Been going on for 3 weeks! Please help, +REP


dude i will bet you any amount of money that curling is heat stress, god dammit im TELLING you what it is, ive done this shit 100 times, plants do nut curl upward like that for any reason other than to much RADIANT/AMBIENT heat on them (go ahead and look that up if you dont know what it is) god damn az tells you trying to help, i tell you trying to help and you tell us no? why the fuck ask? we're here trying to help, az nor i care if you get 1 bud off those plants how does it directly affect us? we're just trying to offer a helping hand because we KNOW what it is, weve SEEN it before in our prior grows, we know this stuff from experience, not because the lightbulb is to far away from the plant for it to happen, can you ask the plant that question? how do you know radiant heat isnt building up in one area and theres nothing you can do about it causing them to curl exactly like they are....sorry if you become upset but dontask for help then tell us we're wrong without any actual facts other than:''the worst one if the furthest away from the bulb''...weak :peace:


Active Member
dude i will bet you any amount of money that curling is heat stress, god dammit im TELLING you what it is, ive done this shit 100 times, plants do nut curl upward like that for any reason other than to much RADIANT/AMBIENT heat on them (go ahead and look that up if you dont know what it is) god damn az tells you trying to help, i tell you trying to help and you tell us no? why the fuck ask? we're here trying to help, az nor i care if you get 1 bud off those plants how does it directly affect us? we're just trying to offer a helping hand because we KNOW what it is, weve SEEN it before in our prior grows, we know this stuff from experience, not because the lightbulb is to far away from the plant for it to happen, can you ask the plant that question? how do you know radiant heat isnt building up in one area and theres nothing you can do about it causing them to curl exactly like they are....sorry if you become upset but dontask for help then tell us we're wrong without any actual facts other than:''the worst one if the furthest away from the bulb''...weak :peace:
I didn't realize I told you "no", actually what I recall saying is that I will raise the light a few inches to see. And you need to FUCK OFF and calm the fuck down.


Active Member
Yup...underwatering gets my vote!!! You must see run off every time you water...maybe not every time you feed, but every time you water without nutes for sure. Gets all past nute buildup out and keeps all the roots nice and moist

They will snap right back after a good watering...good lookin plants BTW...are they sexed yet??
No not sexed.

By the way your soil has time release nutes. Be careful they can quickly turn toxic and flushing will only make the problem worse. I would recommend giving them RO water until they "ask" for nutes, you will notice when. They are small yet so no worries.


EDIT: Saw this thread and thought of your problem.
Thanks a lot for that thread!


Active Member
By the way your soil has time release nutes. Be careful they can quickly turn toxic and flushing will only make the problem worse. I would recommend giving them RO water until they "ask" for nutes, you will notice when. They are small yet so no worries.


EDIT: Saw this thread and thought of your problem.
BTW, it doesn't have time release nutes in it from my research, but even so it doesn't look like nute burn to me?!?


Well-Known Member
Given I see ZERO burning on any leaves its very low chance to be nute or heat problems. Unless your light is burning the leaves, MJ will just grow slower in high temps, it starts getting messed up around 100F.

I had this problem in my first grow, you are overwatering. The reason the plants in front are curling and the ones in back are not is because heat is staying trapped in the back of your grow space and drying out the dirt more. Your plants can dry out pretty extremely before they are seriously damaged. Wet/dry cycles work very well for MJ given thats how their natural environment is. Saturating your root ball then letting it completely dry is a great way to veg your plants. When the soil gets dry, the roots go looking for water. This expands your root system and oxygenates the soil, additionally when it is finally watered the root system has expanded enough you can gain inches overnight from the explosion of power from the expanded roots.

Buy yourself a soil moisture meter, they're under 10. Experiment with a wet/dry cycle and see how your plants respond the best. Soaked roots are the business of hydro growers, soil can dry out!!

Best of luck
that was very cool... u deserve +reps even if it didn't help - but I bet it does


I know for a fact it isn't heat stress. I had a fan on them, took it off and no difference, not better or worse. Like I said this is a 400w mh in a cooltube with temps of 78F at a height of 10 inches above canopy, so not heat stress.

first of all, you shouldnt tell anyone to fuck off, that is most certainly rude and no matter what someone says to you its not very nice :neutral: second of all, you did say no friend, az told you, its heat stress, i reinforce his statement by saying ''yes definitley heat stress''....becuase i have seen it before, many times actually, from my own experience i am pulling this from attempting to help you. you reply by saying above, you know for a fact and you say ''so not heat stress'' how is that saying no its not heat stress i dont understand if your not saying that what are you saying?


