• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

i have been wronged


Well-Known Member
is it really worth the trouble you'll get in if you get caught? not only will be disgraced and jobless, you'll have jail time and court costs and probally probation to deal with. take a couple big hits and think it over.....is it really worth it?
edit-forgot restitution on the list......
i will give u the benefit of the doubt and pretend i didnt see option #1 up there btw. anyone who would do that does not deserve to even ever smoke weed or have anything to do with it. i understand your upset though so i forgive you.


She had a witness, she said she was going to press charges and i just wanted to get outta there.

Dude, that was a HUGE mistake. You totally admitted guilt by paying her money. So now when you go do this revenge plot, they'll all probably know, or at least have a pretty good idea, who did it.

So I would suggest just waiting a few months. If you really feel like you have to do something about this in like 2 or 3 months, then obviously you should, and at that time it'll be a lot less obvious! Plus, you can use the time to come up with better plans. What you wanna do is make sure nobody gets hurt, that's probably the most important thing. But you gotta do something to make up for a couple hundred bucks right? How much did you say it was?

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
wow, you basically admitted guilt by paying and leaving with your tail firmly tucked between your legs.

its like when those guys said the priests touched them and the catholic church paid them millions as long as no one got called a pedophile....everybody knows those padre's were peepee-touchers.

i have been accused of stealing money from a job before. i made a rediculous scene in front of customers about how little i needed thier measly $50 dollars and how little i needed thier BS job.... i got an apology and a raise.

now im a independant contractor and EVERYBODY thinks im stealing from them!:hump:


Well-Known Member
Step back and let the situation work itself out.

Only a low down, dirty, no good, son of a motherfucker would choose option #1.

Option #2 is not much better.

If something you did resulted in what happened to you, let it go.

If you were truly wronged, the guilty party will be dealt with by life. Ultimately betrayed by his or her own actions.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member

Heres what went down....
I've worked at this restaurant for over 4 years.
i started as a dishwasher and worked my way up to cooking/delivering food. I love the people i work with and i always go home with at least 30-35 bucks cash from tips, 90 on a really good night. Well there are a few people who do the same thing i do, cook one day and deliver another day.
Well 3 weeks ago we had someone quit; then they hired a new guy.
I still dont fully understand what happened, but when you deliver you get a change bag with a over 100$ in cash.
The new guy the set his on the dish rack, and forgot it on the dish rack. When he came back, it was gone.
Thats when they call the cops.........Wait let me go get high and i'll finish in a sec
The cops came and searched us and our cars.
I had some weed in my car but its in a blown speaker i cut open right next to the rear window.
After I agreed to search so i wouldnt loose my job ;
I was told one of the chefs that night said they saw the bag their, And saw me Take out the trash Around that time. She told me She wanted me to give back all the money and I was fired.
And that bag had a couple hundred dollars in checks from the deliverys that night. I Said i dont care about the money hell, I'll even pay you for the stat money; i couldn't cash the checks anyways but i didnt do it.
And it so funny because i Think the guy who said he thought I could have taken it. Is an illegal immigrant. He can't speak very much english, he's a nice guy with two jobs and probably thought he'd get the shaft because of his race.
So she started making a seen and saying she would press charges if i didn pay her.
So I gave her what was in the bag at the start, and she agree'd not to press charges.
I was fired, then i left.
OK, let's see....

You're a four year employee, he's new. But it's automatically assumed that the "old" guy took advantage of the new guy's error by stealing the misplaced money bag. The new guy's "I forgot it on the dish rack and when I came back it was just gone!" story was bought on the spot; even though he was the last person to have had the bag in his hands.

You took out the trash (I'm assuming this is something you do often at said job?), so therefore you took the money bag.

Car searched, weed in broken car speaker; never stated if weed was found. Most importantly for this situation, it's never mentioned what is and is not found in your car RE: money bags and/or their contents.

What evidence was there against you? Aside from an "illegal immigrant" (assumed because his English isn't great) who's generally a nice guy but on this occasion lied about seeing you with the stolen goods to cover his own ass because of his race?

You "gave back" what was in the bag at the start so she would agree not to press charges. Well hell, if you "gave back" money you didn't steal, no one would have reason to press charges unless one wanted to go through an entire investigation and court case. And if you'd taken the bag, giving back what was in it at the start of the shift wouldn't be a complete loss, as you'd still have pocketed some "free" money. No charges pressed, no criminal or arrest record. And unemployment can possibly now be collected as you didn't quit your job.

