What Side Do You Take??

Whats everyones position on hydro vs soil? Does one yeild more than the other? is the taste different? Why do you prefer one over the other? :blsmoke:

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
Whats everyones position on hydro vs soil? Does one yeild more than the other? is the taste different? Why do you prefer one over the other? :blsmoke:
I like soil because I am a noob, and I for sure would screw up a hydro grow. How ever I love smoking hydro and wish I could grow it.


Well-Known Member
I'm with Secret. Soil... seems simpler.
I could be wrong, but I had the impression that hydro was better yield-wise.
Still, I'm happy with soil.


Well-Known Member
I started with soil and moved to coco 1st with water to waste ((prob the easiest hydro system that exists))....now with my 3rd grow I still use coco but with autopots...still very simple but an investment... I think my yeilds are throu the roof in coco compared to soil...at least double ((if not more))


Well-Known Member
Soil 100%. Bigger yields and much tastier buds. Done both, you'll save a fortune of time, $ and effort doing soil over hydro, plus you can pull off way way better grows from soil. Hydro is hard to control, very temperamental, you could kill your crop just like that by adding too much of one thing and not of the other. Your choice though, mine is definitely SOIL!!! Cheers


Well-Known Member
Imo hydro for yeild and soil for quility, im a dirt farmer and i havnt grown hydro before.
A few friends grow coco using canna nutes, this is if not the best tasting bud ive tried!