Coco grow - Super Silver Haze, Blue Cheese and Trainwreck


Well-Known Member
Yea I've actually done that a couple times but the stress of taking that risk just kills me. No more. It's cool though. I have so many beans right now it's crazy. The SSH came in a pack with 4 other hazes (Strawberry, Arjan#1, Neville's, and Hawaiian Snow) which I never got around to. Plus I haven't even gone through half of my subcool seeds yet. So yea I'm set there. I was reading back and I saw your post about potential hermies. I don't think you should have problems. Out of those five GHS strains I grew from fem seed I didn't see a single banana on any and I flowered a couple of them past 10 weeks.
Thanks for the info man, that's really great to know. Yeah, subcool is all the rage at the moment eh? You only have to look at his pics and posts to see why though. I will try them one day, but didn't want to mess around with any males this grow.


Well-Known Member
bumpin' pics! Thanks for all the support and comments guys. You are all very welcome! bongsmilie.......passes the bubbler around.......

Lots of pics to mark 7 weeks....... shots.....

Here we have the SSH and the BC.......SSH (near), BC (far)......

TW (near), SSH (middle), BC (far)....

And I've been doing some bondage on my trainwrecks, just to try and stretch/space the branches out.....I just do a little bit of tieing and training each day when I check on my girls. I couldn't do them all in one go or I'd break my back. My room is not the most comfortable place to work in due to space restrictions!

One of the bondage on this one yet.

And it's time to add a little bit of supplemental lighting for the shadowy side of my Trainwrecks. They are 125W red spec enviros. Like the ones I use in veg, but a differrent spectrum. I don't always use them, only when my room is really FULL! and it's getting that way now. They are also useful when spraying my plants, as I can turn off the HPS for the last 20-30 mins of lights on amd still have light to spray my girls and with no danger of them burning.

Not sure how siginificant this extra light is, but it really lights up the far side of my trainwrecks a lot brighter and if I turn them off, the room looks dull, so I reckon they can only help add to my buddage!

Hope you enjoy the pics anyway! Till next time........ :peace:


Well-Known Member
Nearly time for clones.....

Friday/Saturday I will be taking cuttings. I'll take 2 cuts from each, I have always got 100% with my clones, but I will take 2 of each anyway, even though I only want one of each going forward. I like to give myself the best chances :lol:

I'll also be giving the lower branches on my girls a final trim and they will all get a good thorough ball check and a final Neem coat.

I have a bit of a challenge next week in that I will be away with work for a few days/nights and I'm watering every other day at the that would leave them dry and wilting by the time I come back! Not what I want!!

But I have a plan that I think will see me through. I'm not collecting run off at the moment, I just let it drain and evaporate on my rubber floor. So I'm gonna put a pot tray under each pot, good size trays with high rims, and water the hell out of my plants just before I go away. I reckon with a little more water than normal and collecting the run off for them they should be ok for 3 days, which is all I need. Maybe the TW will be slightly wilting if anything, they are real thirsty bitches!!

I'm not worried about the clones while I'm away, a humidty dome and a proper good misting before I go should see them ok. I've left clones alone for a week before without any intervention......100% success :).....I just hope these strains are as reliable. I'm kinda counting on it.

Sorry for babbling on a bit if you're still reading, just kinda thinking out loud here......:eyesmoke:

Lots of pics next update when I take my cuts.....


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Good stuff snow.

Regarding your "going away for a few days" plan...I think it sounds good. Have you thought about testing it out before you leave? At least you can try to gauge how much water they need to last 3 days if you've done it once or twice already...

Just a thought to go along with your thoughts...

Good luck :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Good stuff snow.

Regarding your "going away for a few days" plan...I think it sounds good. Have you thought about testing it out before you leave? At least you can try to gauge how much water they need to last 3 days if you've done it once or twice already...

Just a thought to go along with your thoughts...

Good luck :leaf:
good call Jerry. Cheers mate. I should have time to do a test run actually.


Well-Known Member
Friday again already! F*ck me!! Where are these weeks going. This week I have been so busy I've hardly stopped. Next week is going to be worse! But it's good to keep busy, keeps my mind off my plants and the lack of bud I currently have, until said plants are done! :( Bummer!!!!

Anyway, as it's Friday, it's time for some pix :)

So, where are we 52 in coco, and I believe it is Day 15 of 12/12.....

I've mixed up the plant order now, moving them around according to size and shape, big tall stretchy branches to the edges, smaller more busshy girls in the middle. It's working so far, I wonder how much more they will grow this next week or so?? A LOT I imagine!

Bit more training been going on....just feeding this one through the plantsupport ring for now....I'm loving these rings!!

A rather nice Blue Cheese which is hiding in the corner.....

The potential baseball bat/donkey dicks! LOL!!

I think we can say they are flowering! ;)......

So I haven't taken clones, trimmed or got my pot trays in place yet. By the end of the weekend, this will all be sorted!! It has to be!!

