I definitely agree with everyone here. You say your parents smoke and do drugs and that they are hypocrites? They own the house, they are the ones that risk losing it, they are the ones above 18 who face increased penalties, they are your legal guardians and thus responsible for you and your actions. They aren't hypocrites, you are just too dumb to realize the difference. So you are telling me that you will NEVER show a friend, NEVER mention it, and always have a great excuse to how you just managed to show up with some great bud that most know you would not be able to afford? All of these are potential risks that can bring attention not previously there to your home, you growing in general is more risk to your house, something that was not there with just your parents illegal activity. If your house is searched because of your actions your parents likely will be caught for their activities as well. Grow outdoors next year where your parents aren't as likely to be screwed over from you. Kids don't realize how much easier life is when you have a good relationship with your parents/family. Not only for the time when you live in their house but also when you are on your own. Family is something you should always be able to count on and the best way to destroy a good relationship is by breaking their trust with such activities.