i just bought 100 dollars worth of glass


Well-Known Member
I am just waiting for a oil peice and I will jump on it.
I still the peice with you're sig.
Did'nt you mentoin posible little seed jar's
Or am I really high. Wait I already know the answer 2 the second part.


Well-Known Member
you never know until you try tho!!

i have to say i am amazed you have kept that jar of kief around that long... i tend to over indulge and would have had it gone by now... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
The colors in that one are awesome!! I like the shape too. bongsmilie
thanks. the stem is "persimmon strike", i have been working with it for 2 weeks now trying to figure the colors out. i think i finally got it. by using different flames i can get different colors to come out. i can also tweak my kiln cycles to get a lot of colors to strike. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
it cracked overnight. i had a feeling it would. anything sparkly wants to crack. the silver pearl is an opalescent sparkly color. :cry:

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