

Well-Known Member
lol, a 100 bottle is 4.50 here. so thats 2500 mg a bottle. more than enough for even the most tolerant users. a bottle last me bout 2 days. i also take em cuz of my teeth though. when they hurt really bad it seems only 20 or more will make the pain go away.(i have the worst teeth you've ever seen. i put my body through hell when i was addicted to adderall (and had a huge script to fill every month).

tea tree

Well-Known Member
whoa dude, I just searched sigma for LSD and they have it! Can I order it? lol, on preliminary looking it says I cant in canada and regulated by somebody elsewhere, looks like us something. So what is the deal? I want!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have like 10 different varitities.


Well-Known Member
probally gotta have a licence or something. or it wont ship to certain countries(u.s. being one of them). i dont see them sending you lsd if u live in the u.s.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
whoa dude, I just searched sigma for LSD and they have it! Can I order it? lol, on preliminary looking it says I cant in canada and regulated by somebody elsewhere, looks like us something. So what is the deal? I want!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have like 10 different varitities.
If you're in the US, you need a DEA Schedule I License to posess Scheduled substances (in this case a Schedul I substance).


Well-Known Member
I took 500mg and it did nothing but give me the most unconfortable feeling like I needed to fuck mad bitches haha. But ironically I could not figure out how to get my dick hard!!! I was very angry to say the least.
Lol that sound like when we use to take lots of nobese (diet pills).