You admitted guilt by "giving back" money that you insist you didn't steal, instead of standing your ground and demanding that either the bag itself or else evidence of who stole the bag be found, resulting in your name being cleared and your job remaining intact.

You had a lot to lose, but lost only your job and your dignity in the eyes of people you won't be seeing anymore.

Then you say you want revenge on.... whom.... the boss, the "illegal immigrant" who ratted you out, the new guy who shouldn't have left the bag where he did in the first place.... who is "deserving" of this revenge you crave?

Further, you're saying you were fired for a crime you didn't commit, but you're contemplating planting evidence on someone in order for that person to be prosecuted for a crime s/he didn't commit. Hypocrisy much?!

How have you been "wronged" when you admitted guilt instead of insisting on your innocence (which you are until proven guilty in a court of law, and you claim there was no evidence against you)? How is taking revenge going to "right" a situation in which you admitted guilt?

Either you're the victim of an elaborately planned conspiracy in a small restaurant for a few bucks, or you saw an opportunity and took it believing that the new guy (or the "illegal" guy) would be implicated instead of you: the long-term loyal employee.

Even if it's the former, I wouldn't just give in and admit guilt by handing over money I didn't steal and getting fired for a crime I didn't commit. I further wouldn't consider getting revenge on others because I didn't believe enough in my innocence along with the lack of evidence against me.

You made the deal. The only person to be mad at is yourself for giving in without any solid evidence against you.

Only a low down, dirty, no good, son of a motherfucker would choose option #1.

Option #2 is not much better.

If something you did resulted in what happened to you, let it go.

If you were truly wronged, the guilty party will be dealt with by life. Ultimately betrayed by his or her own actions.
And, what he said. :clap: Every person I've ever known who's done shitty things to others have paid in spades sooner or later, without a shred of revenge taken. What we put out comes back to us. "Karma" isn't reserved for mysticism; I'm an atheist, and I use the word "karma" often. It simply means for every cause there is an effect, and for every effect there is a cause.

So the question is, do you want to bring "bad karma" onto yourself by doing something shitty? Or wouldn't you rather have your "revenge" by knowing (and possibly having opportunity to witness and/or hear about) that those who have "wronged" you will get theirs on their own, without you needing to have your hand in it and bringing more "bad karma" onto yourself?

Keep in mind.... there is justice, and there is vengeance. The former works and stays in balance the majority of the time, whereas the latter only invites more "negative karma" if you will.


Medical User

Well-Known Member
Take EGG: poke hole in egg with sharp object small hole (needles work better if you have any (diabetic) remove egg discard, fill egg with break fluid close hole with wax. toss egg at car brake fluid will eat away paint when washed off


New Member
Absolutely your fault.

She had a witness, to WHAT?? That a bag was somewhere, then it was gone and you took out some trash at the same time?

Even if he saw you with the money bag, it's your word against his. There was no evidence according to you, but you assumed guilt by your actions. That was stupid.


dont every assume your boss wont lie to you in order to get you fired

my first job, cold stone creamery

boss takes me aside and says

"we had some one call in on our complaint line (which doesnt exist) and complain that you were hitting on them and trying to ask them out, they mentioned you by name"

there are multiple reasons why this situation is impossible,

1. as stated before, there is no complaint line

2. how could they mention me by name if i didnt even have a name tag yet

3. im WAY too shy to hit a chick that just walked in... its not me, and never will be me, so i KNOW that what he is saying is impossible

that didnt stop him from lying to face and firing me

so on the way out with a store full of people i said "HEY BOSS" and when he looked i flipped his ass off and walked out

seriously, what he did equates to farting in an elevator and blaming it on the only other person in the elevator

lied to my face and expected me not to know


Well-Known Member

Because that would be vengeance rather than justice? :lol: I doubt that his having admitted guilt by "paying back" the money that was in the bag at the start of the shift would help his case any, if the labor board would even bother once that part is revealed.


Well-Known Member

Because that would be vengeance rather than justice? :lol: I doubt that his having admitted guilt by "paying back" the money that was in the bag at the start of the shift would help his case any, if the labor board would even bother once that part is revealed.
lol, I meant Keenly, talking about being fired over a call to the complaint line that doesn't exist. The OP already fucked himself by admitting guilt.


Well-Known Member
this was 4 years ago there isnt much i can do about it now =/
Why didn't you go at the time?

My first job, the company shut down all of a sudden, one day we all got a call from our manager saying not to come to work. They never paid us, and the last paychecks we had all received the week before bounced.

So my employer owed me like...$400, I THINK, maybe even less. Went to the labor board, filed a complaint and had a hearing and was awarded over $4,000 for them not paying me that $400.