Since when was i a rude boy?
The Door was not locked and my mum was asleep, the police obviously had to come round to our house to tell her the car had been stolen, i wasn't arrested at the scene of the crime it was about a hour later when i went down my street they arrested me.
The police apparently came round and when my mum woke up they were all in the house searching through stuff, she told them to get out but she was then arrested.
Im 18, this is my 3rd time driving because i don't have a car or insurance so who's car am i meant to drive? i am waiting until i move out before i get a car. You have to be 17 to drive so thats only a year of not getting a car.
Erm what else...
I know i should not have been attracting attention to myself but what can i say...shouldn't have drunk so much.
I can see your all bitching on me because of the drunk driving and that is fair enough, but i made this thread to warn others that are growing in the uk that the police operate like this, and i was going to keep it updated but dont worry about it.
This forum can really switch, people i thought i got on well with

i was just sharing my story...
EDIT: also i can guarantee at least 25% of the people that have posted on this thread have either been in a car when the driver was drunk or they have drove a vehicle when they were drunk, they are just having a go at me because a few 'respected' members of the forums dont agree with my actions so there to scared to step out of line and say they have done something like this.