Newbie looking for advice

Will this light be good for 5 plants?

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Hmm, Well, using a soil system, if I were to set the plants on their sides, would they be able to reach the water?

Would this be hard on the stems and whatnot?
I'll draw you a picture, give me a little bit of time. The plants will grow up and fill your 4 ft normally, they will lean toward the bulb but they still know how gravity works. Plant normally in standard pots.

Supercropping is LST without strings. The point being that you will create multiple colas lower on the plant.

I'll draw you a picture, give me a little bit of time. The plants will grow up and fill your 4 ft normally, they will lean toward the bulb but they still know how gravity works. Plant normally in standard pots.

Supercropping is LST without strings. The point being that you will create multiple colas lower on the plant.

So, your recommending that I do some super cropping then, and basically just produce Cola's, right?

Thank you for the picture btw, im sure it will be INCREDIBLY helpful.:bigjoint:
I've been researching a little bit, and went over this topping method..

But I'm wondering what exactly a "true node" is as opposed to other nodes. This says to top above the 2nd true node.

"The node where the cotyledons attach doesn't count"
Maybe im just unsure as to what Cotyledons are, as I haven't really seen a growing plant yet :'(

News tho, one of my experimental seedlings broke ground, and has 4 little leaves thus far, hopefully she comes out female, as her seed was decorated in white spots and stripes.


Well-Known Member
Here you go, I recommend a vertical soil or hempy bucket ScrOG for yeild and since your using the same ballast for both lights it seems like a perfect system for a vert setup. Just switch lights after you fill the screen about 1/2 way vegging and let your plants go nuts.

Just my .02, this way you don't have to supercrop, this is similar with less stress to your plant, you should grow some good colas.

A coetyldon leave is the first round leaves, the seed leaves. Any serrated leaf after that is a true leaf.



Here you go, I recommend a vertical soil or hempy bucket ScrOG for yeild and since your using the same ballast for both lights it seems like a perfect system for a vert setup. Just switch lights after you fill the screen about 1/2 way vegging and let your plants go nuts.

Just my .02, this way you don't have to supercrop, this is similar with less stress to your plant, you should grow some good colas.

A coetyldon leave is the first round leaves, the seed leaves. Any serrated leaf after that is a true leaf.

Wow, the diagram is amazingly helpful, thank you so much. Basically, your suggesting that I sorta put the plants into a funnel, right? Using a chicken wire or something, to make them not bush out to the sides?
Wow, the diagram is amazingly helpful, thank you so much. Basically, your suggesting that I sorta put the plants into a funnel, right? Using a chicken wire or something, to make them not bush out to the sides?
Or, Moreso, your saying to put the plant in the middle of the room and let the plants bush out to it? And rotate them once a day or something to make sure all the sides get light?

Side Note: Planted my first seed. Not my Rhinos, as they haven't came yet, but a Bag Seed of some dank. I shall post a pic soon!


Well-Known Member
Wow, the diagram is amazingly helpful, thank you so much. Basically, your suggesting that I sorta put the plants into a funnel, right? Using a chicken wire or something, to make them not bush out to the sides?
Kinda, plant all 5 around your light and put the wire at the sweet spot distance from your light. As the plants grow and bush out attach them to the screen (maybe find a way to make each screen modular for maintenance). Fill up the screen about 1/3 to 1/2 way and switch bulbs and flower and you will get a massive yield and depending on how you tie it down you can get huge colas or popcorn buds all over the screen. This will keep your foliage in the right spot for maximum efficiency. I estimate 3-4 oz a plant (depending on strain and length of veg time) and 20oz off the system as a total... Not too shabby. The guy who came up with the idea a long time ago called it "Barrel of Green" but now it is called vertical growing. This will make good buds up the entire length of the plant and not just the top cola.:weed:

Kinda, plant all 5 around your light and put the wire at the sweet spot distance from your light. As the plants grow and bush out attach them to the screen (maybe find a way to make each screen modular for maintenance). Fill up the screen about 1/3 to 1/2 way and switch bulbs and flower and you will get a massive yield and depending on how you tie it down you can get huge colas or popcorn buds all over the screen. This will keep your foliage in the right spot for maximum efficiency. I estimate 3-4 oz a plant (depending on strain and length of veg time) and 20oz off the system as a total... Not too shabby. The guy who came up with the idea a long time ago called it "Barrel of Green" but now it is called vertical growing. This will make good buds up the entire length of the plant and not just the top cola.:weed:


My Sweet spot is about 3-5 sq feet right? everyone is outta town at my place, the construction of the room commences tonight after work!
Dub, help me!!! Lol, im confused, my little Coty's have started withering away off my plant. I don't think its too hot in my grow room, but they have withered and died. The problem is, it doesn't really have any other leaves on it, it has the start of a single Jagged Leaf, but I have a feeling that its going to die :'( I have watered it only once a day, and have added 1/4 of the regular dosage of Nutes to the water mixture.(just barely anything) Any ideas? I wish I had a digital cam that would upload to this computer, maybe Ill buy one today after work!

Upon inspection, none of my little cotys have turned from their lush green color, and the stem is still very thick and has a whitish tint to it. It looks really healthy, aside the cotys dying off, is that normal? Remember, I have NO other leaves yet on the plant.


Active Member
Dub, help me!!! Lol, im confused, my little Coty's have started withering away off my plant. I don't think its too hot in my grow room, but they have withered and died. The problem is, it doesn't really have any other leaves on it, it has the start of a single Jagged Leaf, but I have a feeling that its going to die :'( I have watered it only once a day, and have added 1/4 of the regular dosage of Nutes to the water mixture.(just barely anything) Any ideas? I wish I had a digital cam that would upload to this computer, maybe Ill buy one today after work!

Upon inspection, none of my little cotys have turned from their lush green color, and the stem is still very thick and has a whitish tint to it. It looks really healthy, aside the cotys dying off, is that normal? Remember, I have NO other leaves yet on the plant.
Sounds like your using nutes too soon. I never use notes for the first two weeks. What MG soil are you using? And are you checking ur ph? The Ph of your water and soil are more important than anything else.


Well-Known Member
Dub, help me!!! Lol, im confused, my little Coty's have started withering away off my plant. I don't think its too hot in my grow room, but they have withered and died. The problem is, it doesn't really have any other leaves on it, it has the start of a single Jagged Leaf, but I have a feeling that its going to die :'( I have watered it only once a day, and have added 1/4 of the regular dosage of Nutes to the water mixture.(just barely anything) Any ideas? I wish I had a digital cam that would upload to this computer, maybe Ill buy one today after work!

Upon inspection, none of my little cotys have turned from their lush green color, and the stem is still very thick and has a whitish tint to it. It looks really healthy, aside the cotys dying off, is that normal? Remember, I have NO other leaves yet on the plant.
I'm going to need a picture. It does sound like heat to me, what temps are you at? What kind of light are you using? MG soil has a lot of nutes in it, I would not add nutes to it for atleast 3 months to use/dispose of any nutes that are already there. On top of that a seedling survives on what was in the seed casing for two weeks before taking any nutes from the soil.

Also be sure to water only when all the soil is dry but not pulling away from the edge of your pot.

At this point there are a bunch of things that can kill your plant, they are fragile as a seedling.



Well-Known Member

My Sweet spot is about 3-5 sq feet right? everyone is outta town at my place, the construction of the room commences tonight after work!
I would make the screens in a 5'-6' diameter. That will allow the plant to grow up the screen always at 2.5'-3' away from the bulb and then bloom into the space for colas or continue to tie down for many popcorn buds.

Depending on your ventilation, leave the cool tube off the light until your plants are close enough to be affected by the heat then continue with it on.


