SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush


Well-Known Member
good good. hope all the same for u.
well im back till november till my late hunt hehehe. waz up bro hows the grow been. hey MASTER how the hell have you been.

shits looking way filled out. gotta be some sweet aromas bouncing around in there by now..
alright... so today is day 29... just about half way there!

i started adding some dry kool bloom to the mix.. to really start boosting them... between that and the addition of the 4th flooding.. plus the largest amount of swelling yet to come, i should have a very nice harvest.. im still shooting for 3 lbs.. but i think i am going to fall short... if the other 3 plants hadnt died.. and that damn charlie brown tree was larger.. i think i would hit it.. but i think i will have a very respectable harvest for what i have...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hell ya bro looking very sweet. well im going to start sum samy seeds. sum crystel oh ya. going big gib this time.


Well-Known Member
good good. hope all the same for u.

shits looking way filled out. gotta be some sweet aromas bouncing around in there by now..
yeah bro.. it stinks good!! anytime i even so much as rub up against one a ton of scents are released... and very distinct.. of course the blueberry has a very blueberryish smell.. the lemon haze has gone from a skunky lemon to a super intense sweet lemon... the strawberry cough definitely has some strawberry undertones... the gigabud is very lemoney also... the sharks just stink like good headies do... and the tundra has a very unique smell... i cant place a finger on it yet.. i think once the terapins (spelled wrong) develope more it might come out what it is i smell.. but maybe its just the smell.. its sweet and skunky and almost chocolatey and a mix of a few other scents... i love its production too.. bud size, growth size/stretch, and resin... if anyone is looking for extremely solid phenos, and a plant that doesnt stretch much, m. tundra is it...

cant wait to see what these next few weeks hold... the buds are about the size they were towards that last couple weeks last grow already... so it should be amazing...

hell ya bro looking very sweet. well im going to start sum samy seeds. sum crystel oh ya. going big gib this time.
hell ya brotha!! im really excited to see what you can do with them on a full grow.. did you harvest the ones you had going already?? they should be close if not... are you runnning another indoor grow??


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yeah bro.. it stinks good!! anytime i even so much as rub up against one a ton of scents are released... and very distinct.. of course the blueberry has a very blueberry smell.. the lemon haze has gone from a skunky lemon to a super intense sweet lemon... the strawberry cough definitely has some strawberry undertones... the gigabud is very lemony also... the sharks just stink like good headies do... and the tundra has a very unique smell... i cant place a finger on it yet.. i think once the terrapins (spelled wrong) develop more it might come out what it is i smell.. but maybe its just the smell.. its sweet and skunk and almost chocolatey and a mix of a few other scents... i love its production too.. bud size, growth size/stretch, and resin... if anyone is looking for extremely solid phenol, and a plant that doesn't stretch much, m. tundra is it...

cant wait to see what these next few weeks hold... the buds are about the size they were towards that last couple weeks last grow already... so it should be amazing...

hell ya brotha!! im really excited to see what you can do with them on a full grow.. did you harvest the ones you had going already?? they should be close if not... are you running another indoor grow??
them ones that were in the clear tote are done and gone. i had six little ones in the veg room but my dumb ass forgot all about them and they are pretty much dead. hahahaha hehehehehe i was pretty much waiting for the outdoor to get done b4 i start a new indoor. to keep with in my legal limit. 380 gr. dry off the 2nd little girl. my big weight will come from the next 4 big girls:mrgreen:
Howdy SS420, I just got my thread progress updated. Spent late into the night supervising the drywall hanging on the dividing wall for my grow lab flowering chamber. I've got the inside finished so I'm good to go, except for a few minor adjustments.
I want to finish my aero-vegging system, but I went to the pain clinic today and got my spine thoroughly injected. I'm supposed to take it real easy, and relax. Sure don't want a nerve related migrane!:neutral: So I'm down for the day, but I've got some plans for tomorrow. One question: Have you ever used fish line and lead sinkers to bonsai individual branches of flowering plants? If so, any pointers you care to share? I've read about it and I think it would really help me increase my bud production.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
damn....i think this has been a successfull first hydro run, if you just run it out from probally at least a year from hydro.


Well-Known Member
Howdy SS420, I just got my thread progress updated. Spent late into the night supervising the drywall hanging on the dividing wall for my grow lab flowering chamber. I've got the inside finished so I'm good to go, except for a few minor adjustments.
I want to finish my aero-vegging system, but I went to the pain clinic today and got my spine thoroughly injected. I'm supposed to take it real easy, and relax. Sure don't want a nerve related migrane!:neutral: So I'm down for the day, but I've got some plans for tomorrow. One question: Have you ever used fish line and lead sinkers to bonsai individual branches of flowering plants? If so, any pointers you care to share? I've read about it and I think it would really help me increase my bud production.:mrgreen:
ive never done the fish line/sinker set up... i personally just do the old tie off techniques... but i found if you super crop right you get a bonsai style plant with little effort.. thats how my blue berry is...

i hope all went well today.. i get migranes sometimes.. they are bad enough as is.. i couldnt imagine a nerve related one...

damn....i think this has been a successfull first hydro run, if you just run it out from probally at least a year from hydro.
i have been happy... still have 4 or 5 weeks to go to see how successful it really was!!


Active Member
Hey bud! nice work on the grow.

Question: have your roots started to grow through the holes in the bottom of your inner buckets down into the lower bucket?

I'm near the end of week 2 of flower and probably 75% of my plants have roots growing through the inner buckets into the lower bucket. I sampled 4 of 12 and 3 of them had roots through the bottom.

A quick recap of my process:
1. clones inserted into 4x4x4" rockwool cubes
2. Veg for 1 month
3. insert RW cubes into Hydroton in buckets for flower.

Since I've got another 6-7 weeks of flower I'm a bit concerned that by the 6th week of flower the roots may actually fill the majority of the holes in the inner buckets preventing the nutrient solution from reaching the hydroton. Of course I'm a total newb so maybe I'm worrying for nuthin...


Well-Known Member
Hey bud! nice work on the grow.

Question: have your roots started to grow through the holes in the bottom of your inner buckets down into the lower bucket?

I'm near the end of week 2 of flower and probably 75% of my plants have roots growing through the inner buckets into the lower bucket. I sampled 4 of 12 and 3 of them had roots through the bottom.

A quick recap of my process:
1. clones inserted into 4x4x4" rockwool cubes
2. Veg for 1 month
3. insert RW cubes into Hydroton in buckets for flower.

Since I've got another 6-7 weeks of flower I'm a bit concerned that by the 6th week of flower the roots may actually fill the majority of the holes in the inner buckets preventing the nutrient solution from reaching the hydroton. Of course I'm a total newb so maybe I'm worrying for nuthin...

hey KS... how are things??

so to answer to your question, yes they have... in fact, if i pulled any one of my plants up they would show some roots through the bottom of the drain bucket.... if i pulled the actual plant out of the bucket i would have a 2 gallon solid root mass that looks exactly like the bucket until i start to break it up...

you shouldnt worry about that.... its a good thing... the more roots the more nutes that can be absorbed.. the more nutes that can be absorbed the more nutes the plant can use... the more the plant can use the bigger, stronger, healthier, and fatter yielding the plant will be bongsmilie

it would be impossible for the roots to grow so dense they essentially water proof the container they are in... there will always be space enough for them to flood and drain properly... the less roots there are the quicker the flooding and draining can go.. but it will still happen even when completely filled in with roots... maybe it takes a minute or 2 more to flood/drain... but thats it...

now the nice part about this is that the roots dont fill in the bottom solid bucket.. they just sort of dangle in the inch or so of water left in them... so in between the flood cycles the plants can access to a little extra water should they want it... if you start seeing signs of over watering you may want to cut back a flood cycle.. and if you still see signs of overwatering you may need to raise the inner bucket a little bit (via hydroton in the solid outter bucket) so the roots dont touch the water.... but this is the only reason or potential downside to the roots growing that low... :blsmoke:

i just cant say enough how incredibly happy i am every morning i go in and see those beautiful girls... they stink so good... are just growing like there is no tomorrow... the gigabud is awesome to look at now.. some of the cola leaves are starting to purp around the edges... and is working its way inwards... and i can very easily see the new bud growth that happens on them overnight... its a very light green in the morning... and by lights out has turned a little darker green.. it just makes watching the progression easy/fun... the super lemon haze, even though i tied her down, is going to need some adjusting at some point even... her cola keeps growing into the floro above it over it... i've been able to adjust it a good amount the way she is tied now.. but that wont last much more than a couple days yet... the blueberry is by far my favorite to look at and smell.. just a delicious fruity/berry scent.. frosted like corn flakes... and oh so lovely.. 1 of the colas i fim'd has 3 tops that have grown together to form 1 massive cola thats well over the thickness of a 12 ounce can right now.. the strawberry cough has, i believe, 5 x 1ft+ colas.... plus all the little misc ones i didnt count... the white sharks, both the large and the clone, have done nothing but impress... the clone is going to need support here in the next day or two... shes already bending from her cola(s) weight... and the tundras.. what can i say.. they are some of the most beautiful plants i've seen... the 2 i have are almost identical in looks.. very very similar phenos... they almost didnt stretch at all... maybe 1/2 of their original size... its been nice because i've been able to keep them right next to one another and know what to expect from them by watching 1... hell i even had to tie them down the same way...

