If you could meet one person on RIU, who would it be???

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I would like to meet Ludacris, maybe even will next year, he snitched big time on some fellow growers and moved towns but we found him again, he cost a few good men their grow because they kicked him out the set up, hes been on this site as if nothing happend, hes got his head in the sand and for some reason FDD protects him like a pedo grooming a child, strange one, if i get to meet ludacris i hope they point a gun at his snitch head and pull the trigger on him, Bang, Bang, use 2 just incase, ive never liked the police and even worse is snitches, id wound a cop, but id kill a snitch, Ludacris your a cunt.


looks like you managed to get a post out before your newest account was banned.... good job bro:roll:.... please, get a life and move on... I dont give a shit if he is a snitch, you are retarded, and dragging this too far.... NOBODY on here but YOU gives a damn about Ludacris (at least not worried about him being a cop)... our forum is not for the networking of illegal activities anyway, just information. Sounds like you messed up... or are just delusional; one of the two

we all wanna meet FDD


Haha very true my friend.... But for different reasons Im sure

And damn.... FDD hasnt even posted in this thread even though he is the number one requested guy :roll:. What gives???

Ohhh... wait a minute!! I know how to get FDD's attention.. Haha its so simple!!!



And yes, I had my camera at the concert.... I will be posting pictures soon

And... if your wondering "has thebigtomatofarmer seen seek and destroy by metallica live?"

The answer is yes. AND IT ROCKED!!!!!!
I would like to meet Ludacris, maybe even will next year, he snitched big time on some fellow growers and moved towns but we found him again, he cost a few good men their grow because they kicked him out the set up, hes been on this site as if nothing happend, hes got his head in the sand and for some reason FDD protects him like a pedo grooming a child, strange one, if i get to meet ludacris i hope they point a gun at his snitch head and pull the trigger on him, Bang, Bang, use 2 just incase, ive never liked the police and even worse is snitches, id wound a cop, but id kill a snitch, Ludacris your a cunt.


if you have found me then where the fuck are you :lol:.
eeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmm still waiting.
we know where you are and are just waiting patiently.
and if was a so called grass or whatever terminology comes to your crack affected head/mind and you and your imaginary friends say you have tracked me down then where are you and your non existent friends ??????????
(and you already told me you have no mates because i locked them up).
its easy to see you are a lonely man with no mates and nothing to do so take the message and fuck right off.
and i know where you stay.
and i will be coming for your wasted ass loser.

Go back to the shallow end chris, your way out your depth, your still a cunt, and still a snitch, and still a grass, Bang Bang watch your back we will get you, Am wireless chris and IP'S are no problem as proved, YOU CUNT.

the only thing thats wireless is your brain.

i would love to meet anyone on R.I.U. thats got a positive repp for me.

(my latest repps are great have a look).

1242 point(s) total Latest Reputation Received ThreadDateComment
If you could meet one... 10-01-2009 04:22 AMAnytime cock sucker Ayr ANYTIME, WANK
Can Flowering cause... 10-01-2009 03:14 AMDont talk like a cock sucking cunt
These sprouts looking... 10-01-2009 03:01 AMDont talk like a cock sucking cunt
These sprouts looking... 10-01-2009 02:12 AMMUTHA FUCKING SNITCH BOY, BANG YOU DEAD
Refferal 10-01-2009 01:47 AMhere you go... gogrow
Negative rep 10-01-2009 01:34 AMword on the site is your a snitch cunt
after germination? 09-30-2009 03:29 AMYOUR MA DOES A NICE BLOW JOB
hey new here. 09-30-2009 02:12 AMFucking Asswipe,Dick Licker.....
hey new here. 09-30-2009 02:02 AMHELLO BACK ha ha ha RAT MAN SNITCH
after germination? 09-30-2009 01:46 AMYOU FUCK WITT SNITCH BITCH
i would love to meet anyone on R.I.U. thats got a positive repp for me.

(my latest repps are great have a look).

1242 point(s) total Latest Reputation Received ThreadDateComment
If you could meet one... 10-01-2009 04:22 AMAnytime cock sucker Ayr ANYTIME, WANK
Can Flowering cause... 10-01-2009 03:14 AMDont talk like a cock sucking cunt
These sprouts looking... 10-01-2009 03:01 AMDont talk like a cock sucking cunt
These sprouts looking... 10-01-2009 02:12 AMMUTHA FUCKING SNITCH BOY, BANG YOU DEAD
Refferal 10-01-2009 01:47 AMhere you go... gogrow
Negative rep 10-01-2009 01:34 AMword on the site is your a snitch cunt
after germination? 09-30-2009 03:29 AMYOUR MA DOES A NICE BLOW JOB
hey new here. 09-30-2009 02:12 AMFucking Asswipe,Dick Licker.....
hey new here. 09-30-2009 02:02 AMHELLO BACK ha ha ha RAT MAN SNITCH
after germination? 09-30-2009 01:46 AMYOU FUCK WITT SNITCH BITCH

LOL, now I don't feel so bad about the ONE I got :razz:

is there any way 09-29-2009 06:05 PM YOU SUCK THE COCK OF LUDACRIS
Umm.....I'd like to meet Roseman + Al.B.Fuct. So who/what the hell is R.O.F.L.M.F.A.O.is he on this site? :)
Its where i live and work cunt, am getting paid to bam you up you cock sucker arse bandit, ha ha ha, your a fucking twat, am all over the site, you have spoke to me in the last 2 weeks and never had a clue thats the fun of it, you,ve said hello and welcome to the site you prick, ive still got cosha accounts you cunt, am sitting the now getting paid for this, well until 6am then i need to go for a roll and bacon and drive home, its fun, i just like pissing you off, because your a rat chris, your a fucking snitch chris, A GRASS, your the sad cunt sitting up all night grooming the newbi's am getting paid for this shit, why you not in bed with Wendy ? she getting pumped again, the street bike, its a wonder shes got any ass left you fuck witt, anyway need to go and do the rounds shift almost done, ps Your still a cunt, and always will be a grass, SNITCH.

you are only pissing yourself off.
and i knew it was you coming on the site as a lady saying hello as i have now achieved access to your whereabouts and your p.c. location.
you are not at work as you dont work (unless its illegally).
you are on the income benefits list and the electoral roll along with your address and D.W.P. records.
so go away now and i will see you soon.
and stop in on the way home for a smoke.
get me a bacon roll and an egg roll with brown sauce please(dont bring your crack in to the house smoke it before you come).
and grab some plasters and a stanley blade at the chemist as i need them for you.

you are only pissing yourself off.
and i knew it was you coming on the site as a lady saying hello as i have now achieved access to your whereabouts and your p.c. location.
you are not at work as you dont work (unless its illegally).
you are on the income benefits list and the electoral roll along with your address and D.W.P. records.
so go away now and i will see you soon.
and stop in on the way home for a smoke.
get me a bacon roll and an egg roll with brown sauce please.
and grab some plasters at the chemist as i need them for you.


If you want to bicker back and fourth like little kids do it in a privite message. Dont take over this thread.
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