first grow hydro


Well-Known Member
wats good RIU? in the grow room this morning and the flowering mother got a little pruning and so did everyone else . lol. some of the leaves were yellow and crispy . probably the light is too close . so I moved it back a little . the light is about 15-17 inches from the very top. and I just ties it down a little with some bread ties to the screen . no need for tucking underneath. and the the branch formation is supurb. I trimed away the yellow leaves and the lower branches a little . the ph is steady at 5.78 . thats from the 35% food grade h2o2 I orderd from the uk for 40 bucks :confused::confused:. expensive . but the water looks like it belongs in a lab , the way it's so clear and bubbling from the stone and the peroxide . text book. well here are the pics. I also forgot to mention that I tosses out one of the clones for being way too slow . I gave her a shot and she did'nt make it . too much stress I guess . hey why cry over spilled milk ? haha !!! thats what she said!!!:mrgreen:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie. ya I know I have been smoking again for a while . my PO. is probably going to beat me in the head with the judges gavel



New Member
Looking good! Look like from the root mass that I won't have any problems removing the males when the time comes and even spacing the remaining girls out as needed. I'll have a screen ready when the times comes. I'm about 3 weeks from liftoff! I swear I'm going to pop a seed and sit it under my desk lamp if I have to wait to grow this long next time! It would be driving me crazy but I can walk from here! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Looking good! Look like from the root mass that I won't have any problems removing the males when the time comes and even spacing the remaining girls out as needed. I'll have a screen ready when the times comes. I'm about 3 weeks from liftoff! I swear I'm going to pop a seed and sit it under my desk lamp if I have to wait to grow this long next time! It would be driving me crazy but I can walk from here! LOL!
lol. I know how how you feel bro.


New Member
I have two reasons to hope for males in the tube grow. First I want to breed and second I have no idea how 6 full grown plants would fit in the tube. I'm about 7" on center in the tube. For a full female grow I might have to limit veg to 2-3 weeks. My strain branches considerably!


Well-Known Member
I have two reasons to hope for males in the tube grow. First I want to breed and second I have no idea how 6 full grown plants would fit in the tube. I'm about 7" on center in the tube. For a full female grow I might have to limit veg to 2-3 weeks. My strain branches considerably!
hey by the way how does that lsd tast? I wanna full smoke report


New Member
Funny you should ask. I did one about 6 weeks ago. Here's the link:

I have 10 fem LSD seeds in stock and will use 4 in my bubbleponics this grow. I will gather pollen from the males I get from the Pandora's Box and Sannie Jack's I'm growing in the tubes this grow and then grow 6 LSD in the tube next time around and pollinate a couple of lower branches for some Jack's or Pandora's LSD seeds for future grows. And after that I will go completely nuts! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Funny you should ask. I did one about 6 weeks ago. Here's the link:

I have 10 fem LSD seeds in stock and will use 4 in my bubbleponics this grow. I will gather pollen from the males I get from the Pandora's Box and Sannie Jack's I'm growing in the tubes this grow and then grow 6 LSD in the tube next time around and pollinate a couple of lower branches for some Jack's or Pandora's LSD seeds for future grows. And after that I will go completely nuts! LOL!
good record keeping . better than myself I dont even know how tall the mother that is in flowering is now , I lost track couse ofall the supercropping and toping i did


Well-Known Member
here are some more pics . today I checked the ph and it was lower than a couple of days ago . i am use to the ph rising not droping. the rez contains. ph down , nutes and 35% h2o2. i dont know what may that be .

also the clones look good just a tad burned. tell me what you guys think. i shold lower the ppm or not. it is at 860. i corrected the ph a little . i am not bigon ph . i like it to fluctuate for nute uptake reasons but like to know what the hell is going on on my system. oh ya i forgot , that other plant got put along with the other one in the screen. as you can seeeeeee



Well-Known Member
okey nobody replying . no sugestions as to how I can get rid of the problem

well anyway here are more pics from today . .

I dont know long this grow will go on for . couse there is no one I can trust to finish my grow . my federal probation officer called me yesterday to tell me she was coming to my home on wednesday and wants me to come in her office for a urine on friday next week .



New Member
Bummer on the visit and test!

As far as the plants. looks like it could be a little overnute. Some of the leaves look like they are kind of wilting. What's the humidity like in the room? The raised leaf parts usually mean it is increasing it's surface area to get more moisture.


Well-Known Member
Bummer on the visit and test!

As far as the plants. looks like it could be a little overnute. Some of the leaves look like they are kind of wilting. What's the humidity like in the room? The raised leaf parts usually mean it is increasing it's surface area to get more moisture.
the humidity in the flowering room is 45% and the veg room 40% couse the cover to the room is mostly off . thats becouse of the temp though . the temp is allways 90 F , thats why the humidity is low . couse when the fluros were in the temp was 68 and the humidity was 58% . I had the covers off of both rooms today . the temp was 78 and the humidity was 52% . . i AM GOING TO ADD MORE WATER tomorrow to lower the ppm . and I have to freez some water bottels for the rez .. does that sound about right or am I missing anything.

any sugestions about the PO issue . how can I flush the day of. since I know when I am taking the test.

all help is welcom


New Member
I do know that it is best to have high humidity during veg ( helps the leaves "breath') and low humidity during flower ( helps the trichs develop and eliminates any chance of mold on the buds themself). For veg it's either a cheap wally world humidifier or hanging a few wet towel or t-shirts close to the res. The adding the plain water and frozen bottles in the res is good. Just try not to let the frozen water bottles touch the roots if you can. If not it's not that big of a deal and you'll only lose a few root tips but they will grow back or grow elsewhere in the root system. You can also get the res off the floor if it in on the floor and blow a fan on the res itself to reduce the res temp.

Don't know about the PO issue. All I've heard is lots of water with a little salt or gatoraide but have no idea if that works.
This system is brilliant. I'm thinking of fabricating this type of ebb and flo /aeroponic hybrid for my flowering room. What are the benefits of the SCROG you are using? Also, would a few air wands inside the post be beneficial? I'm thinking it might help to get even more oxygen in that water before the roots get to it.
Good luck with your fed. prob.


New Member
Don't know that it would be beneficial in e&f and those air wands would be kicking out air into dead space most of the time. It would probably help more by increasing the air in the res though. Maybe it's best if I let the grower chime in here! LOL!


Well-Known Member
thanks for stoping by DD , I am scroging to maximize my yield. to spread the light to lower and all branches if I could. and what MC said abot the air wand in the tube. there is hardly any water in the tubes whae the system is'nt flooding


Well-Known Member
NEVER top in flower
That will only stunt bud growth.
Yes I have seen the youtube vids saying that you should top in flower, that is not true