Socialism Makes People Worse


Well-Known Member
By Dennis Prager

Throughout much of last week, hundreds of thousands of students in France were angrily protesting.
They have been joined by the major French labor unions, which are threatening a general strike.
And what is this all about?
It is all about a new law in France that allows a company to fire a person under the age of 26, without cause, within two years of being hired.
Wow. Imagine that. You might get fired from your first job.
As it happens, the whole point of the law was to encourage companies to hire young people. The unemployment rate among young people in France is 23 percent. And in many suburbs, it is double that. Meanwhile, French companies are understandably loath to hire 22-year-olds when they cannot fire them except "for cause," which under union rules means something like committing mass murder in the workplace.
What these massive demonstrations reveal is the narcissism, laziness and irresponsibility inculcated by socialist societies.
Enough generations of socialist policies have now passed for us to judge their effects. They are bleak. Socialism undermines the character of a nation and of its citizens. In simpler words, socialism makes people worse.
These young people in France really believe that they should be able to be hired at their tender ages and that a company must not be allowed to fire them from their first day at work (except "for cause," which, as we are learning in America, is increasingly difficult to establish). In America, most of us would call the French young people's attitudes "spoiled."
Socialism teaches its citizens to expect everything, even if they contribute nothing.
Socialism teaches its citizens that they have a plethora of rights and few corresponding obligations -- except to be taxed.
And that is why the citizens of less socialist -- and more religious -- America give more charity per capita and per income than do citizens of socialist countries. That is why Americans volunteer time for the needy so much more than citizens of socialist countries do. That is why citizens of conservative states in America give more charity than citizens of liberal states do. The more Left one identifies oneself on the political spectrum, the more that person is likely to believe that the state, not fellow citizens, should take care of the poor and the needy.
Under socialism, one is not only liberated from having to take care of oneself; one is also liberated from having to take care of others. The state will take care of me and of everybody else.
The same holds true for foreign affairs. Why did the conservative government of Spain support the American war against Saddam Hussein's Iraq and send troops there, while the Spanish socialists withdrew Spanish troops as soon as they were voted into office? Because the idea of risking one's life to bring freedom to others -- or to risk one's life for another nation for just about any reason -- is alien to the socialist mindset.
Similarly, in the great litmus test of moral acuity -- the Middle East -- socialist countries and parties virtually all line up behind the Palestinians. They do so either out of moral confusion or out of cowardice -- it takes a lot more courage to support Israel than to support the Palestinians and the whole Muslim world.
The socialist idea sounded altruistic to those who began it, and it sounds altruistic to the naive who believe in it today. In practice, however, it creates self-centered individuals and a narcissistic society. So while it may have begun as a way to help others, it has come to mean a way of evading responsibility for oneself and for others.
That is why France is so frightened of the utterly rational idea that a young person should have a two-year trial period at work before being granted a lifetime job. Such an innovation in France would mean that young people would have to work hard and earn the right to lifetime employment. But if socialism means anything, it means that one shouldn't have to earn anything. One merely has to breathe.
As much as America has been adversely affected by socialist thought, it is still inconceivable that in America hundreds of thousands of students would shut down their schools in order to gain the right not to be fired by the first company that hires them. But every time America's socialists, the Democrats, prevail in an election, we move in that direction. No matter how pure their motives, the Left makes America and its citizens less noble people, just like the spoiled French students.
what aload of bullshite and scare mongering. God forbid people stand up for their rights as workers ffs

The democrat party is socialist, dont make me laugh.

As Ive said before, why doesnt the writer go to palestine? He'll see what they go through. Alot more then israel have to. His right wing arse would be running for home. Scumbag.


Well-Known Member
what aload of bullshite and scare mongering. God forbid people stand up for their rights as workers ffs

The democrat party is socialist, dont make me laugh.

As Ive said before, why doesnt the writer go to palestine? He'll see what they go through. Alot more then israel have to. His right wing arse would be running for home. Scumbag.
Well said. +Rep.


Well-Known Member
By Dennis Prager

Throughout much of last week, hundreds of thousands of students in France were angrily protesting.
They have been joined by the major French labor unions, which are threatening a general strike.
And what is this all about?
It is all about a new law in France that allows a company to fire a person under the age of 26, without cause, within two years of being hired.
Wow. Imagine that. You might get fired from your first job.
As it happens, the whole point of the law was to encourage companies to hire young people. The unemployment rate among young people in France is 23 percent. And in many suburbs, it is double that. Meanwhile, French companies are understandably loath to hire 22-year-olds when they cannot fire them except "for cause," which under union rules means something like committing mass murder in the workplace.
What these massive demonstrations reveal is the narcissism, laziness and irresponsibility inculcated by socialist societies.
Enough generations of socialist policies have now passed for us to judge their effects. They are bleak. Socialism undermines the character of a nation and of its citizens. In simpler words, socialism makes people worse.
These young people in France really believe that they should be able to be hired at their tender ages and that a company must not be allowed to fire them from their first day at work (except "for cause," which, as we are learning in America, is increasingly difficult to establish). In America, most of us would call the French young people's attitudes "spoiled."
Socialism teaches its citizens to expect everything, even if they contribute nothing.
Socialism teaches its citizens that they have a plethora of rights and few corresponding obligations -- except to be taxed.
And that is why the citizens of less socialist -- and more religious -- America give more charity per capita and per income than do citizens of socialist countries. That is why Americans volunteer time for the needy so much more than citizens of socialist countries do. That is why citizens of conservative states in America give more charity than citizens of liberal states do. The more Left one identifies oneself on the political spectrum, the more that person is likely to believe that the state, not fellow citizens, should take care of the poor and the needy.
Under socialism, one is not only liberated from having to take care of oneself; one is also liberated from having to take care of others. The state will take care of me and of everybody else.
The same holds true for foreign affairs. Why did the conservative government of Spain support the American war against Saddam Hussein's Iraq and send troops there, while the Spanish socialists withdrew Spanish troops as soon as they were voted into office? Because the idea of risking one's life to bring freedom to others -- or to risk one's life for another nation for just about any reason -- is alien to the socialist mindset.
Similarly, in the great litmus test of moral acuity -- the Middle East -- socialist countries and parties virtually all line up behind the Palestinians. They do so either out of moral confusion or out of cowardice -- it takes a lot more courage to support Israel than to support the Palestinians and the whole Muslim world.
The socialist idea sounded altruistic to those who began it, and it sounds altruistic to the naive who believe in it today. In practice, however, it creates self-centered individuals and a narcissistic society. So while it may have begun as a way to help others, it has come to mean a way of evading responsibility for oneself and for others.
That is why France is so frightened of the utterly rational idea that a young person should have a two-year trial period at work before being granted a lifetime job. Such an innovation in France would mean that young people would have to work hard and earn the right to lifetime employment. But if socialism means anything, it means that one shouldn't have to earn anything. One merely has to breathe.
As much as America has been adversely affected by socialist thought, it is still inconceivable that in America hundreds of thousands of students would shut down their schools in order to gain the right not to be fired by the first company that hires them. But every time America's socialists, the Democrats, prevail in an election, we move in that direction. No matter how pure their motives, the Left makes America and its citizens less noble people, just like the spoiled French students.
Well said (quoted). +Rep.


Well-Known Member
That's some weird shit. :neutral: Even weirder than the + repped rant. :confused: If it reeks of rancid socialism and rancorous anti-rhetoric, plus rep it?
I couldn't give a crap about "ism's", to be honest. It was the comment about Palestine that got my +rep.


Well-Known Member
what aload of bullshite and scare mongering. God forbid people stand up for their rights as workers ffs

The democrat party is socialist, dont make me laugh.

As Ive said before, why doesnt the writer go to palestine? He'll see what they go through. Alot more then israel have to. His right wing arse would be running for home. Scumbag.
I totally agree.

Here in Canada, most companies have a probation period of 3 months where an employee's work is monitored, and at the 3 month point a company can decide if they want to hire the employee full time. That is reasonalbe. After that, the company needs a good reason for firing someone. 2 years is a little long to work for a company to be able to fire you without a good reason. And why do companies want that, so they can hire someone else at a lower wage. And what about that hard worker that gets fired? Most likely he is going to have to start over at another place getting paid below what he was getting. Is that fair for him/her?

And do you know why the french have rallies and country wide strikes? It is because they don't bend over and take it in the ass by their government/businesses like we do in North America. They stand up for themselves when they think that they are being treated unjust. An average french work week is 35 hours. Plus, most of them start off with 5 weeks vacation, YES 5 WEEKS. And studies have shown that the french are just as or more productive then people in the US. Also, sick days are unheard of in France. If your sick then your sick and there are no set number for how many sick days you get.

One of the worse things in North America is that we fear the government, while in Europe, the government fears the people.

And don't get me started on "socialisim makes people wore". That is the biggest load of shit I have ever heard. The reason why most "social" countries don't give as much to charities as americans is that most of the needy people in "social" countries are provieded for with government aid, which comes from taxes, which comes from people.

RickWhite couldn't be more wrong when he says that socialisim teaches people to be self centred. We have socail healthcare in Canada, and I couldn't be happier knowing that my hard earned money is going to fund a healthcare system that will give everyone in the country the care they need. Not just the ones who can pay for it.

Ever wonder why people from all around the world hate Americans, it is because they (NOT ALL, THERE ARE SOME COOL AMERICANS, MOSTLY DEMOCRATS) are the most self-centred people in the world and only care about their needs and not the needs of their neighbours. That is what socialisim is all about. People taking care of their fellow countrymen.

And as for the war in Iraq. AMERICA WENT IN THERE FOR THEIR OWN GAIN AND NOT TO "FREE" THE IRAQIES. I do respect all of the troops with my highest regards, they are all brave heros and deserve to be commended. They don't deserve to be sent into a country that poses no real threat just for monetary gain. If the US is so for freeing oppressed people, then why don't they go into Rawanda, or another African country that is preforming Genocide to certian races. It is because there is nothing to gain from those countries.

It's not away to evade responcibility, but a stand to keep things the way they are.

If it was up to the Right winged people in america, Gays would be executed, Blacks will be forced into slavery, Mexicans and Cubans will be shot as soon as they cross the border, the poor will serve as the workers for the rich for shit wages (even worse then now), no one would have benifits, pot would be abolished and substituted for a far more harmful pharmicutical drug that costs an arm and a leg, christains (who are suposed to be loving and forgiving to everyone) will criticize everyone who isn't like them, and any country with anything of value will be invaded so that the people of that nation can be "free".


Well-Known Member
I totally agree.

2 years is a little long to work for a company to be able to fire you without a good reason...And what about that hard worker that gets fired? Most likely he is going to have to start over at another place getting paid below what he was getting. Is that fair for him/her?
Socialism; it's a bitch.


Well-Known Member
But fanaticism is an "ism"...:roll:
If I had said at any point that i agreed with fanaticism, you may have had a valid argument. I just disagree with the wholesale torture and slaughter of innocent civilians, including children.

What "ism" does that label me as?


Well-Known Member
Socialism; it's a bitch.
I dont get your quote, my whole argument was for socialism, and how that kind of stuff doesn't happen in socialistic countries. It's not a bitch, but a way of life Americans will never apreaciate, unfortunatly.


Well-Known Member
Socialism makes people self-centered? Says who? Says YOU, who thinks poor people ought to die in the street if they can't afford health care - as long as YOU don't have to pay their way?

Wanting everyone to have a fair share is the opposite of self-centered. Wanting to keep the less fortunate down so YOU can feel successful IS self-centered.

Get a grip.


Well-Known Member
Socialism makes people self-centered? Says who? Says YOU, who thinks poor people ought to die in the street if they can't afford health care - as long as YOU don't have to pay their way?

Wanting everyone to have a fair share is the opposite of self-centered. Wanting to keep the less fortunate down so YOU can feel successful IS self-centered.

Get a grip.


New Member
If it was up to the Right winged people in america, Gays would be executed, Blacks will be forced into slavery, Mexicans and Cubans will be shot as soon as they cross the border, the poor will serve as the workers for the rich for shit wages (even worse then now), no one would have benefits, pot would be abolished and substituted for a far more harmful pharmicutical drug that costs an arm and a leg, christains (who are suposed to be loving and forgiving to everyone) will criticize everyone who isn't like them, and any country with anything of value will be invaded so that the people of that nation can be "free".[/QUOTE]

Uhh, I was wondering ... have you ever considered therapy? :roll:


Well-Known Member
I live in a place where I can fire my employees for any reason i want anytime i want. God bless america!
No shit, right? Imagine finding a leach on your balls but it's illegal to pull it off...that must really suck! God bless America!


Well-Known Member
By Dennis Prager
-- America give more charity per capita and per income than do citizens of socialist countries.
This is because of tax breaks, at certain levels of income, your tax can be BRUTAL!

Charitable contributions can help you avoid paying excessive taxes, AND make you look like a good guy doing it.


Well-Known Member
Charitable contributions can help you avoid paying excessive taxes, AND make you look like a good guy doing it.
Yeah; too bad taxes aren't higher so that we all look like greedy asses and the government gets all the charitable contribution "glory". :roll: