Coco grow - Super Silver Haze, Blue Cheese and Trainwreck


Well-Known Member
may i join? great thread thus far. i can SMELL the quality bud your going to produce already. kudos my friend.
if i may ask what does ec stand for? ( im sure is hould know by now i've been lurkin riu for ages)! lol


Well-Known Member
double jealous :(:( seriously i have 4 flagstones and spome stairs not even a foot square of grass i miss me garden so much. im movin after xmas n a garden is in the must have list... i want a greenhouse big time grapes and tommies. if i get space some chickens would be awesome.

are they much bother to look after?

We bought a 2 bedroom unit when we first got married and lived there for 3 years.
I fucken hated the confinement coming from a farming background.
We bought a big 3 bedroom house on a 1000 sqm block a few years ago and it's the shit! :hump:

Chicken basically look after themselves Don.
They eat everything you would normally throw away and supply you with fertilizer and eggs.
Love the little buggers!


Well-Known Member
double jealous :(:( seriously i have 4 flagstones and spome stairs not even a foot square of grass i miss me garden so much. im movin after xmas n a garden is in the must have list... i want a greenhouse big time grapes and tommies. if i get space some chickens would be awesome.

are they much bother to look after?
Yeah, you'll need a little more garden that that. They're no bother at all man. The neighbours even enjoy them and their eggs as well. Keeping neighbours sweet is always good.

I want a much bigger garden too, a small holding if I'm honest. I want to grow more veg, have a greenhouse, and keep pigs and goats as well as loads more chickens. A bit of the good life!

may i join? great thread thus far. i can SMELL the quality bud your going to produce already. kudos my friend.
if i may ask what does ec stand for? ( im sure is hould know by now i've been lurkin riu for ages)! lol
Thanks mate. You are most welcome! :joint:

EC = Electical's another measure of the nutrient content. Like ppm (parts per million). Or TDS (total disolved solids). Most people on here use ppm, I've always just used EC.

We bought a 2 bedroom unit when we first got married and lived there for 3 years.
I fucken hated the confinement coming from a farming background.
We bought a big 3 bedroom house on a 1000 sqm block a few years ago and it's the shit! :hump:

Chicken basically look after themselves Don.
They eat everything you would normally throw away and supply you with fertilizer and eggs.
Love the little buggers!
They are so entertaining and easy going. I love watching them take dust baths. Too funny!! And when I get home from work and go outside, they all come running/flying over like nutters to see what you've got for them. Very sociable and friendly creatures. Totally adorable.


Well-Known Member
A reference shot.......

This will be a new weekly update to my journal. My plants are pretty fixed in position now, so this should be a reliable reference to monitor progress of growth and bud development over the coming weeks. It is a TW branch.



Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man i've always fancied the 'good life' id love to be self sufficient not have to live on the grid but i think id miss the internet hahahaha

are chucks noisy?


Well-Known Member
man i've always fancied the 'good life' id love to be self sufficient not have to live on the grid but i think id miss the internet hahahaha

are chucks noisy?
some breeds are more noisey than others. Leg horns for example.....remember foghorn leghorn? I say, I say.....

'foghorn' for a reason!LOL...they are prolific layers though, so no wonder they're noisey. Ours just cluck a bit, and it's usually egg laying related. But generally they are quiet and they don't make loads of noise in the mornings when we let them out. the neighbours dogs make more noise!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
awesome now all i have to do is persuade the missus that chickens would be more beneficial than a cat!

aint seen foghorn leghorn in donkeys man..... i love all the old toons


Well-Known Member
how much you expecting out of your box? you got a 400 or a 600 in there? n how many babes?
9 plants and I have a 600W HPS, plus a couple of 125W red enviros which I've been running for the last week. So I'm running 850W in total now. That branch in the previous reference pic has an entire enviro close up to it on it's shadowy side. It can only help!!

In terms of final yield, I have had a thought about it, but I'm not going to say what that was. I don't want to jinx it! My only goal right now is to keep these plants real healthy and vigorous with maximum light penetration. I figure that if I can do that, then I won't be dissapointed with the yield, whatever that is. And as I'm not a commercial grower, the weight isn't that important to me. I just like to have full jars, who cares what they weigh! LOL

It will be plenty for x-mas and new year though! :mrgreen: And I reckon I will have more trim than I've ever had, so extra bubble hash as well!

oh and btw....we have cats too. Chickens vs cats......Chickens win!! LOL....The cats stay clear now. But they like to watch them from a far and occasionally run at them, or past them to wind them up a bit. It's all good fun though.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
good work man 9 under a 600 should ensure massive buds! especially with your extra enviro's!

should be a boat load of ganja for xmas man too right!

id never have backed chickens against a cat man they must be fierce :lol:


Well-Known Member
good work man 9 under a 600 should ensure massive buds! especially with your extra enviro's!

should be a boat load of ganja for xmas man too right!

id never have backed chickens against a cat man they must be fierce :lol:
A boat load! LOL....that's what I'm hoping for, yeah!

The chickens......they could take out a cats eye with their beaks man. Chickens have amazing vision and speed, you should see them snatch flies. Add flapping wings to an accurate beak attack and the cats are somewhat put off! The chickens are most vulnerable at the end of the day when they get sleepy. they're proper smacked up and docile in the dark and are easy pickings for anything that fancies a bite. Broody chickens are vulnerable too. But ours are always locked up by dark though, they just take themselves to bed and we shut them in.


Well-Known Member
aint we all fella!! happy days or happy daze rather.

enough chicken talk its making me hungry
yeah, we're getting a bit off topic here eh?! Lets bring it back shall we......

Another of my Trainwrecks........I really love how theses are growing.....


I take pics of them every day so I can look at them when my lights are off. sad is that! I sometimes spot a gap or bit of space that I can train a branch into, then I go fix it up the next day.



Well-Known Member
I take pics of them every day so I can look at them when my lights are off. sad is that! I sometimes spot a gap or bit of space that I can train a branch into, then I go fix it up the next day.
Sad? Shit I do that all the time.
Glad I'm not alone lol.
It's the only thing I hate about 12/12.
Only 12 hrs to look at the plants! :lol:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah i know i shouldnt but i keep a pic or two of my girls on me phone for the same reason hahaha

ive just been for some new batteries for me led torch. got it from maplins for a couple of bar bought a green LED swapped the one in the torch n now you can look at your babes in the dark no prob!

TW is a devastating strain no quality compromise on good yield which seems to be the norm


Well-Known Member
Sad? Shit I do that all the time.
Glad I'm not alone lol.
It's the only thing I hate about 12/12.
Only 12 hrs to look at the plants! :lol:
and out of those 12 hours, I only get about 2 hours with my plants as I run my lights during the night for perfect temps and cheaper electric. So it has to be a morning routine for me. But I love it! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hahah i know i shouldnt but i keep a pic or two of my girls on me phone for the same reason hahaha

ive just been for some new batteries for me led torch. got it from maplins for a couple of bar bought a green LED swapped the one in the torch n now you can look at your babes in the dark no prob!

TW is a devastating strain no quality compromise on good yield which seems to be the norm we all do it then.....oh good, not so sad afterall... hahahaha.....I used to keep pics on my phone too and some grow room videos. Then my brother in law was checking my phone out one day and came across one of them. Thank f*ck it was a family memeber and not someone from work or a gobby mate. He is now part of my very small and trusted network. But I don't keep pics on my phone anymore.