anyways.. i just wanted to rant for a minute... all done now :mrgreen:


Active Member
hey KS... how are things??

so to answer to your question, yes they have... in fact, if i pulled any one of my plants up they would show some roots through the bottom of the drain bucket.... if i pulled the actual plant out of the bucket i would have a 2 gallon solid root mass that looks exactly like the bucket until i start to break it up...

you shouldnt worry about that.... its a good thing... the more roots the more nutes that can be absorbed.. the more nutes that can be absorbed the more nutes the plant can use... the more the plant can use the bigger, stronger, healthier, and fatter yielding the plant will be bongsmilie

it would be impossible for the roots to grow so dense they essentially water proof the container they are in... there will always be space enough for them to flood and drain properly... the less roots there are the quicker the flooding and draining can go.. but it will still happen even when completely filled in with roots... maybe it takes a minute or 2 more to flood/drain... but thats it...

now the nice part about this is that the roots dont fill in the bottom solid bucket.. they just sort of dangle in the inch or so of water left in them... so in between the flood cycles the plants can access to a little extra water should they want it... if you start seeing signs of over watering you may want to cut back a flood cycle.. and if you still see signs of overwatering you may need to raise the inner bucket a little bit (via hydroton in the solid outter bucket) so the roots dont touch the water.... but this is the only reason or potential downside to the roots growing that low... :blsmoke:
Thx sampson. That makes sense now. I was a bit surprised because I wasn't expecting them to grow down so quickly.

Things are pretty good. I've been learning my lessons. I killed my first batch of clones because it got too hot in the veg room and I wasn't checking often enough. Major bummer. I had like 21 out of 24 going great and them I killed them all. DOH!

The flower batch is looking OK. The plants stretched quite a bit because of overcrowding during veg but a couple of them look really good. The next batch will be soooo much better. One of the OG K(r)ush strain has some chlorosis I'm fighting and quite a few of the other plants have lower leaves that don't look that good. Maybe nute burn, but my EC has been about 1.8 so not sure about that. I did read in the Cervantes Grow bible that one of the strains, Flo, requires lower levels of nutes which makes total sense why those two are showing signs more than others. I ordered a new camera that is supposed to come tomorrow so i'll be updating my journal soon.

I did find out that you cannot run hydroton and SureToGrow on the same watering cycle. The SureToGrow retains a lot more water than the hydroton. It's retention is more like rockwool. The three STG plants have lesser developed root systems and I'm thinking it's because the bottom of the STG block has been soaked with water and the roots don't need to grow as low to reach nutes, and/or it's too wet down there for the roots to survive.

BTW, how often are you watering your plants these days?

Thx again!


Well-Known Member
are you sure your having signs of burn?? 1.8 is a pretty high ec.. but it shouldnt show to much burn.. just on set around the tips... unless you do need a lower ec due to strain needs.. you can always drop it and see if it improves...

i flood my system 4 times a day for 15 minutes... they girls have responded very well to it.. thats what i originally started with... and cut back to 3 times.. but i think 4 is the magic number.. i may try 5 on the next grow but im not sure yet..

so... i am pretty sure my female is starting to go into labor today.. which is a good thing.. i thought it was going to be around harvest time.. that would have been a lot to deal with.. building a new room... dealing with puppies... harvesting my girls... ill post some pics later today or tomorrow of them.. whenever she has them..


Active Member
are you sure your having signs of burn?? 1.8 is a pretty high ec.. but it shouldnt show to much burn.. just on set around the tips... unless you do need a lower ec due to strain needs.. you can always drop it and see if it improves...
Am i sure? Absolutely not. LOL. I took some pictures and will be posting them on my journal today. If you have time take a look and let me know what you think. I lowered the EC to 1.5 thinking that it wouldn't hurt growth that much if they had less nutes (?).

i flood my system 4 times a day for 15 minutes... they girls have responded very well to it.. thats what i originally started with... and cut back to 3 times.. but i think 4 is the magic number.. i may try 5 on the next grow but im not sure yet..
Wow. I've only been watering twice a day since they've been in flower. I started there because a friend of mine who has the same setup watered twice a day all the way through to harvest. His harvest was 2 elbows for 12 ladies. I haven't seen any drooping leaves or flimsy branches so it doesn't seem like underwatering but are those the only signs? If i did increase the watering schedule what are the signs of overwatering?


