Obama is flat out a wuss.

Very big difference between killing innocent civilians with planes and destroying a rogue nations nuclear capabilities. Very, very big difference.

Uh terrorists you must be talking about Al qaeda.

Al qaeda is an enemy of Iran, AQ despises the Persians because they believe them to be heretics.
Damn fried day here is gettin stomped by mods and all. FDD why would you single out fried for being abusive when the 2nd post in the thread says "your stupid". Not bias are we......

Lacking common sense is not the same as being stupid.

Common sense is street smarts. Street smarts comes from experience.

If I called someone stupid, then that I am calling them out on their lack of education in an insulting way.

Education is book smarts. Education is not common sense. There is a huge difference.

Edit: by 2nd post i see you mean apart from the OP. I name called for a reason natrone, you had none.
Damn fried day here is gettin stomped by mods and all. FDD why would you single out fried for being abusive when the 2nd post in the thread says "your stupid". Not bias are we......

Dam you can't even get simple facts straight lol even when its right in front of your face.
I said he was a pussy...........since he was calling names I figured I would join the party:eyesmoke:
I was reading something about how there are 16 different intelligence agencies and they all say that Iran does not have nuke capability and won't for some time to come. By all measures they are only trying to develop a energy program was the Gist of the article. I need to see if i can find it.
I was just about to say that the majority of the world wants peace. However, if some do not, and are serious threats against the peace, then action must be taken before peace is disturbed in a MUCH more major way.

Brilliant. Go to war in order to promote peace, yep that works. And while it might sound nice - having a little war to stop a bigger war, isn't that what we thought was going to happen when we went into basically every war other than WWI and WWII? How did Vietnam, Korea, Iraq go?
I was reading something about how there are 16 different intelligence agencies and they all say that Iran does not have nuke capability and won't for some time to come. By all measures they are only trying to develop a energy program was the Gist of the article. I need to see if i can find it.

This is true. They don't have nuke capability, but are getting there.

Can you see the connect between 2012 and nukes? I don't believe in the 2012 doomsday, however if it were to happen I would assume that it would be a cause of nuclear warfare.
Brilliant. Go to war in order to promote peace, yep that works. And while it might sound nice - having a little war to stop a bigger war, isn't that what we thought was going to happen when we went into basically every war other than WWI and WWII? How did Vietnam, Korea, Iraq go?

Point is moot because Vietnam, Korea and Iraq WERE pointless wars, however Afghanistan is not. War in afghanistan is to protect peace. (protect from terror attacks by weakening AQ) Iran would be the same situation, however it is too early to tell how important of a war it would be.

RIU libs tire me out.

time to go ease my mind. later:joint:
Republican War Machine marches on! Do you think that the zealots would even care about us if we didin't go round the world tryin to force our values on others?
I say if you're so gun ho for somebody to do something about it, there no better place to start than with yourself. I'm not really a supporter of Obama, but it is easy and convienient to call him a wuss from the comfort of your home. Also, if you're so for it, than why don't you join the military? So many people bitch about everything. Do something about it, until then, just shut the fuck up.
Veitnam was NOT a pointless war and on top of that it was a "won" war. That was until Cronkite the unamerican printed lies and rallied hippies and halfwits to pressure our halfwit pres. to pull out. A real shame how little you people know about history. btw korea was not pointless either....WISE UP!!!!!!
Veitnam was NOT a pointless war and on top of that it was a "won" war. That was until Cronkite the unamerican printed lies and rallied hippies and halfwits to pressure our halfwit pres. to pull out. A real shame how little you people know about history. btw korea was not pointless either....WISE UP!!!!!!

vietnam wasn't a war it was a "conflict" ...wise up. ..and we didn't win it. We left saigon with our tail between our legs. The reason we pulled out was because it wasn't going anywhere, and it was like that on purpose,..just like this war. Same stratagy...but I'm not going to argue about this anymore.
hope your boots are polished. :)

"Right now, America’s biggest problem is convincing Israel not to strike Iranian nuclear facilities before multilateral talks. This could be a hard sell, especially since Iran’s provocative missile tests this week. Some experts give Iran until the end of the year, others give them weeks before Israel strikes these facilities. This is not a stretch. Israel is surrounded by enemies on all sides and in a constant state of war with the Palestinians. What is more, Israel has already proven to the world it is willing to nip security threats in the bud before they reach fruition—and if that means going it alone, so be it. Israel attacked facilities in both Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and most recently in Syria with little or no notice to its allies."


However, until Israel attacks Iran with a nuke, this doesn't matter because Israel is allied with us and share one of the same goals we do. Israel wants to prevent Iran from getting nukes (as well as destroy them, however they've always hated each other, so it's not really up to us if they like each other now is it?).

Strike nuclear facilities? Now wait a minute I thought they couldn't do that because the facilities are underground? Please explain that one.
Point is moot because Vietnam, Korea and Iraq WERE pointless wars, however Afghanistan is not. War in afghanistan is to protect peace. (protect from terror attacks by weakening AQ) Iran would be the same situation, however it is too early to tell how important of a war it would be.

RIU libs tire me out.

I'm not even liberal. I don't like Obama. The way you began this topic was completely ignorant, so I figured I would chime in.
While Vietnam and Korea were pointless, they were fought so we could fight the USSR through proxies, without having the bloodbath that would have been the two of us going at it. So no it is not moot - we went into the wars thinking we would fight those little ones rather than the big one. They went great didn't they?
Iraq - This war directly mirrors this entire discussion and you call it moot? We went in, or so we claim, for WMDs. There were not any, and look where we are at now. Again, we went in with a little war before big war mindset, and look at the fiasco we are in now.
Damn fried day here is gettin stomped by mods and all. FDD why would you single out fried for being abusive when the 2nd post in the thread says "your stupid". Not bias are we......

no, i am not biased. he started the thread. i am speaking to him outside of my mod duties. i am not a mod in this thread. i was simply stating that it would be silly to fall into a baited argument. bongsmilie

why do i have to explain everything? :roll: