A little advice please


Active Member
I am just about to start my first grow and my room is almost done. 6'8"w 10" long and 7" high. 2 -100w hps for flowering. I am using 100 % coco as my medium and was planning on using 12- 15 gal smart pots in two 4' x 4' trays. The problem is I can't fit 6 pots in the 4x4 trays. I will have a couple of inches of course coco in the trays with a submersable pump for drainage.
So I can go with 5 per tray or drop to 10 gal pots and do 6 plants per tray. Which would give a better yeild or will there be much of a difference?


Well-Known Member
10 gal pots should be plenty big enough.

what strain are you growing? feminized or clones? stable genetics?

my tid bit of advice for you is this; if its your first grow, hold off on the hydro and do a soil grow just to get the experience of a grow under your belt. hydro can be real unforgiving for a new grower, and if your growing good strain/genetic plants, id hate to see you waste your money on a few noobie skrew ups


Well-Known Member
I am just about to start my first grow and my room is almost done. 6'8"w 10" long and 7" high. 2 -100w hps for flowering. I am using 100 % coco as my medium and was planning on using 12- 15 gal smart pots in two 4' x 4' trays. The problem is I can't fit 6 pots in the 4x4 trays. I will have a couple of inches of course coco in the trays with a submersable pump for drainage.
So I can go with 5 per tray or drop to 10 gal pots and do 6 plants per tray. Which would give a better yeild or will there be much of a difference?

honestly, my advice to you goes as follows:

#1 drop the HUGE pots. go to something smaller but still a large pot. personaly i say square top, deep 5 gallon buckets.

#2 DONT GO HYDRO. for your first grow go with soil. soil is very forgiving and you can find MANY recipes for good organic soil on this forum. just goto "subcools oldschool organics".

#3 ditch the pumps, ditch the medium on the floor ditch everything that isen't NEEDED. line the room with mylar/panda film or visiqueen plastic and put the pots directly on the floor.

if you do it this way you will find your grow goes much smoother, and gets you stronger harvests VS trying to jump into hydro. soil is much more forgiving, much easier to prepair and moniter.

PLUS this way you can grow WAY more plants. id say go for 15-20 plants with a room that large.


Active Member
honestly, my advice to you goes as follows:

#1 drop the HUGE pots. go to something smaller but still a large pot. personaly i say square top, deep 5 gallon buckets.

#2 DONT GO HYDRO. for your first grow go with soil. soil is very forgiving and you can find MANY recipes for good organic soil on this forum. just goto "subcools oldschool organics".

#3 ditch the pumps, ditch the medium on the floor ditch everything that isen't NEEDED. line the room with mylar/panda film or visiqueen plastic and put the pots directly on the floor.

if you do it this way you will find your grow goes much smoother, and gets you stronger harvests VS trying to jump into hydro. soil is much more forgiving, much easier to prepair and moniter.

PLUS this way you can grow WAY more plants. id say go for 15-20 plants with a room that large.
Thank you for the advice. I should clarify that I was planning on using soil originally and a friend that owns a hydro- garden shop said that coco instead of soil is much better. She said to use it just like soil execpt I have to add the nutes. I definatly want to keep it simple and the only reason for the trays and pump is to remove excess water after feeding and incase I have to flush them at any point.

-If I put the pots on the floor, how will I deal with the water overflow?
-I have to stay under 12 plants per my perscription.
-The coco floor under the pots was just for drainage and possible extra roots throught the smart pots.

I definatly appreciate the advice that is why I am here. I guess I just want to do it right and if that means I need to start with soil then so be it. I actually thought that coco could be used like soil. So that shows how much I have to learn. I definalty do not want to try hydro for my first grow so I should have been more clear on that.
I only chose the smart pots again because I understand they are the best for oxygenating the soil and easy to flush.

I will look at the subcools olschool organics.


Active Member
10 gal pots should be plenty big enough.

what strain are you growing? feminized or clones? stable genetics?

my tid bit of advice for you is this; if its your first grow, hold off on the hydro and do a soil grow just to get the experience of a grow under your belt. hydro can be real unforgiving for a new grower, and if your growing good strain/genetic plants, id hate to see you waste your money on a few noobie skrew ups
thanks I will probably go with the 10 gallon like you said. I haven't bought the clones yet. I am going to the club this week to get them. It will depend on what they have, but I am going with some type of indica. I def am not trying hydro.. the coco was just a recommendation instead of soil or mixed 50/50 with soil.


Well-Known Member
thanks I will probably go with the 10 gallon like you said. I haven't bought the clones yet. I am going to the club this week to get them. It will depend on what they have, but I am going with some type of indica. I def am not trying hydro.. the coco was just a recommendation instead of soil or mixed 50/50 with soil.
you lucky NoCal bastard! i wish i could grow with as much legal ease as you. 10 gal might even be too big, ill bet you could get away with 5gal

enjoy your soil grow, few things to remember

dont bother getting Miracle gro

dont use any nutrients for a month, atleast 2 weeks

keep it simple!

good luck bro


Active Member
you lucky NoCal bastard! i wish i could grow with as much legal ease as you. 10 gal might even be too big, ill bet you could get away with 5gal

enjoy your soil grow, few things to remember

dont bother getting Miracle gro

dont use any nutrients for a month, atleast 2 weeks

keep it simple!

good luck bro
Ya, you gotta love it. Prop 215
Thanks for the tips! I already have a pool liner on the floor, I might just use some plastic water trays under the pots..keep it simple right? I will probably start a journal if you want to see how bad I mess this up...lol jk .. I better not after all the $$ its costing me to get started