wtf is everyone bitching about? it still is possible to get herb at $25 an ounce. its called mexican brick weed, $600 a pound kids it dont get no cheaper than that. unfortunatly most people dont want to smoke the mexi they want the high quality top genetics that takes alot of time,money and experience to grow. you see i will help out a legitamite "patient in need" but the fact of the matter is most of the "patients" out there are able bodied people with jobs and a personal life that dont want to be bothered with growing or are to lazy and unmotivated to learn how. now answer me this. why should i donate my time and money to supply an able bodied patient that has the time, money and ability to grow their own medicine but choos to go to a dispencery instead because they dont want the risk, headache and financial burden that goes along with growing. and anybody that thinks highgrade should be $25 an ounce has never had to hand trim a few pounds in 2-3 days time.