White Widow 30 days into flower

Hello! Ive always used this forum to get my info and I finally decided to sign up and see what people thought.
Me and my buddy started growing about a year ago and we are on our 3rd grow. The first 2 were just to learn what we were doing so we just used bag seed and from there we have slowly built up.
Now we are growing white widow from http://www.marijuana-seeds.nl We also have crystal and ice seeds that we got from the same package deal.
My first question is does anyone have experience with these seeds and are they lagit? The site does not tell anything at all about them so it makes me a little nervous. But it shipped quickly and seems ok as of yet.
The second thing is I wanted to post some pictures and get some feed back. We are growing in a 3x3x5 grow closet that we constructed with 10 100watt equivalent CFLs spread out over the plants and a couple plant lights we bought from walmart. I know that we need better and we are working on it but this will have to due for now. We have a flood drain setup that floods every 2 hours of lights on using Sensi Grow flowering nuets and keep it PHed around 5.8-6.0. The only major problem is the closet stays in the 90s because of the lights.
We flowered for a little under 30 days before moving her to flower and she has been in flowering for exactly 30 days today. (also have 2 crystal plants that just started but they are uninteresting right now)
What does everyone think? Ive seen pictures of people frowing WW before and they had massive buds. I know we arent that good nor do we have the proper lighting, but will we get anywhere near that? How much do ya think were lookin at? Will they get any bigger than they are now? Ive read about 60-70 days flowering WW but how much longer does it look like? All sudgestions are welcome! Thanks in advance for any help.
Sorry the pictures suck I had to use an old crappy cell phone because we lost the cord to the cam.



Active Member
Hello! Ive always used this forum to get my info and I finally decided to sign up and see what people thought.
Me and my buddy started growing about a year ago and we are on our 3rd grow. The first 2 were just to learn what we were doing so we just used bag seed and from there we have slowly built up.
Now we are growing white widow from http://www.marijuana-seeds.nl We also have crystal and ice seeds that we got from the same package deal.
My first question is does anyone have experience with these seeds and are they lagit? The site does not tell anything at all about them so it makes me a little nervous. But it shipped quickly and seems ok as of yet.
The second thing is I wanted to post some pictures and get some feed back. We are growing in a 3x3x5 grow closet that we constructed with 10 100watt equivalent CFLs spread out over the plants and a couple plant lights we bought from walmart. I know that we need better and we are working on it but this will have to due for now. We have a flood drain setup that floods every 2 hours of lights on using Sensi Grow flowering nuets and keep it PHed around 5.8-6.0. The only major problem is the closet stays in the 90s because of the lights.
We flowered for a little under 30 days before moving her to flower and she has been in flowering for exactly 30 days today. (also have 2 crystal plants that just started but they are uninteresting right now)
What does everyone think? Ive seen pictures of people frowing WW before and they had massive buds. I know we arent that good nor do we have the proper lighting, but will we get anywhere near that? How much do ya think were lookin at? Will they get any bigger than they are now? Ive read about 60-70 days flowering WW but how much longer does it look like? All sudgestions are welcome! Thanks in advance for any help.
Sorry the pictures suck I had to use an old crappy cell phone because we lost the cord to the cam.
They look great! From what I can see, you've got a while to go on flowering - I'm thinking at least 4 weeks - probably more. This is when they will start to put on the serious weight. But don't ask for estimates on how much you will yield - it's kind of a jinx. Just wait and see.

Do you have fresh air flowing in and out of the closet? Pretty important. A constant exchange of fresh air will keep them growing.

You definitely need better lights...but make sure you solve the heat problem first...especially if you opt for HID's.

Good Luck


Active Member
Awhile back I was reading somewhere here on rollitup that their seed crop was old and germ rates weren't that great. But there were varied opinions, couldn't have just been the different methods of germination being applied. But since you haven't had that problem it seems ok...I suppose you could have trouble in the future with some of the other ones but the guys who claimed one hundred percent germ rate with their seeds soaked them in water for twenty fours first and then moved to the paper towel method I think. As far as weight and big buds, a lot of it is in the genetics of the plants but lighting is just as important in my opinion...I wouldn't expect phenominal yields or buds with cfl lighting though I'm sure it can be done with the proper set up.


Active Member
fresh air is going to help alot with the temps and will also help reduc your chance of mold. I would also suggest getting more lights, more cfl's will be fine. Your ladies look good too!
Thanks Rucha! Yeah I figured about another month or so. Its amazing that they grow almost twice as fast as the bag seed did. No, there is not constant fresh air flow because we are in an apartment and Im worried about the smell but i try to pop it open several times a day to cool it off and let some air in. But im kinda limited. But the closet that my setup is built in is 6x7x8 so its a decent sized room.

Sativa, I have actually had a 100% germ rate so far and I justed used a paper towel. The only complain is we planted 5 WW and only got 1 female. Those were sad days. But Im sure it was just the luck of the draw because ive heard of others having nearly all females through them. 2 out of the 3 crystal we planted were girls so that wasnt as bad. And the WW would not clone, that kinda sucked.

Able, Ive read that once you use so many CFLs its pointless to ad more. I think because the problem is not that they arent producing enough lumens, but that they dont penitrate through the leaves to the bottom of the plant. To cope with this I just hung some lights a little lower than the others. Can anyone shed and 'light' on this :mrgreen:

Thanks breakneck, you keepin a journal or have any pics..Id like to see. And no worries man, 3 days ago mine probably werent that full either. They just started plumping up so much. They look noticably better already from when I took those pictures last night.

This place is awesome. Thanks again for everyones help
So im flooding every 2 hours that the lights are on. (12 times a day 15 minutes each) Is this ok? It seems that everyone else does it way less, but When I was only doing it 3 or 4 times a day they didnt look as green.

Also im using my nuets according to the chart on the back. It seems noone else does this. They use 1/4 or 1/2 strength. I do have burnt tips but nothing too terrible. Will it get enough if I cut it down a bit?


Calyx LED
Thanks Rucha! Yeah I figured about another month or so. Its amazing that they grow almost twice as fast as the bag seed did. No, there is not constant fresh air flow because we are in an apartment and Im worried about the smell but i try to pop it open several times a day to cool it off and let some air in. But im kinda limited. But the closet that my setup is built in is 6x7x8 so its a decent sized room.

Sativa, I have actually had a 100% germ rate so far and I justed used a paper towel. The only complain is we planted 5 WW and only got 1 female. Those were sad days. But Im sure it was just the luck of the draw because ive heard of others having nearly all females through them. 2 out of the 3 crystal we planted were girls so that wasnt as bad. And the WW would not clone, that kinda sucked.

Able, Ive read that once you use so many CFLs its pointless to ad more. I think because the problem is not that they arent producing enough lumens, but that they dont penitrate through the leaves to the bottom of the plant. To cope with this I just hung some lights a little lower than the others. Can anyone shed and 'light' on this :mrgreen:

Thanks breakneck, you keepin a journal or have any pics..Id like to see. And no worries man, 3 days ago mine probably werent that full either. They just started plumping up so much. They look noticably better already from when I took those pictures last night.

This place is awesome. Thanks again for everyones help
Yeah man the link is in my signature.