Happy Friday! :mrgreen:



jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Maaaaan. That's beautiful...Ima keep an eye on this.....I've tried blue cheese for the first time a few weeks ago ... Gud taste n a trippy high... :joint:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
looking really good fella those rings are a treat for your supercropping i generally just let mine dangle till they pick up lol

its getting real full real fast snowy


Well-Known Member
Maaaaan. That's beautiful...Ima keep an eye on this.....I've tried blue cheese for the first time a few weeks ago ... Gud taste n a trippy high... :joint:
yeah man, I smoked it for the first time a few months ago and that's what made me choose it over the straight cheese, which I have grown before.

Thanks for the comments and welcome on board mate! :joint:

looking really good fella those rings are a treat for your supercropping i generally just let mine dangle till they pick up lol

its getting real full real fast snowy
Cheers bud! I know man, I look back at my pics from 3 days ago and there's really been some progress! :mrgreen:

V happy. But such a long way to go still though!


Well-Known Member
hehe... yes they are flowering.
Look at the stem in that last pic :hump:
That's the sign of what's to come.
It's still looks flexible!
Big branches is a sure sign of big buds!
Nice work mate.
Picture of health.


Well-Known Member
hehe... yes they are flowering.
Look at the stem in that last pic :hump:
That's the sign of what's to come.
It's still looks flexible!
Big branches is a sure sign of big buds!
Nice work mate.
Picture of health.
Cheers mam! :joint:

It is flexible....I know this cos I just bent it down before my lights went out, it was getting a bit close to my glass hood. Not tied it yet, I will tie it down tomorrow probably. I also bent a branch down on one of the other leggy trainwrecks as well.


Well-Known Member
I collect rain water to use in my garden. I have a 100L water butt and it is totally empty!! Damn it!!! Just f*ckin' rain will you. I can't actually remember the last time it rained where I live, it's been well over 2 weeks though.

I won't use my tap water. My tap water is proper hard and whilst canna design their nutes for tap water, my tap water has a really high EC before I add anything to it and I'm just not happy using it. I like rain water!!

So, to the rain gods, please, please, please, drop me some rain! Just a short downpour will be fine to fill up my tank!

I just checked the weather maps, fuck all forecast going into next week!!!! I'm off to the shop to buy some bottled water. I'll need to get about 30L and that will see me through next week and while I'm away it had better f*ckin' rain!!

Just a quick pic I snapped this AM.....

In the far corner is my 2 branch SSH....I must of fucked the FIM on that one, or it didn't respond well. But those 2 branches are going to be FAT!!




Well-Known Member
I collect rain water to use in my garden. I have a 100L water butt and it is totally empty!! Damn it!!! Just f*ckin' rain will you. I can't actually remember the last time it rained where I live, it's been well over 2 weeks though.

I won't use my tap water. My tap water is proper hard and whilst canna design their nutes for tap water, my tap water has a really high EC before I add anything to it and I'm just not happy using it. I like rain water!!

So, to the rain gods, please, please, please, drop me some rain! Just a short downpour will be fine to fill up my tank!

I just checked the weather maps, fuck all forecast going into next week!!!! I'm off to the shop to buy some bottled water. I'll need to get about 30L and that will see me through next week and while I'm away it had better f*ckin' rain!!

Just a quick pic I snapped this AM.....

In the far corner is my 2 branch SSH....I must of fucked the FIM on that one, or it didn't respond well. But those 2 branches are going to be FAT!!


You got so much goin on there dude you'll be fine.
I do hate it though when 2 branches dominate! :evil: lol

I only use rain water here... nothing like it! ...and it never rains here. Precious stuff!
I have 450 litres devoted for grow only use.
My tap water runs at 450ppm it harder than hard. Rain water runs at 80ppm and that involves my roof lol.
You cannot beat rain water! It's full of extra goodies :hump:

Sorry you got to use the bought stuff... sad.


Well-Known Member
LOL - damn those branches! How dare they get so big!!

yeah man, I love using rain water, it's clean and totally free and not normally in short supply in the UK. But this high pressure is just stuck over us at the moment and it won't fuck off!!

450L man. That's a nice big tank. But I guess you need to stock up and store loads when you can, living where you do. I reckon I'll try and hook up a 2nd water butt sometime later this year so I don't get this problem again. I've been using rain water for ages years now and this is the first time I've been dry though! But I don't like it!!


Well-Known Member
Around here a 10,000L tank is a biggy lol. My ol' man has 2 of those babies!
450L is what you carry around in your back pocket for emergencies lol.
I have a 5000L and a small 450L for my flash money lol.

I can't believe you've ran out of water in one of the wetest places on earth lol.
Bloody global warming!


Well-Known Member
Around here a 10,000L tank is a biggy lol. My ol' man has 2 of those babies!
450L is what you carry around in your back pocket for emergencies lol.
I have a 5000L and a small 450L for my flash money lol.

I can't believe you've ran out of water in one of the wetest places on earth lol.
Bloody global warming!
I know.....LOL....who would of thought it.

A typical summer over here.......

Do you bury those huge tanks in the ground or have them in the roof/loft space??