Arrested for cultivation of cannabis, Plants confiscated.

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the widowman

Well-Known Member
next thursday at court that means they want to deal with you quick could be cusdodial sentence, sorry about the plants man, but the drunk driving man is well out of order , be interesting to find out what they charge you for the plants, if they charge you at all. best of luck with the court case.


Well-Known Member
They didn't have a warrant, when my mum woke up 6 cars worth of pigs was already in the house in all of the rooms, and they was in my closet :(

Look i know the drink driving thing is fucked up...honestly.

the widowman

Well-Known Member
They didn't have a warrant, when my mum woke up 6 cars worth of pigs was already in the house in all of the rooms, and they was in my closet :(

Look i know the drink driving thing is fucked up...honestly.
6 cars of police sounds a bit suspicious i reckon someones been talking to the police about you before all this sh#t happened. get my drift. :joint:

durban poison

Well-Known Member
They didn't have a warrant, when my mum woke up 6 cars worth of pigs was already in the house in all of the rooms, and they was in my closet :(

Look i know the drink driving thing is fucked up...honestly.
You were already grassed up from the go! Who knows about your grow? :peace:


Well-Known Member
like some dumb drunk. sorry couldn't resist.:mrgreen::peace:

maybe a scale? baggies with "residue"? something that would lead them to believe there was a reason to search your house.:confused:


Well-Known Member
one...your retarded, two someone that can cause that much pain or stress to there own mother deserves to die imo your mother should be the most important thing in your life, i know mine is

that is all...good day


Active Member
What a selfish asshole all you can think about is yourself. I feel for your mother she has to put up with a jerk off like you.


Well-Known Member
Wait you are 18 police do not go to your house if you are an adult, they take you to jail period. Something here doesn't jive...

you are either a minor or a bad liar.

Insurance companies won't cover the damage to your mothers car since the claim happened during the commission of a crime.


Active Member
I agree. Fucking stupid, pisses me off, my mate got killed two weeks ago from car crash, wasnt any drinking involved just annoyed that there are idiots who get away with shit, when good people die.


Well-Known Member
I for one am not going to rip into the OP. At 18 I made some major mistakes in life and could say the same at age 21. Thankfully noone was hurt and my hope here is something can be learned from the whole situation.

On the other hand I have never heard of a DUI resulting in a search of an individuals home without some major cause. Sounds to me like we are missing a large portion of this story. Make sure you find yourself decent legal aid.


Well-Known Member
oh ya i agree totally with serotonin. something is missin from his story. cops dont bring you to your house then raid. after a dui?? wtf?? lets hear the rest of ur story buddy!!!!

Weed Guy

Master Roller
I dont understand...Itoke were they really quite rough with you when they took you away....Also how big were they? Its times like this i wish i had a shittier crop, so if i get caught it aint as bad....


Well-Known Member
weed guy, did u make up your location? when i first saw it i was like "this guys an idiot...then i realised nobodys that dumb!!" haha apart from me for believing it :P


Well-Known Member
itoke, what's happening in your life right now sucks (to understate the obvious, of course), and you definitely brought it upon yourself... hopefully you see that this is a big opportunity for you to learn. i hope this event pushes you to choose what you do more wisely in the future, cause you've fucked up pretty severely- don't make this a pattern for your life, dude. and count your blessings that things aren't worse than they already are are! look around you, you need to feel really bad about the position you have put your mother in. if you don't, start now.

i kinda agree with the others... are you really 18? :peace:
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