finally it sprouted... then what


FINALLY my "chrnoic" strain seed has sprouted!

sprout is beginnig to curl a little and inside of the seed is cracked and green. huge reward and perfec surprise to wake up to.

currently have it planted in dixie cup with 4 slits and holes at bototm. flourescent light 2 inches above sprout.

what is the next step? how many times should i water it? any helpful links or advice will help! when should i transfer into bigger "home" for this little guy. what should the lighting be???


Well-Known Member
i assume ur using soil, but water when the top goes dry, probably every 2-5 days depending on ur enviroment. Only fresh water now until shes about 2-3 weeks in with 4-5 nodes. I like to transplant as soon as i can but u can wait until the plants are coming up on root-bound (u can gently check the roots by fliping the cup into ur hand. keep us updated and we can help


yeah i am using sopil. thanks for you help man. its indoor and set up is pretty legit. is it supposed to wilt a little bit or the sprout suposed to be sticking straight up??? and checking the roots, how do i know when its ready to transplant into a bigger pot?


Well-Known Member
how old is it? and how big of a pot. the wilting will probably stop once u start the regular waterings, and make sure to saturate with water with a little run off if u haf to. again no nutes until she shows u she needs them. i would say theres 2 easy ways to tell when to transplant (it doesnt matter much on time just how much room u are willing to spend. One way is to take the root mass up when the plant is dry (it usually pops right out of the pot especially if the roots are filled in). 2 is to just what the plant and if ur having to water a bunch and it doesnt seem to getting bigger then its usually ready. and make sure to fondle the roots a little before u transplant to push them in the right direction


Well-Known Member
If its a dixie cup.. i would water it every other day... just a little bit of water, seedlings dont need much water. You will need to transplant in about a week and a half. Since its a dixie cup it should be very easy to transplant.


Active Member
I just started my first grow also..... The seeds have started to shed the shell, but the roots are going in really weird directions. They're curling up... Is that normal? Check out my grow journal for more info. It is posted under "1st grow needs help." Sorry to post that in your thread but I have a similar problem. Also, I haven't been keeping my light so close. Do I need too? I am using jiffy pots and seed starter soil by miracle grow.


Well-Known Member
I have mine under MH about 13" from them.

In three days they are already developing second leaves.

I just mist the top with a spray bottle until good and wet whenever it looks dry, seems to be working.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I just started my first grow also..... The seeds have started to shed the shell, but the roots are going in really weird directions. They're curling up... Is that normal? Check out my grow journal for more info. It is posted under "1st grow needs help." Sorry to post that in your thread but I have a similar problem. Also, I haven't been keeping my light so close. Do I need too? I am using jiffy pots and seed starter soil by miracle grow.
sounds like u need to transplant sooner, i dont like miricle grow nut it should work nonthe less, with seeds the light doesnt matter as much as the seedlings, if ur guys look spindily and strething towards the light it means u got to move it closer. oh and i would transplant the seedlings as soon as they pop in those jiffy's tand take the jiffy off before u transplant (if u get it wet before it makes it easy to peel off),


Active Member
sounds like u need to transplant sooner, i dont like miricle grow nut it should work nonthe less, with seeds the light doesnt matter as much as the seedlings, if ur guys look spindily and strething towards the light it means u got to move it closer. oh and i would transplant the seedlings as soon as they pop in those jiffy's tand take the jiffy off before u transplant (if u get it wet before it makes it easy to peel off),
Thanks man..... I will definitely move the lights closer. and I will transplant soon. I just have to get some more pots. I only planned on growing 4 plants but 8 seeds popped so I said what the heck. I will be using miracle grow moisture control soil. Is that ok?


Thanks man..... I will definitely move the lights closer. and I will transplant soon. I just have to get some more pots. I only planned on growing 4 plants but 8 seeds popped so I said what the heck. I will be using miracle grow moisture control soil. Is that ok?
my baby looks very healthy. it had a bend to it the firs tday, but now its sticking straight up with 2 new nboes coming out of it. its purely and simply beautiful in my eyes. and seeme** set your lights closer. they dont need the heat, they need the uv's. i got 2 20'' flourescent lights about 2'' away from my sprouts and its working magic


Well-Known Member
the moisture control soil is ok but not suggested, it will work but just be careful not to over water, cause it has water polymers in it which absorb shit loads of moisture so i can see it being very easy to overwater.


the moisture control soil is ok but not suggested, it will work but just be careful not to over water, cause it has water polymers in it which absorb shit loads of moisture so i can see it being very easy to overwater.
perfectly put pacman. thats what i have fiogured out. better to be dry then drowning. now that i am getting to know more knowledge about the process and stuff, i cant believe iwas watering it that much! trial and error my friend


Active Member
Hey I figured I would update you guys on the plants since you have been offering some great advice. I have one beauty that looks great. I have 3 that look good. 3 that don't look good and one that could go either way. I was using 2700k 42 watt 150 equiv cfls, but because of a thread I had started and comments I received I am going today to buy 6500k 26 watt 100 equiv cfls and probably some side lighting too. In the beginning I had thought the paper towel method of cracking seeds wouldn't work so I put like 12 seeds in the towel and 9 cracked. One I tossed because I have no more room. But 8 I had started. It now looks like I might have to toss maybe 3 or 4 and do either 4 plants in 3 gallon pots or 5 in 3 liter pots. The reason I bought 3 liter pots was because I could only use that size to get 8 plants to fit in my closet. I am posting the pics so tell me what you guys think. I think I will post the one of my grow op too. Next grow I will probably use hps or mh lights.

