Glen Beck's a Douche!


Active Member
So Tiger is worth a billion, but a teacher only makes about $40,000 a year. In my value system the teacher is a bit more valuable to society and should be treated accordingly. I'm just trying to keep things in perspective.


Active Member
It's not for you to decide another person's value or worth. Who do you think you are?
It's your mindset that allows people like, Roland A. Williams, CEO of CIGNA Health Insurance to make $24,300,112 in 2008, by denying payments for treatment to people that have already paid their premiums, and other shady practices? No CEO deserve that much in one year. Especially 2008! As long as we assign ridiculous value to those not worthy of it, you are damn right I will call that out. That's who I think I am!


New Member
Not your business. The only people CEO, CFO's should be held accountable to is their SHAREHOLDERS.... no one else.

It's not up to some average citizen to say...hey, he's making too much or hey he's making too little.

We have ways of dealing with all that. It's called the market place. Someones salary or bonuses should not be a political football, unless your a communist.

We're not.

It's not your business.


Well-Known Member
Playing Golf is worth a billion dollars? To me that is obscene, but at least he does a good amount of charity with it. Let me ask, do you give your employees healthcare and a living wage? As the boss you should make more than employees, but not at the expense of them getting a living wage. Do they work hard for you? Don't you think that if they work full-time for you, they should be able to pay all their bills, put a little in the bank or the market, and still be able to buy a bag or go on a weekend vacation every now and then?
Who cares what you think about what people are worth. Tiger earns what he does because of what he produces. Teachers earn less largely because they work for a government run entity and provide a social service that people unfortunately don't value more. Private school teachers and college professors earn more. What does that tell you about Capitalism?

I pay my employee what he is worth to my business. He does not have health care because he chose to opt out so that he could take home more money. He makes $12 per hour. I think that is a fair wage. If he were a young kid and less reliable I might pay him less.


Well-Known Member
Not your business. The only people CEO, CFO's should be held accountable to is their SHAREHOLDERS.... no one else.

It's not up to some average citizen to say...hey, he's making too much or hey he's making too little.

We have ways of dealing with all that. It's called the market place. Someones salary or bonuses should not be a political football, unless your a communist.

We're not.

It's not your business.
Again you long as that business does its business in my country in neighborhood,in my company, its my damn business to make sure that the CEO,CFO,COO and even CP30 does wtf is right..Peoples health should not be a profit decision..!!!!:evil: get that thru that hard Cracker skull of yours... oh I forgot you play a big time trade dealer on the net ...maybe you trade health insurance ???:roll:


New Member
Again you long as that business does its business in my country in neighborhood,in my company, its my damn business to make sure that the CEO,CFO,COO and even CP30 does wtf is right..Peoples health should not be a profit decision..!!!!:evil: get that thru that hard Cracker skull of yours... oh I forgot you play a big time trade dealer on the net ...maybe you trade health insurance ???:roll:
Meaning.... ur a communist.


New Member
Having an IQ in the 90's is so 90's.

try a bit harder.

Try not to think of others ppl money as yours..... it's not.


Well-Known Member
no way any CEO should receive any type of bonus when his/her company is failing and if you think they do then you are dumber then I gave you credit for....


New Member
no way any CEO should receive any type of bonus when his/her company is failing and if you think they do then you are dumber then I gave you credit for....

Please don't say what other ppl should or should not get. It's not your business, and your posts have always indicated you do not understand how markets work.

All salaries are negotiated by the ppl who do the HIRINGl. It's their business and that of the shareholders.

It's not your business and you aren't qualified to comment about it.


Active Member
Please don't say what other ppl should or should not get. It's not your business, and your posts have always indicated you do not understand how markets work.

All salaries are negotiated by the ppl who do the HIRINGl. It's their business and that of the shareholders.

It's not your business and you aren't qualified to comment about it.
I bet you think their should be no market regulation at all.


New Member
I think there is too much market regulation being overseen by the wrong people.

I know for a fact that it was OVER regulation which contributed to the Govt. induced financial meltdown.


Active Member
I think there is too much market regulation being overseen by the wrong people.

I know for a fact that it was OVER regulation which contributed to the Govt. induced financial meltdown.
what are these so called facts, and where did you get them?


New Member
I get them from the numbers. Numbers always give it away. Forget the words and finger pointing. Follow the numbers and the truth is revealed.

Most ppl don't either look or can't put the correct numbers into the correct relationship with each other. I can.

Who was the main contributor to the meltdown? Why the very ppl who now wish to save all of us..... from them. The Govt. that's who.

It's a farce.


Well-Known Member
actually CJ, government DEREGULATION contributed to the financial meltdown. You have NO idea what you say. The sarbanes-oaxley act signed by Bush made companies take on riskier loans. Since the guys high up had to sign-off on financial statements, they created credit-default swaps, which made SHIT loans look like chocolate cake loans.

you say whatever you want.

I know for a FACT, you are a good marijuana grower, you are not too savyy with financials, money flows, OR legislation....


Well-Known Member
I will go further.

I can ask you why the No Child Left Behind Act has decreased the number of teenagers that practice safe sex, when they choose to have sex.

You will probably tell me that the No Child Left Behind act has nothing to do with children and sexuality.


The No Child Left Behind Act includes in a subsection in a little corner of the legislation a clause that says that at no point can teenagers in public schools be taught sex without abstinence being the only viable safe sex alternative. Therefore there is no more talk about using protection, there is only talk about having NO SEX.

A family member of mine, who is a PHD in clinical Psychology, and who worked developing a study that attempts to determine if a correlation exists between the passage of the act, and teenage pregnancy can be thanked for giving me this new-found knowledge.

so not only are kids getting dumber (the law failed miserably), but they are having sex without protection too!!