottle couple of strings n your good to go. its an awesome blues instrument. ghetto to the max

i take the point about needing to integrate cd decks etc n samplers but to rely on it is as you say complete folly
that vid was dope! that the kid looked about 14 made it even better.

i dont DJ, but i do consider myself knowledgable on the art and if you cant spin vinyl your not a real DJ IMO. you might make great music, it might even take some talent, but a Disc Jockey you are not.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
true dat man true dat.

yeah the kids got a talent! i saw the diddley bow n was like i have to make myself one.

anyway enough jackin...



Well-Known Member
that was great. it was everything you could ever need in dubstep....at first i felt like i was at the circus, then in some sort of peril, then safe at the circus again!

so, would you like to play your flute?



Well-Known Member
that vid was dope! that the kid looked about 14 made it even better.

i dont DJ, but i do consider myself knowledgable on the art and if you cant spin vinyl your not a real DJ IMO. you might make great music, it might even take some talent, but a Disc Jockey you are not.
These are the proper skills........:peace:

A true turntablist.....you can't do this with a laptop! LOL


Having said, I DJ with my laptop these days.....and I was a proper vinyl junkie till about 2 yearts ago....but I could never do that shit with my vinyl anyway. I don't have the skills. But I can blend and chop my beats up a treat. Dubstep is awesome to mix and chop up those basslines.

Love it! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
that video is HARD!!! damn i wish i could do shit like that
sick! aint it!!?

Kentaro is da man.......


sorry.....getting off the dubstep theme here......lets bring that back with a classic.....



Well-Known Member
^^^ can't see the vid man....I probably seen it already tho..... I've watched all his stuff on utube pretty much! :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
EXAMPLE - https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/246881-i-owe-mysticlown150-apology.html


of course this thread isnt about any grow op..

My name is 420OldSchoolDJ420

to fdd and growtech -

so you ban me for no reason again? do you feel like big men? You know and everyone knows I didnt do shit to warrant a ban.. you ride ppl and ride ppl until you weed out the ones you dont like or that dont kiss your ass.. I am going to keep making accounts so go ahead and ban this one too. I go into a thread and say personal attacks are wrong but yet I am the one that gets banned? If harrasing a dying man makes your little punk asses feel special then I hope you get your rocks off.. I am not going away believe that.. The entire internet knows what kind of people you are so its not like I have to spread the word.. The fact that I have less than 8 months - 1 yr to live does not bother me half as much as the kind of unfair BULLSHIT that goes on here.. I hope one day you both wake up and change your lives.. If I was well enough to travel I would love to see you guys face to face to give you the oppurtunity to tell me to my face what it is about me that you hate so much.. Is it the fact that I am an intelligent man that hates racism and BS? Listen up RIU.. This can happen to you just as easy.. These two mods are heartless nazis that dont give a fuck about anyone.. ban me again and again and again I dont care.. you will never break my spirit.. I face death in the face so WTF makes you think I give a damn what you think of me? I am one of the ppl on here that tried to talk with common sense but RIU doesnt want that.. They want kids and ass kissers. I cannot believe I wasted so much precious time trying to build a connection with this community when it obviously was a lost cause from the begining.... You can ban me but you will never make me feel sorry for anything I have ever said on here.. I came here looking for a little acceptance and got fucked over.. Having cancer makes you get your priorities in order.. Its a damn shame there are people like you in this world.

WTF DJ !? wrong place to post. but lets face it you must have broken a rule somewhere along the line? havin cancer is fucking horrible n i feel for you but it doesnt give you carte blanche to do what you like


Well-Known Member
WTF DJ !? wrong place to post. but lets face it you must have broken a rule somewhere along the line? havin cancer is fucking horrible n i feel for you but it doesnt give you carte blanche to do what you like
ignore him man....he's posted that shite everywhere! :roll:

Scratch doc? Hit me up dude!

The Wookie

Active Member
Just went to Nocturnal festival and the Dubstep there was FUCKIN EPIC.Skream and Benga had such amazing sets. I was expecting a lil more from Rusko but his set still had me up and dancing the whole time. Skream opened with in for the kill and later played when i look at you. So dope! Benga opened with Filth and had a solid set. I was talking with a drum and bass dj (dirty deeds) and he as saying dubstep is taking over LA. He said DnB is on the decline and Dubstep was taking its place at alot of places. Ive been noticing too tho that alot of people are getting into dubstep right now in my area too. I cant get enough Dub. Im stuck on it


Well-Known Member
i love dubstep...i recently just started goin to the rave scene and i love it :)

i found one of my many places



Well-Known Member
Just went to Nocturnal festival and the Dubstep there was FUCKIN EPIC.Skream and Benga had such amazing sets. I was expecting a lil more from Rusko but his set still had me up and dancing the whole time. Skream opened with in for the kill and later played when i look at you. So dope! Benga opened with Filth and had a solid set. I was talking with a drum and bass dj (dirty deeds) and he as saying dubstep is taking over LA. He said DnB is on the decline and Dubstep was taking its place at alot of places. Ive been noticing too tho that alot of people are getting into dubstep right now in my area too. I cant get enough Dub. Im stuck on it
A lot of D&B producers release dubstep tunes these days too, so you can see the crossover. Ed Solo and chase and status are the first two that come to mind. Chase and status make the sickest dubstep. Eastern Jam just blows my fuckin' mind. What a TUNE. I much prefer their dubstep to DnB.



Well-Known Member
I went to Psybiotek has any1 heard of that festival? its by quency it was alot of fun :)


RIP Opium Grower u will be missed


Well-Known Member
I went to Psybiotek has any1 heard of that festival? its by quency it was alot of fun :)


RIP Opium Grower u will be missed
wheres quency?

what happened to OG? did he get the 'ban hammer'?

ps-i giggle to myself everytime FDD uses the term, 'ban hammer' i picture a Thor-garbed FDD wielding a giant hammer.