Glen Beck's a Douche!


Active Member
Here is a better graph of wealth distribution in the US for 2007. How can anyone in the bottom 80% not be outraged?



New Member
Outraged? Why be outraged? Instead of being outraged, why not set some goals, then strive to get into the next percentile bracket ... and then up from there. You DO realize that there is nothing limiting you except yourself, right? Or are you of the mind that we have a caste system here in the U.S.?



Active Member
why should people have to work 3 jobs just to pay the bills? While the top 1% has 43% of the nations wealth?


New Member
Net worth is earned, not given.

Those who pay attention in school, stay off hard drugs, have a mom and a pop, all have an outstanding ability to improve their lot in life.

No country lets someone advance themselves like the USA.

You'd be better off figuring out why these ppl struggle so badly. More than likely, I have mentioned them already.


New Member
It's up to the individual to make it. There is no excuse for failure in the USA.....none. It is the most upwardly mobile country the world has ever seen....and yet you still whine.


Global Moderator
Staff member
they shouldn't. But if they work full time shouldn't they live better than pay check to pay check?
Are you advocating that everyone in the US be paid a single wage then? Teenagers at McD'ees getting their 100K a year right along side of the small business owner? If thats socialism then what is the incentive for an individual to move forward, to better ones self?
None as I see it.


Well-Known Member
It's getting to the point where I WANT a civil war, I'm tired of people bitching because they didn't put enough effort into their education so now they work 3 jobs to pay for bills and want the rest of the educated, hard working people to pick up the tab. Lets face it, you can't compromise on these mentalities and I'm so fucking sick of people who demand shit just because they're poor.


New Member
they shouldn't. But if they work full time shouldn't they live better than pay check to pay check?[/QUOTE]

Money is nothing more than a scoreboard reflection of one's service to others. It is a person's choice to be in a dead-end job that pays a small amount. Those choices are the result of fear of taking a risk, lack of education, lack of drive, failure to set goals or just a lack of awareness.

Find a way to help as many people as possible to get what THEY want, and you will get what you want in return. Its as simple as that.

We do not live in a society that has a caste system. If your father was a ditch digger, breaking his back every day for minimum wage, that doesn't mean you have to follow in his footsteps.

Here's a book I'd like to recommend to you: "See You At The Top," by Zig Ziglar.

Its also available in CD format as well. I know because I just bought it for my grandson for his birthday.

Here's another great program that is a MUST for folks like you. Its Earl Nightengale's "Lead The Field" program. Well worth the money for the CD version.

I first learned about these recordings when they were only available on LP vinyl records. I know how great they are. Why? Because I used to think exactly like you think.

The power of the human mind is amazing. I sincerely hope you take advantage of the information I just provided for you. :)


Well-Known Member
Just ordered the CD's. It better be good, or else it's all your fault.:blsmoke:

Some quotes from the site, from the writer of "lead the field". Convinced me to buy it...

Quotes by Earl Nightingale
"You become what you think about."
By Earl Nightingale

"People with goals succeed because they know where they are going... It's
as simple as that."
By Earl Nightingale

"What's going on in the inside shows on the outside."
By Earl Nightingale

"Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm."
By Earl Nightingale

You are, at this moment, standing, right in the middle of your own "acres of diamonds."
By Earl Nightingale


Well-Known Member
Are you advocating that everyone in the US be paid a single wage then? Teenagers at McD'ees getting their 100K a year right along side of the small business owner? If thats socialism then what is the incentive for an individual to move forward, to better ones self?
None as I see it.
that's not socialism, that's communism. Totally different.


Well-Known Member
they shouldn't. But if they work full time shouldn't they live better than pay check to pay check?[/QUOTE]

Money is nothing more than a scoreboard reflection of one's service to others. It is a person's choice to be in a dead-end job that pays a small amount. Those choices are the result of fear of taking a risk, lack of education, lack of drive, failure to set goals or just a lack of awareness.

Find a way to help as many people as possible to get what THEY want, and you will get what you want in return. Its as simple as that.

We do not live in a society that has a caste system. If your father was a ditch digger, breaking his back every day for minimum wage, that doesn't mean you have to follow in his footsteps.

Here's a book I'd like to recommend to you: "See You At The Top," by Zig Ziglar.

Its also available in CD format as well. I know because I just bought it for my grandson for his birthday.

Here's another great program that is a MUST for folks like you. Its Earl Nightengale's "Lead The Field" program. Well worth the money for the CD version.

I first learned about these recordings when they were only available on LP vinyl records. I know how great they are. Why? Because I used to think exactly like you think.

The power of the human mind is amazing. I sincerely hope you take advantage of the information I just provided for you. :)

No, it not always a person's choice to be in a dead end job. Trust me. I work 2 jobs, go to school full time, and take care of 2 kids. I'm lucky I have a fiancee with a decent job who can pay the bulk of the bills, or I'd be stuck in a dead end job getting NO education and completely unable to do ANYTHING other than keep working and scraping by like I've done for YEARS on my own.

