What should i get??

True Stoner

Active Member
Ok so i have the lights on the way and im ordering the fans i need and now its the hydroponic setup i want to buy so i need your peeps help on this one. I was going to order the Eurogrower which is a 8 plant hydroton medium setup on a 40 gallon res but i have heard that the pipes leak and shit. What should i use to seal the pipes that wont leak into the water and kill my babys?? what are some other suggestions on a hydroponic setup within the $600 range and im using a 600 watt with CFLS on the sides of the walls. Please let me know as i need to get it bought and i would prefer to be able to buy it within Canada as i dont want to pay large custom charges!! Thanks peeps !!!! bongsmilie:eyesmoke::blsmoke::joint::twisted:

True Stoner

Active Member
So your fucking telling me that this thread has 35 hits and noone can help me out!!! What a fucking joke!!!


Well-Known Member
I personally like systems that support multiple plants with a single reservoir. The euro grower supports 8 plants and has a 40 gallon rez, it would probaly be easier to use with a chiller too. I would like that better than having 8 Deep water culture plants in individual 5 gallon buckets. If you want to build something, I would look at Stinkbuds aero system!


Active Member
I personally like systems that support multiple plants with a single reservoir. The euro grower supports 8 plants and has a 40 gallon rez, it would probaly be easier to use with a chiller too. I would like that better than having 8 Deep water culture plants in individual 5 gallon buckets. If you want to build something, I would look at Stinkbuds aero system!
Lol thats just what i do, i agree with the previous poster about making your own. Thats what makes this site so awesome there are a ton of cheap effective easy ways to make yours. Show us how it ends up.


Active Member
OMG! I have spent so much time here looking at the different systems, methods, all the FAQs and nothing but the FAQs, ma'am... I can quote all kinds of trivial yet important facts about everything related to personal growing just from the top of my head... and some dude calling himsilf "TrureStoner" asks this kind of crapola...

You know how somerimes you want to reach through and smack the bejesus out of somebody? One of thos times man... one of those times...

off to re-establish my buzz..... sigh.

True Stoner

Active Member
OMG! I have spent so much time here looking at the different systems, methods, all the FAQs and nothing but the FAQs, ma'am... I can quote all kinds of trivial yet important facts about everything related to personal growing just from the top of my head... and some dude calling himsilf "TrureStoner" asks this kind of crapola...

You know how somerimes you want to reach through and smack the bejesus out of somebody? One of thos times man... one of those times...

off to re-establish my buzz..... sigh.
Yeah im a TRUE STONER!! It doesnt say TRUE GROWER does it !! Im just asking questions as that is what a forum is for so go suck a bag of dicks!! :mrgreen: Thanks and kiss-ass!!!