

Active Member
Hello, I live in canada, this morning i got up and it was -7C i went outside and my plants were coverd in a thin layer of ice. Are my plants done for? or can i still cut then down and get hight? how many times can a plant freeze befor it's dies?


Active Member
intresting question. have not experienced this yet, might happen to me this year im in the new england area. but im not really sure if there done for but worst come to worst youe will most defiantly have to chop them down if the sun doesnt come around to warm them up

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Hello, I live in canada, this morning i got up and it was -7C i went outside and my plants were coverd in a thin layer of ice. Are my plants done for? or can i still cut then down and get hight? how many times can a plant freeze befor it's dies?
uncovered? once!


Active Member
uh, pot does not like being frozen at all.

it could be very bad.

a thin layer of "ICE" or frost.

if its ice they are almost deff goners, (as the plant freezes, ice crystals form inside the cells, rupturing the cell walls, as it thaws it just kinda falls apart, and because of the ruptured cell walls rotting can set in almost immediatly)

watch em close as they thaw, if you see signs of wilting, well, not good.

kinda like lettuce if u freeze it then thaw it, it gets all mooshy.

but if the leaves survive you should be ok.

but thats 19f and thats pretty fuckin cold

if you know beforehand next time try and put a garbage bag over em for the night.

ohh if you see signs of mush, cut and dry time.

if you decide to chop, get the ice off as fast as you can, get all excess moisture way gone, and dry it faster than i would normally suggest, id normally tell you to cure for at least a week. today, you need to start dehydration fast. something more aggressive for the first day or 2, then you should be able to slow down. (dont microwave it as the heat generated will further complicate the damage to the cell walls)

Buster 420

Active Member
Fan leaves will die first. When it warms up watch the smaller leaves and see if they live. You'll know if the plant is dead if the tops and branches sag. It's an ugly picture but harvest like you would normally. I'm sure you'll see a few pics of dead plants all over this site.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Fan leaves will die first. When it warms up watch the smaller leaves and see if they live. You'll know if the plant is dead if the tops and branches sag. It's an ugly picture but harvest like you would normally. I'm sure you'll see a few pics of dead plants all over this site.
depending how long the ice build-up was on them will tell the story. but yes, a good visual inspection will tell!


Well-Known Member
my plants had a heavy frost a couple days ago. They are fine. It was 28 f for 3-4 hours. and by noon, they looked great ! and now, they even have a little purple on them.
I think some people , including me get real worried at this stage. it's normal.
Mj is very hardy, and even tough to kill at times.
I think your plants will be fine.


Active Member
just went and looked at my plants they look fine, tomorrow morning i will post a pic of the ice on the plant (it is going to get to -10c tonight)


Active Member
snow will kill them....frost here and there? negatory. Its a w e e d and has been adapting well before you posted this question..harvest moon for 2009 is Oct. 4th according to the farmers almanac. It also states the best days to harvest an aboveground crop is on the 20th-23rd.

edit: Not to say that will work in everyones case...If you have below freezing temperatures for 24 hours...I would recommend chopping.


thanks for the input. they say 28F here tonight. im gonna be able to cover tonight then i go out of town for a few days. it should stay back up in the 30's. anyways i would like to hear how everyones ladies made it threw the cold. ill try to post some pics too. not sure if you can see but this little purple tip was from the last cold week.


Active Member
dude if its dropping to neg ten tonight go out and put a bag on it right now.

best if to can reach the ground. if not over the top with a trash bag cinch it slightly. (tight enough to not get blown off, but loose enough to still provide some venting.)

you know the old saying "an ounce of prevention, is worth, about 100 a gram where i live:-)"


Well-Known Member
we hit 28F last night around 3am. right now it's 42f and it's only 9:35, but the plants have been fine as long as it's not extended freezing.

plants in pots are more susceptible by the way.



Well-Known Member
well i would say they are gone done for dead if they budded you want to chop them down then because you could cause mold if you let it unthaw and repeat the same b.s process so chop it man


Well-Known Member
thanks for the input. they say 28F here tonight. im gonna be able to cover tonight then i go out of town for a few days. it should stay back up in the 30's. anyways i would like to hear how everyones ladies made it threw the cold. ill try to post some pics too. not sure if you can see but this little purple tip was from the last cold week.

yes cold weather cause plant (s) to purple as well