Well-Known Member
here's a pic of a buddy's plant that got too hot under the you can clearly see there's no signs of a burn...just too hot....rasied the lights an fixed itself



Active Member
I just had this problem with my plants. and I narrowed it down to either heat stress of too much humidity. I moved the plants to another room with it was better ventilated and was less humid and hte new growth was not cupping. I think you will be fine and have not permanently damaged the plant. The new growth on mine looks good but the old growth has remained cupped. good luck!


Well-Known Member
BTW, it doesn't have time release nutes in it from my research, but even so it doesn't look like nute burn to me?!?
I never said you had nutrient burn, I am just warning you about over fertilisation for the future. Organic time release nutes have a tendency to sneak up on people and poison the plant. This is from their website directly about the soil, it should read the same on the back of the bag, your soil most definately has nutes in it (as that is what the organic part in the name implies):

Miracle Grow said:
Miracle-Gro® Organic Choice® Potting Mix

Delivers twice the growth of ordinary potting soil naturally! Contains both starting and slow-release fertilizer which feeds for up to 3 months.

How to Use

Add to the bottom of a pot with drainage holes. If re-potting, use a container that is one size larger than the old one. Insert the plant stem or root ball into the pot and fill with more Potting Mix, pressing soil down lightly. Water thoroughly and allow to drain. Do not let pot sit in drainage water.
When to Apply

Use when potting or repotting indoor or outdoor plants in containers.
Where to Use

Best for growing potted or container plants and vegetables. Miracle-Gro Organic Choice Potting Mix contains a special blend of all-natural ingredients designed to help container plants and vegetables thrive.
Where Not to Use

In-ground plants, vegetables and flowers.

Contains a blend of all-natural, organic ingredients: sphagnum peat moss and composted bark fines Natural fertilizers provide both quick- and slow-release feeding to get plants off to a fast start and keep them growing Delivers twice the growth of ordinary potting soil naturally
Fertilizer Analysis

0.10 - 0.05 - 0.05


Active Member
I never said you had nutrient burn, I am just warning you about over fertilisation for the future. Organic time release nutes have a tendency to sneak up on people and poison the plant. This is from their website directly about the soil, it should read the same on the back of the bag, your soil most definately has nutes in it (as that is what the organic part in the name implies):
Yeah I read that it had a minuscule amount, however I didn't think it was any type of time release. Thanks for the heads up though, I will keep an eye out for over fertilizing.


Active Member
first of all, you shouldnt tell anyone to fuck off, that is most certainly rude and no matter what someone says to you its not very nice :neutral: second of all, you did say no friend, az told you, its heat stress, i reinforce his statement by saying ''yes definitley heat stress''....becuase i have seen it before, many times actually, from my own experience i am pulling this from attempting to help you. you reply by saying above, you know for a fact and you say ''so not heat stress'' how is that saying no its not heat stress i dont understand if your not saying that what are you saying?
I apologize for telling you to fuck off. I was already very pissed before I read your post, therefore I came to a hasty conclusion that you were playing "beat the newb". Finally, I hate any type of argument in life, and arguments online are 10x worse, therefore let us be men and call truce.:peace:

here's a pic of a buddy's plant that got too hot under the you can clearly see there's no signs of a burn...just too hot....rasied the lights an fixed itself
Thanks Azgrow for that very relevant photo. Like I said, I am a newb and was unaware that heat stress could manifest itself as anything other than burning. I have already moved my cooltube fixture up 3 more inches yesterday.

The only thing I can not get my head around, is the fact that it is only happening to two of the six plants, and it is the two furthest from the bulb!


Well-Known Member
A bit of advice, some of us grow with a "less is more" approach to growing, your better underfeeding your plant than overfeeding because once the damage is done you cannot go back. I would avoid using any nutes at all until your plants are not a healthy shade of green. Just my .02, I had to learn that the hard way.More nutes does not mean a bigger healthier plant.



Active Member
A bit of advice, some of us grow with a "less is more" approach to growing, your better underfeeding your plant than overfeeding because once the damage is done you cannot go back. I would avoid using any nutes at all until your plants are not a healthy shade of green. Just my .02, I had to learn that the hard way.More nutes does not mean a bigger healthier plant.

Thanks for that dubb. Since I have moved the light further away, the plants new growth still is growing like that. Therefore it mustn't be heat.


Well-Known Member
i love when people make a change an expect things to fix you said you caused this for three weeks..what makes you think the damage would go away in 40 hours??


Active Member
i love when people make a change an expect things to fix you said you caused this for three weeks..what makes you think the damage would go away in 40 hours??
True true, I'll give it more time. Thanks.