Your numbers are not even close to actual costs. If you want to defend the prices - use real numbers.
Most growers grow at their home so the rent is not applicable, so take the $2400 to $3000 off the top.
Even if they rented a place it wound not be for just a pound every 100 days - it would be for major weight so the rent numbers are a joke.
Electric costs per 1000 watts:
1000 watts x 18 hours per day is $2.34 per day x 30 days veg. is $70.20
1000 watts x 12 hours per day is $1.56 per day x 70 days bloom is $109.20
Water: - $180 to $300
Nope - Most growers use tap water, just a few bucks - $50
We will use your numbers $150
Nope - Most growers dont use it.
Actual cost: less than $400 per 100 watts.
Add your labor:
1 hour per day per 1000 watts x 100 days is 100 hours x $25 per hour is $2500 per 1000 watts.
Total cost including your labor is less than $3000 per 1000 watts:
So a competent grower is still making $1450 to $3700 per 1000 watts on top of the $2500 for his time.
Actual compensation: $3950 to $6200 every 100 days per each 1000 watts for an hour per day investment.
There are variables that can change the above numbers, but these numbers are much more realistic than what you quoted.