Not everyone has the means and the opportunity to pursue a higher education. If you're working 60-70 hour weeks just to keep a roof over your head and food on the table, chances are you aren't going to have the TIME or MONEY to devote to furthering your education. Not to mention there are people who haven't even graduated from high school because their families were so poor they had to drop out and get a job so they didn't lose their home or starve, or to take care of younger siblings so their parents could work.

I'm going to graduate from college with close to $10,000 in debt, and that's actually pretty low compared to the national average. If college were more affordable, I'm sure more people would choose to attend. As it stands, it's hard to find a job even with a college degree and many people just don't see the benefit.

The middle class is dying. The poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. If that isn't a caste system, I don't know what is.


Well-Known Member
Man you guys sound like a bunch of whining spoiled brats with an inflated sense of entitlement. Where do you get this idiotic notion that life ought to be fair? This is how children view the world, not adults.

Although I agree that some face elements in their lives that make success more difficult, these things are not the fault of Government, Capitalism or any other collective policy. Nor is it the responsibility of society to correct these things. Right now there are enough social programs for even kids from the ghetto to get through college. There are student loans and grants of all types, especially for minorities. I myself owe $60,000 in student loans and you don't hear me pissing and moaning about having to work hard to pay them.

Trust me, I had it tougher than anyone here by far. I got sick of working BS jobs so me and a friend put our necks on the chopping block and started a business. We took very little pay for a long time and we lived like paupers. We started with nothing and now all the hard work is paying off and I am making a comfortable wage.

Now you guys are telling me that the guy I have working for me doing manual labor ought to make the same wage as me when he never paid the dues I paid, doesn't have my abilities and doesn't produce what I produce. For that matter, why do I pay my CPA $150 per hour when I don't make that much. I'll tell you why, its because my CPA has a special skill that has a given value in the marketplace. Tiger Woods just broke the 1 billion dollar career earnings mark because he has a skill that is worth 1 billion dollars. That is what determines ones earnings, not some idiotic notion of what is fair or not. You want to know what is fair - it is fair for every man to be paid what he is worth, that is what's fair. If you wait tables for a living or work at McDonald's you are being paid according to the value of what you produce. That is about as fair as it gets.


Active Member
No, it not always a person's choice to be in a dead end job. Trust me. I work 2 jobs, go to school full time, and take care of 2 kids. I'm lucky I have a fiancee with a decent job who can pay the bulk of the bills, or I'd be stuck in a dead end job getting NO education and completely unable to do ANYTHING other than keep working and scraping by like I've done for YEARS on my own.

Not everyone has the means and the opportunity to pursue a higher education. If you're working 60-70 hour weeks just to keep a roof over your head and food on the table, chances are you aren't going to have the TIME or MONEY to devote to furthering your education. Not to mention there are people who haven't even graduated from high school because their families were so poor they had to drop out and get a job so they didn't lose their home or starve, or to take care of younger siblings so their parents could work.

I'm going to graduate from college with close to $10,000 in debt, and that's actually pretty low compared to the national average. If college were more affordable, I'm sure more people would choose to attend. As it stands, it's hard to find a job even with a college degree and many people just don't see the benefit.

The middle class is dying. The poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. If that isn't a caste system, I don't know what is.
finally a person who has had to live in the real world, and knows what terms he uses actually mean. I can tell you have had a higher education and can put together a cohesive argument.


Active Member
Man you guys sound like a bunch of whining spoiled brats with an inflated sense of entitlement. Where do you get this idiotic notion that life ought to be fair? This is how children view the world, not adults.

Although I agree that some face elements in their lives that make success more difficult, these things are not the fault of Government, Capitalism or any other collective policy. Nor is it the responsibility of society to correct these things. Right now there are enough social programs for even kids from the ghetto to get through college. There are student loans and grants of all types, especially for minorities. I myself owe $60,000 in student loans and you don't hear me pissing and moaning about having to work hard to pay them.

Trust me, I had it tougher than anyone here by far. I got sick of working BS jobs so me and a friend put our necks on the chopping block and started a business. We took very little pay for a long time and we lived like paupers. We started with nothing and now all the hard work is paying off and I am making a comfortable wage.

Now you guys are telling me that the guy I have working for me doing manual labor ought to make the same wage as me when he never paid the dues I paid, doesn't have my abilities and doesn't produce what I produce. For that matter, why do I pay my CPA $150 per hour when I don't make that much. I'll tell you why, its because my CPA has a special skill that has a given value in the marketplace. Tiger Woods just broke the 1 billion dollar career earnings mark because he has a skill that is worth 1 billion dollars. That is what determines ones earnings, not some idiotic notion of what is fair or not. You want to know what is fair - it is fair for every man to be paid what he is worth, that is what's fair. If you wait tables for a living or work at McDonald's you are being paid according to the value of what you produce. That is about as fair as it gets.
Playing Golf is worth a billion dollars? To me that is obscene, but at least he does a good amount of charity with it. Let me ask, do you give your employees healthcare and a living wage? As the boss you should make more than employees, but not at the expense of them getting a living wage. Do they work hard for you? Don't you think that if they work full-time for you, they should be able to pay all their bills, put a little in the bank or the market, and still be able to buy a bag or go on a weekend vacation every now and then?