know how to roll a joint


Active Member
Thank you...

Some people post 1000 times, and not one is of any
use to anyone. This thread is a good example of
that, and why the rep system has been deactivated.

Grow some bud, post your pics, and earn respect.

its why I am pick up some info and hopefully pass some on as I learn.


Well-Known Member
since when did rep get deactivated? I was just able to give some to you
Yes you did, but it counted for nothing.

No points have, or will be accredited to me
or anyone for that matter.

This is because many have abused the privilege
of Rep, and I do not blame RIU for disabling it.


Yes you did, but it counted for nothing.

No points have, or will be accredited to me
or anyone for that matter.

This is because many have abused the privilege
of Rep, and I do not blame RIU for disabling it.
you can still get pionts... but its only after a lot of reps by people who already have hhight reps, isn't it?

cuz mine moved up 1 point since the whole hing went kaput (sp?)

Junky Tynan

Active Member
The Joint Rollers Handbook will give you some tips on rolling.

Some of these Weapons will leave you with a grin from ear-to-ear :mrgreen: