J-mon's bubbleroom grow journal

Well, I rearranged the growroom and started a third bubblemaid today. Four Greenhouse "The Church" seeds are germinated and into the hydro! The second bubblemaid, with the previously sick plants, is now looking much better! The three orginal Mystery Dank plants are still doing great and I am hoping for a growth spurt after todays resevior change.Now I want more lights!!!!!!!!!



Active Member
Well, I rearranged the growroom and started a third bubblemaid today. Four Greenhouse "The Church" seeds are germinated and into the hydro! The second bubblemaid, with the previously sick plants, is now looking much better! The three orginal Mystery Dank plants are still doing great and I am hoping for a growth spurt after todays resevior change.Now I want more lights!!!!!!!!!
i c u have 4 bubblemaids (lol) idig , and u have 2 air pumps do u use 1 air tube per bubblemaid, and what size is ur tank?, peace bro
i c u have 4 bubblemaids (lol) idig , and u have 2 air pumps do u use 1 air tube per bubblemaid, and what size is ur tank?, peace bro
Well there are three pumps, one for each tank with two airstones per tank. One of the pumps is out of the picture. The fourth tank is just a place to put the pumps and I use it to empty into during reseviour changes. They are all 10 gallon totes with 6 gallons of water per tank. Anything more than that is a hassle to do reseviour changes.


The Church is starting to look good! I added some more nutes today, bumped it up to 600 ppm. I will be placing the 3 mystery dank plants into the flower room Thursday. The second mystery dank bubblemaid has 5 more plants and three are doing well with new growth. The other two are small but healthy looking. One is a three node plant(last pic). They are all behind due to being sickly before the transplant, but I'll take slowly but surely anyday!!


Here are a few pics of 4 Church plants ten days in. Last pic is a plant that my buddy gave me two weeks ago. It is currently 3-4 weeks into flower. It has some yellowing leave, so I have been feeding it some nutes and it seems to be getting a little more healthy. The soil isn't the greatest I think, but it was free. The buds are starting to look good though! I'm thinking 4 more weeks and happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!


I setup my first tank in my closet for flowering. Tonight I confirmed another female. That makes two of out of three and they are the biggest two!! The PH was fluctuating due to the Fox Farms solubles, but I think it is stable now. The Church plants were a little overfed but they seem to be fine. The buds, even though small, look good on the plant that was given to me. Another couple weeks and it will be ready.


Man I haven't posted for a while!! I am in the process of building a Aero cloner to clone my Church plants. They are 5 weeks in veg, 22" tall and bushy as could be. There are so many budsites its ridiculous! I will be transfering to the flower room on Wed, after taking some clones. My three mystery dank plants were experiencing nute burn(3 weeks flower) so I am doing a 8 step recovery tommorow. Hopefully they will overcome!!


Well after doing Rosemans 8 step recovery my now two(removed runt) mystery dank plants are looking much better and buds are starting to fill in nicely. My church plants however are not looking to great! I did however finish my aerocloner and I have one church seed left. So if they don't make it, the strain shall survive!

