led rope light?


Well-Known Member
well i got these led rope lights and it says its 54 wats per strand and i got 2 or 3 strands of them so thats like 100+ watts of led light..wud this be good for ne stage for one plant if i coiled them togerther so it sits over the plant?


Active Member
That would be awesome of rope lights could be used for growing considering you could weave them under the plant as well for some killer light. Lemme know if you find anything out!


Well-Known Member
Definatly not.
u sure cuz it gives off 54 watts of led light per straind and if i use 3 that wud help rite? cuz ima use a 23 watt florescent bulb and these 3 strainds above it like around it so it gets light all over and btw i only got one plant... so shud it work


Well-Known Member
wrap it around the plant, hang garland for reflectivity, and then put an angel on top.



Active Member
yeh wrong kind of light.
and you'd have to use a lot of them really close.
that would be bad cause those mofo's put out a shit ton of heat


Well-Known Member
oh relle? cuz ive heard of ppl growing wit led lights on here or said they were gona or sumtin
those were LED grow lights, not LED rope lights. LED grow lights are actually a specific light wavelength that plants use to photosynthesize and to flower. their current high price and lack of evidence supporting their effectiveness have prohibited them from going mainstream.