aerogarden rookie

Blue Moonshine1

Active Member
a few more, :blsmoke:

man... look how crowded.. its just gonna get worse i would use the one being wasted in your kitchen and set them up together... two in each maybe only one! you need to build a areo system with bubble rocks and a big rubber maid tote! let me know and we meet at lowesbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
it was the male that had no nutrient burn, he was the best looking, strongest grower and every one got burnt pretty bad except for that guy, i thought it was going to be the best one, it grew way different than the rest,


Blue Moonshine1

Active Member
it was the male that had no nutrient burn, he was the best looking, strongest grower and every one got burnt pretty bad except for that guy, i thought it was going to be the best one, it grew way different than the rest,
thats how it goes man, males show sex earlier than the females and they tend to grow faster, they have all been on the same light cycle so i would say the others are female... good grow mate can wait to sample!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
thanks, i will, they look different every day too, but why is it good they havnt grown any taller? i was hoping more height, and no branches, i think they will just be 3 big buds, which is cool i guess


Well-Known Member
well i was just saying that cause they will out grow your extension to the AG hood, and don have it hanging freely, so you would have to adjust to the plants, which is always a bitch if you dont already have something set up