How can I speed up finishing plants


Active Member
This is my first grow, one indoor plant, an indy (b-52). It's been on 12/12 for about 10 weeks. Soil with a combo of fluorescent & led, in a small indoor space. The buds look incredible, but they don't want to ripen. And, don't seem to be getting any bigger.

Is there a way to speed things up. Like, shorten light cycle, stop watering.... or just wait it out.

I admit, I'm anxious to start my new beans, but I'll wait as long as it takes to finish the current grow.

Appreciate any help anyone might have.


Well-Known Member
You can turn you light cycle to 10 hours LIGHT and 14 hours DARKNESS. Or even more drastic, like 8 hours LIGHT/ 16 DARK. Dont go lower than 8/16. This works, I write this by personal experience.

Also make sure you water properly.... let you soil become dry before you water again, and when you water make sure you put plenty of water. I like to put half the volume of the pot... like 1.5 gal of water if I'm working with a 3 gal. pot, but it is personal.



Active Member
I'm going to reduce light by 1/2 hr. every 2 or 3 days until I get to 8 hrs light. We'll see what happens then.


Well-Known Member
sell that schwaag and get some 400's.....LOL

but honestly just letem go..... you really cant speed up life ....

just fo two more weeks....

and get some pics......


Well-Known Member
shortening the light period isnt going to do anything but make your buds less potent... 12/12 and wait it out


Active Member
Thanks to all....okay, I'll stay with 12/12. No way to selling. If it turns out to be shwag, i'll flush it instead. Growing for stash is risky enough for my location. Not comfortable with 400's due to the heat. Can't chance a fire or the noise of a larger fan. And...I'm growing for taste, as well as high, so I'll wait another 10 weeks if I have to.


Well-Known Member
i got a 400hps....
used to have floros...
trust me its not that bad...the heat...

im very picky about my weed ....
and the floro....cfl route is never dank enufff...
at least i never got dank from floros....

good luck


Active Member
And...I'm growing for taste, as well as high, so I'll wait another 10 weeks if I have to.
This is the right mindset imho: if your plant is genetically programmed to go long, let her go long. Your patience will be rewarded ;)

I'm growing a sativa, it's week 16 flowering now... and she still have 1-2 weeks ahead, go figure!


Active Member
323cheezy: So, in your experience, the extra cost for powering the hps is worth it to get better stash? That's good to know. I was going to add more fluoro's next grow. It's a very small space, so a 250w should do.

I only smoke once a week, so it's got to be the most sticky, sweet, melt your brain shit. One hit, they'll have to scrape my face off the floor and send me straight to the psych ward.


Well-Known Member
by sinking a concrete core into the earth's mantle and attaching an Atlas Rocket Booster fueled by pure oxygen, you should be able to increase the rotation of the earth by a significant enuf percentage to spped up time ... then you will be finished faster than you can imagine .... j/k ..... be patient.


Well-Known Member
If you're shortening days don't add to the dark period, that defeats the whole purpose. The reason for shortening the light period is so that the overall day is shorter. By going to a 8/12 schedule you effectively remove 4 hours off every day and so the days cycle more quickly. Your plants need a certain number of 12-hour darkness periods before they are ripe. You shorten the days so that you can get that required number more quickly. Plants are not by their intrinsic nature bound to a 24 hour day, that just happens to be what nature provides.