White Powder Cloud


Active Member
Growing outdoors near a creek area with random vegetation surrounding in Norcal. My concern is they've collected hella pollen from another plant... when the buds are shaken a "poof" of a white powdery like cloud comes out. Everything about the plant appears healthy. I would just like to think it was a cloud of trichomes but... hmmmmmmm...its not white flies/mold.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Growing outdoors near a creek area with random vegetation surrounding in Norcal. My concern is they've collected hella pollen from another plant... when the buds are shaken a "poof" of a white powdery like cloud comes out. Everything about the plant appears healthy. I would just like to think it was a cloud of trichomes but... hmmmmmmm...its not white flies/mold.
sounds to me like a MALE plant. got a pic to look at?


Well-Known Member
i had to cover up a big girl of mine w/ a tarp recently, and when i removed it the same thing happened, big cloud of some kind of dust/pollen! i assumed it to be the pollen off of some plant around her, guess it had to be cause its 100% female, but idk, it was wierd!

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
i had to cover up a big girl of mine w/ a tarp recently, and when i removed it the same thing happened, big cloud of some kind of dust/pollen! i assumed it to be the pollen off of some plant around her, guess it had to be cause its 100% female, but idk, it was wierd!
Huh? that's kinda wierd. Beyondtilt, does it show up in a pic? I'd like to see that!


Active Member
i had to cover up a big girl of mine w/ a tarp recently, and when i removed it the same thing happened, big cloud of some kind of dust/pollen! i assumed it to be the pollen off of some plant around her, guess it had to be cause its 100% female, but idk, it was wierd!
interesting...yeah surprising that it doesn't seem very common though...can't find any other posts on it...i guess it must be pollen from something, doesn't affect the plant at all but I'm sure it can't be good on the smoking end of it


Active Member
nah you can't see it on the buds itself...only when you shake it. it kinda poofs than disappears kinda like blowing chalk dust but it's finer than that.
the same thing happend to me when i was growing a freebie from attitude was the quicksilver, sexed as a female but when i shook the buds like chalk or talcum powder. i assumed it was pollen n abandoned prodject


Active Member
i think its collection of dust and dirt and other shit in your buds, then again it could be mould or spores so be careful


Well-Known Member
just cut my big girl down. the one that i had covered w/ a tarp and the "dust" came off of. turned out to be a hermie?!? i guess!?!?! the thing is, i never noticed the seed pods that had started to form. i thought they were swollen calyxes. but turns out it was either premature seed or pollen balls! i'm not sure cause i dont really have enough exp. w/ it yet to be able to identify/tell the diff. between a seed forming and wat might or might not be pollen balls. could have just been i pollinated female i guess but i didnt have any male plants so it would have had to have been pollinated by someone else's/wild male. anyway i cut her down so as to get wat i could off her. till next year then.:peace: