thieves suck balls

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Well-Known Member
what about shoplifting does that count? U know like putting on 3 jeans and 5 shirts in the changing room of JC Penny's and then putting your sweater and sweat pants u wore in over? Does that count,hypothetically speaking, of course. No individual is harmed or even the wiser and the only one that loses out is the evil, greedy multi-millionaires that own the store.

I hope your kidding! It hurts the people who want raises from the people your stealing from. Insurance for that company goes up. Everybodys insurance goes up. The company suspects the workers.So they put up cameras and no employee has privacy again ever. ( So much for that smoke break) Oh and most important. These people have to raise their prices just to make sure they make average 6% profit (yes I know about the 100% mark up but you have to figure in paying employees, building rent, electricity, security and about a 1000 other small details) So thank you for helping jack up the price of levis,

In short, This hypothetical person needs to get a fucking job. He's not sticking it to the man, He's sticking it to all mankind.


Active Member
there is no excuse for being a thief...period

thieves get shot and killed all the time...we need to shoot a few more losers


Well-Known Member
DJmick is totally right your not sticking it to the big evil company as they push as much of the losses they make back out onto the small man by increasing prices,reducing wages etc.

So remember your not sticking it to the evil company because they will just use their worker/customer base to soak up any losses,either way the little man pays:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I hope your kidding! It hurts the people who want raises from the people your stealing from. Insurance for that company goes up. Everybodys insurance goes up. The company suspects the workers.So they put up cameras and no employee has privacy again ever. ( So much for that smoke break) Oh and most important. These people have to raise their prices just to make sure they make average 6% profit (yes I know about the 100% mark up but you have to figure in paying employees, building rent, electricity, security and about a 1000 other small details) So thank you for helping jack up the price of levis,

In short, This hypothetical person needs to get a fucking job. He's not sticking it to the man, He's sticking it to all mankind.
Yeah i guess the dude's on top never lose out. That hypothetical person is an ass:evil:


Active Member
Ok you guys are all right stealing is wrong!!!! But at the same time all I hear is people complaining about it, this is somthing that will always happen and never quit. Unless somone here decides to do somthing about it! Ok, who is going to go out and put on thier Stoner Man costume and stop all these thief's? You would be doing us all a great justice! LMAO:mrgreen:


New Member
Ok you guys are all right stealing is wrong!!!! But at the same time all I hear is people complaining about it, this is somthing that will always happen and never quit. Unless somone here decides to do somthing about it! Ok, who is going to go out and put on thier Stoner Man costume and stop all these thief's? You would be doing us all a great justice! LMAO:mrgreen:
ok stonerman now has to come out of is I. kochab. so now u all owe me a blunt for this thread. see not stealing does pay off. all these kind people have aided me in my rant and i dont feel like the only person pissed off because of seeing people stealing things to grow with.

if your gonna steal something to grow with it may as well be the best thing you can use. good luck to all those now trying to steal the sun........

and thanks to all the assholes who pass on increased light prices because they want to steal them.....
wow it seems the more things i consider into this the more it aggrivates me........
im going to have to stop looking @ this thread......

Growing Pains

Active Member
I barely if ever post. I'm on here everyday but would rather not be known to be here.
But its not right to steal what someone payed for. The only question that has to be answered is...
Would you like it done to you?

To those that would do something so childish.
(Please. Grow up and do what your doing properly.)


Well-Known Member
Dear Consumers,

We here at Corporate America have patented the sun and will be charging
all of you 20 dollars a month for solar heating, Plant growing and tanning.
We need this to pay for all the park lights you have been stealing in the past.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Corporate America!


Well-Known Member
well guys what if I stole a gun from a person who was likey to use is in th commision of a robery, then would that still be "wrong" there is no such thing as wrong and right just what type of person you wanna be / who you are. i wouldnt steal some shittiy light but if I saw a wet paper bag in the woods with 100K in it you damn well be sure I would take it if I didnt think it was some sort of trap or somthing. I say 85% percent of you would take it too. and if you wouldnt its most probably cuz you scared but whish you could.

i had my car stolen right under my nose once, sure I hated those fuckers, luckyly i found them. turns out they were like 12 & 14 what you gonna do. nothing exactly I just letem go free. anyway im not saying im pro stealing and shit but this is a weed site and a lot of us were rapscallions when we were young, so i just want our voice to be heard cuz we try to write stuff off our taxes too just like you.:blsmoke:

and if your gonn be all like that then stop taking those pens home from work!!!! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
stealing is fuckin retarded ,the only thing ive stolen was candy when i was like 12 haha, shits retarded if u steal to grow


Well-Known Member
I am suprised to see all of this, i find i usually don't agree with the general publics point of view but i figured this wouldn't be the place i would have to disagre with anyone, until i came upon this thread, I just want to say i,ve been a clepto for most of my life even if i don't need something its not only a rush it's ten times better when it's free; plus if it weren't for my quick hand on some days I'd be cold or hungry. Now if ur looking at my and saying "Oh that ignorant kid ripping off poor mom and pop shops where he can't get caught." I don't rip off privatly owned stores; I don't like the ideas of these giant franchises taking over all the little people around them, i suport entuperneering. But its funny to see a bunch of people who break the law (minus legal growers) but feel they should choose what to do via what the government/ law tells you. I find pleasure in slowing bringing down big business and not listening to the fat dump fucks behind the throne. I also want to say i,ve never stolen a ballast, because i wouldn't put my babies under anything but the finest product money can buy, just my two cents, thanks for listening,


Well-Known Member
although i stole lights from out front of the courthouse like 10 years ago i have grown since then and my complete way of thinking has changed and yes back then i was a tweeker but i have learnt alot about life since than(spelling not one of them) and i'm convinced that younger ppl are just fuckin stupid, I know I was.
Dude you cant just go saying that. You cant say to someone i use to do that, but people who do that are just fuckin stupid. Younger people are no different to you, you were once young to. I dont think you have learned much about life if you are judging people like that when you yourself have participated in the same illegal activities, yet there just fuckin stupid and your not. Its still a crime, ten years or not. Your the same as them yet your judging them. Sorry if this is a little harsh i just hate hypocrite's.


Well-Known Member
Maybe he could replace the "stupid" reference and replace it with naive,pigheaded,obstinate,reckless,impulsive and thoughtless not to mention flat broke and drunk nine times out of ten:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I also called myself stupid, jackass, how the fu. never mind you suck


Well-Known Member
if you knew someone stole 7 of your plants you had growing outside prematurely, baked most of it in an oven to quick dry it and then sold it out as mexican brick because they were too stupid to harvest, dry and cure it correctly would it still be wrong to steal from them?
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