I would make the screens in a 5'-6' diameter. That will allow the plant to grow up the screen always at 2.5'-3' away from the bulb and then bloom into the space for colas or continue to tie down for many popcorn buds.

Depending on your ventilation, leave the cool tube off the light until your plants are close enough to be affected by the heat then continue with it on.


I didn't use Miracle Grow soil for my seedling mixture, I bought a specialized one called Black Gold or whatever. Its peatmoss and whatever else, all organic.

I have a fan running in the germination dresser now, so, it should take away any heat concerns. The light is about a foot from the plant, and there is relatively no heat, atleast, its not even really warming to the back of my hand, on the plants.
Sounds like your using nutes too soon. I never use notes for the first two weeks. What MG soil are you using? And are you checking ur ph? The Ph of your water and soil are more important than anything else.
No, I don't have any sort of tool at my house to measure PH, I'm sure the PH is pretty neutral as I boil my water and let it sit in the fridge in a container before adding it to my mixture bottle. Based on the size of the mixture bottle and the recommended dose, I'm using 1/5th the recommendation.
I will get around to getting a PH tool when my rhinos arrive, as they are going to be my babies :):joint:
Im not sure exactly what temperature I am at, because my thermometer wont take a reading. It read soil yesterday when I checked the temp of another experiment, whos temp was 92. I think it wont read much lower than 92, and thats why it wont take a reading of my soil. My guess is that my soil is decently below 90 degrees. Probably 85 ish. Maybe less. Upon washing and using this thermo, it will read a temp from my mouth at 97, but wont read the soil still. I dont have any other way to check the temp yet. My light should be arriving within the hour!


Well-Known Member
I didn't use Miracle Grow soil for my seedling mixture, I bought a specialized one called Black Gold or whatever. Its peatmoss and whatever else, all organic.

I have a fan running in the germination dresser now, so, it should take away any heat concerns. The light is about a foot from the plant, and there is relatively no heat, atleast, its not even really warming to the back of my hand, on the plants.
Black Gold has nutes in it. I wouldn't give it ANY fertiliser period for at least 3 months unless the plant needed it. With organic soil you are only meant to supplement fertiliser when needed, the plant will stop growing darker green and go lighter green. Less is more with herb, too much fertiliser and you will burn any leaves right off the fragile seedling.

What kind of light are you using? Please don't tell me a 40W incandescent bulb. If you are, run as fast as you can to the store and buy a 100W equivalent CFL bulb (23W). Put the light two or three inches away from the top of the plant. The closer the better without burning of course.

Temps should be around 80 in the soil until the seed opens, then the soil would be best around 70 for growing and the ambient air around 80 or below. I would only recommend higher temps if you have CO2 injection.

Boiling your water concentrates any salts that are in the water or minerals, you are actually removing H2O and making the water more toxic. DO NOT BOIL YOUR WATER. Buy Reverse Osmosis water or distilled water. Do you know if you have hard water or soft water?

Also, pot likes to grow in dryer soil than most, so let it get completely dry before watering and when watering fully soak the medium.

You need to invest in a PPM and pH pen ASAP, they are the best tools you could ever ask for.

Plan to plant and use your bag seed before using your feminized seeds, you will learn alot expiramenting. Get it right and you will have fun with the White Rhino grow. I have used Nirvana seeds before and you should be happy with the results.

Black Gold has nutes in it. I wouldn't give it ANY fertiliser period for at least 3 months unless the plant needed it. With organic soil you are only meant to supplement fertiliser when needed, the plant will stop growing darker green and go lighter green. Less is more with herb, too much fertiliser and you will burn any leaves right off the fragile seedling.

What kind of light are you using? Please don't tell me a 40W incandescent bulb. If you are, run as fast as you can to the store and buy a 100W equivalent CFL bulb (23W). Put the light two or three inches away from the top of the plant. The closer the better without burning of course.

Temps should be around 80 in the soil until the seed opens, then the soil would be best around 70 for growing and the ambient air around 80 or below. I would only recommend higher temps if you have CO2 injection.