Well-Known Member
well bro.. if you see signs of improvement in the leaves since you dropped the ec back some you'll know it was burn... depending on a few things i can narrow it down.. just give me the typical ph and what nutes you are using and i can tell you a little better what i think it might be.. also let me know about the pics when you get them...

as far as watering... 2 times a day is fine.. as long as your plants are doing well.. increase the watering 1 time a day if you want.. the entire plant will sag if its too much... then just cut back... if 3 times a day works ok, try a 4th if you want.. but 3 times should be fine... 4 times would just be icing on the cake...


Active Member
well bro.. if you see signs of improvement in the leaves since you dropped the ec back some you'll know it was burn... depending on a few things i can narrow it down.. just give me the typical ph and what nutes you are using and i can tell you a little better what i think it might be.. also let me know about the pics when you get them...

as far as watering... 2 times a day is fine.. as long as your plants are doing well.. increase the watering 1 time a day if you want.. the entire plant will sag if its too much... then just cut back... if 3 times a day works ok, try a 4th if you want.. but 3 times should be fine... 4 times would just be icing on the cake...
I'm using House & Garden nutes with humic acid additive. My pH is 5.8 and I check it every day before the first watering. I posted some pics so when you get a chance check out my journal. Thanks again for the advice. It is much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I'm using House & Garden nutes with humic acid additive. My pH is 5.8 and I check it every day before the first watering. I posted some pics so when you get a chance check out my journal. Thanks again for the advice. It is much appreciated.
so i checked out the pics.. it doesnt look like nute burn.. more like a deficiency... the nutes you use... are they all purpose or a 2 or 3 part system?? i have a feeling you need to use a supplement like calmag or another calcium/magnesium supplement... everything looks very nice otherwise tho.. and even the problem is that big of an issue...

Congratulations on the puppies. Can't wate to see some pics!!!
thanks bro.. it was an experience...

so.. for the first litter of pups i ever had... or was witness too.. wow... that was definitely interesting and very cool.. she had 14 pups.. HUGE litter... sadly, 1 died yesterday and 1 last nite...

the one that died yesterday was dead before it had a chance... there were 2 puppies that she didnt open the sacs on.. it was her first litter so i dont think she knew what to do... i was able to save one.. which i am going to keep.. its the lightest brendle one in the pics...

the one that died over night was the runt.. and i dont think she was able to fight her way into the bunch to get to the milk... i was really bummed out about it...

but the other 12 pups are in great health and spirits!! a noisy bunch they are... payton is a great mother to them... she lets me in so i dont have to worry about her going crazy and biting me when i change the bedding and what not...

here are some pics.. i thought after 8 she was done.. completely changed her bedding.. and then she had 5 more... so i do appologize about the bloody nasty pics.. but here they are... bongsmilie



Active Member
so i checked out the pics.. it doesnt look like nute burn.. more like a deficiency... the nutes you use... are they all purpose or a 2 or 3 part system?? i have a feeling you need to use a supplement like calmag or another calcium/magnesium supplement... everything looks very nice otherwise tho.. and even the problem is that big of an issue...
I am using a 2 part nute system. After looking at the leaves again and re-reading the deficiencies I think you are right. It looks most like magnesium def to me. I noticed that the Cal/Mag supplement has nitrogen in it too (2-0-0). Will that jive with the nutes i'm using (5.5-3.4-7.5)?

Congratulations on the puppies! What are you going to do with them all?
it was an experience...
so.. for the first litter of pups i ever had... or was witness too.. wow... that was definitely interesting and very cool.. she had 14 pups.. HUGE litter... sadly, 1 died yesterday and 1 last nite...
the one that died yesterday was dead before it had a chance... there were 2 puppies that she didnt open the sacs on.. it was her first litter so i dont think she knew what to do... i was able to save one.. which i am going to keep.. its the lightest brendle one in the pics...

the one that died over night was the runt.. and i dont think she was able to fight her way into the bunch to get to the milk... i was really bummed out about it...

but the other 12 pups are in great health and spirits!! a noisy bunch they are... payton is a great mother to them... she lets me in so i dont have to worry about her going crazy and biting me when i change the bedding and what not...

Howdy SS 420, Congrats on your puppies!:peace: Sorry about your loss.:cry: My wife raises too many Pugs, and although we haven't had a new litter in over a year now, it still freaks me out really bad if one of the little angels doesn't make it.
We've got a new bad-ass little dame to replace our retiring alpha female, a tiny black Pug puppy named 'Raisinette' who keeps me way too busy. All of our 5 other pugs are fawn, so she really has a rough time fitting in, but she is extremely friendly, and hyper cute. Our stud, lil' Mel Gibson, thinks shes an annoying bitch now. Later, he's gonna be in love!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
congrads on the pups bro. to bad they wernt a fucking fu fu cha waawaa. my wife wants on in the worst way. hell we already have 3 dogs and a cat.