No, its a my plants are gone thread...
I dont know...i have not drunk in ages because when i get drunk i keep drinking till im wrecked and then i always nicked.
This is the end of drinking for me.
how's your mom?

No, its a my plants are gone thread...
I dont know...i have not drunk in ages because when i get drunk i keep drinking till im wrecked and then i always nicked.
This is the end of drinking for me.
6 cars of police sounds a bit suspicious i reckon someones been talking to the police about you before all this sh#t happened. get my drift.They didn't have a warrant, when my mum woke up 6 cars worth of pigs was already in the house in all of the rooms, and they was in my closet
Look i know the drink driving thing is fucked up...honestly.
You were already grassed up from the go! Who knows about your grow?They didn't have a warrant, when my mum woke up 6 cars worth of pigs was already in the house in all of the rooms, and they was in my closet
Look i know the drink driving thing is fucked up...honestly.
You caught that too?Wait you are 18 police do not go to your house if you are an adult, they take you to jail period. Something here doesn't jive...
you are either a minor or a bad liar.