Boiling your water concentrates any salts that are in the water or minerals, you are actually removing H2O and making the water more toxic. DO NOT BOIL YOUR WATER. Buy Reverse Osmosis water or distilled water. Do you know if you have hard water or soft water?

Also, pot likes to grow in dryer soil than most, so let it get completely dry before watering and when watering fully soak the medium.

You need to invest in a PPM and pH pen ASAP, they are the best tools you could ever ask for.

Plan to plant and use your bag seed before using your feminized seeds, you will learn alot expiramenting. Get it right and you will have fun with the White Rhino grow. I have used Nirvana seeds before and you should be happy with the results.

PPM and PH pen I will get today or on the first, when I get paid! I will be getting a couple WORKING thermometers as well!

I am using a 400 watt MH light now, and its about 20 inchs from my plants, maybe a bit further.

It seems like this light is providing a TON more heat compared to the 65 watt Walmart Grow Flood Light I was using. One of those, Plant Light Reflector Kits.
Ambient air temp near the light is almost 100 degrees! :'( But I have a fan running from the side blowing on the light and have a bowl of ice water in the middle of the plants(i've heard this helps with Humidity and temp)

This is bagseed that im experimenting with currently, my Rhinos should be here within a few days, and I will start germination on them as soon as I am able to get a plant its 2nd set of leaves.:joint: Off to work!bongsmilie:blsmoke:

I will no longer boil my water! And wait longer to water. Im using plastic cups right now, the beer pong ones. When should I transplant to 5 gal buckets?


Well-Known Member
Transplant when they are about a month old, you should be watering them daily at that point. When you have to water daily it means you need a larger container and it is time to transplant basically.

The 400W MH will do you some good once the plant is established. For now I recommend starting your seedlings under a softer light like CFLs or raising the MH so high that the light intensity is not so much. I think you may be giving them too much light too early. I usually wait two weeks from when the seed breaks ground before I put any fragile plants under a HID light.

Also, instead of buckets I recommend grow bags, they are cheaper and you don't have to cut holes in the bottom for drainage. I would transplant your seedling after it is 2 weeks above ground and then veg for a month minimum and then flower. White strains usually will finish in 8 to 9 weeks after veg.

Keep me posted, get a camera and let us see how it goes.

BTW, please call me Greg, my friend was Dub and he passed away 04/21/09. I'm just here to share what he taught me, turns out he taught me more than I thought!



Active Member
Black Gold has nutes in it. I wouldn't give it ANY fertiliser period for at least 3 months unless the plant needed it. With organic soil you are only meant to supplement fertiliser when needed, the plant will stop growing darker green and go lighter green. Less is more with herb, too much fertiliser and you will burn any leaves right off the fragile seedling.

What kind of light are you using? Please don't tell me a 40W incandescent bulb. If you are, run as fast as you can to the store and buy a 100W equivalent CFL bulb (23W). Put the light two or three inches away from the top of the plant. The closer the better without burning of course.

Temps should be around 80 in the soil until the seed opens, then the soil would be best around 70 for growing and the ambient air around 80 or below. I would only recommend higher temps if you have CO2 injection.

Boiling your water concentrates any salts that are in the water or minerals, you are actually removing H2O and making the water more toxic. DO NOT BOIL YOUR WATER. Buy Reverse Osmosis water or distilled water. Do you know if you have hard water or soft water?

Also, pot likes to grow in dryer soil than most, so let it get completely dry before watering and when watering fully soak the medium.

You need to invest in a PPM and pH pen ASAP, they are the best tools you could ever ask for.

Plan to plant and use your bag seed before using your feminized seeds, you will learn alot expiramenting. Get it right and you will have fun with the White Rhino grow. I have used Nirvana seeds before and you should be happy with the results.

it's good to see precise and understandable advice. +rep for paying it forward, your friend would be proud.