Help My Plants are Autoflowering!!


Active Member
Hey guys thanks in advance... Here's the 411 DP Oasis and Durban x Skunk Oasis is 80 Days from Germ The SA Durban x Skunk are about 6 weeks from germ. In 12 Liter containers...Fox Farm Happy Frog and Vermiculite 50/50 Mix Botanicare Liquid Karma and Pro Veg Under a 430 watt HPS ALWAYS 18/6 They are very healthy looking, and today as I was taking cuttings to sex these plants, I was horrified to find Flowers!!! They have ALWAYS been under 18/6 !! Both strains are in the early stages of flower.. see pics.. WTF??? Any ideas..The only thing I could think of is sometimes Ill water during the dark period...I didn't think it mattered until I was in 12/12. Temps have never been over 85 F Humidity has been high about 70%, PH has been at 6.8 to 7.2 They looked great and were growing great..I just can't figure it out.



Well-Known Member
doesnt really matter now right? from the pics it looks like they are both male.... toss em the F*ck out!


Well-Known Member
yup two male bastards...chuck them....dont need to sex them now....its DEFINATE my that all u have the two..I hope u have more..if not grow them out and hash them while u start some more..if thats all u have get something out of the bastards...smoke on...peace..(sry)


Well-Known Member
the problem is not the way ur growing them..ur doing a fine fine job keep it up...I think u have the growing down figure out the sexing......great job on the vegging...if u had females they too would be looking great...keep it up my friend....smoke on....peace...


Active Member
I know they are males guys..I just want to know why they flowered while getting 18 hours of light a day....


Well-Known Member
males tend to show their sex earlier and they will usually pop up after 30 days of veg.. i have 5 plants on 30 day veg right now.. 2 showed balls o 18/6 lets hope the rest are female


Well-Known Member
what does it matter that they flowered?...consider yourself lucky u didnt have 2 waste more time than u have already...maybe it was a blessing from god...felt sorry 4 that u were wasting your time ;)


Well-Known Member
it's never a waste of time just think of it as a learning experience for the next plants you try. spent 3 months on my first 1 turned out to be a lone male.

durban poison

Well-Known Member
You said you water during the dark period, did you put the lights on? Anything else you can think of that you've done to disturb them during darkness? :peace:


Well-Known Member
the reason many strains flower without switching photoperiod is because of where they origniate - many places (around the equator, mostly) have almost the same amount of sun year round, give or take an hour, so the strains originating there flower by an internal clock, not the amount of light.


Well-Known Member
they didnt flower those are just preflowers, when you see preflowers you can keep vegging, that is just the plant showing its sex during veg, ive had plants show as quick as 3 weeks from seed on 24/0.. also males will show their sex a week or two before females of the same strain, so if you have some plants that have not shown sex, chances are they are a female and will show sex shortly after


Well-Known Member
i think because technically,,they are an annual plant,,so at 60 -70 -80 days,,the plant itself knows what time it is,,and what it should do,,i could be spitting crap,,but it sounds good:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin
