1st grow, indoor AK-48 (fem)/ Kiwiskunk closet (pics)


Active Member
newie question ? how you know there females?

Well 2 are feminized seeds (meaning they were sexed as a seed by genetics, the seed bank did it.) And the other one is a regular seed (chance on being male or female.)

Also I always refer to my plants as females. I believe that if I have a positive outlook that they will all be female then hopefully that's what I will get.




Active Member
DAY 10

Ok here it is Day 10. The two small plants were transplanted yesterday and I couldn't be happier with the results. Neither of them seemed to have suffered from the transplant. They are just growin like crazy. The 1st node has appeared on both of them and more leaves are starting to show.

Today I watered both of them with 2 quarts each until the water was in the catch at the bottom of the pot. Hopefully this will promote more root growth as the roots grow searching for more water.

The third plant is almost out of its hull. I was going to let her try to push of the hull but if it gets stuck ill take it off. In a few more days ill have to take and transplant her into a new pot as well LOL.

The kiwiskunk has still yet to surface and i'm starting to worry. I haven't given up hope but it just seems to be taking alot longer than the others. Although its a different strain than the others so it may actually take longer to break the surface. I just hope I didn't plant her too far below the surface.





Active Member
The yellowing could be from not enough food!! i have some nightshade fem growing at the mo and 1 of them had yellow leaves pretty much from the start plus i almost killed her( see my journal for full story) and yet im in the start of flower and she is doing great!! the yellowing is practicaly gone!! and i think that was due to not enough veg food!!
I think you have transplanted at the right time, just keep your light nice and close so your little baby girls dont stretch too much and DONT overwater them, make sure the soil is dry(top inch or so) before u feed them!

Will stay with you mate and try and help in anyway i can but im quite new to this too!!



Active Member
Re the yellow leaf tips: I've seen that myself when the plants get too much nutes too early. The plants always seem to recover though.
well she seems unaffected by it. So hopefully its just discoloration. I haven't added any nutes to the soil they are in its just that scotts soil mix with the time release fertilizer that feeds plants for up to 3 months.

TY for your positive energy and insight.




Active Member
The yellowing could be from not enough food!! i have some nightshade fem growing at the mo and 1 of them had yellow leaves pretty much from the start plus i almost killed her( see my journal for full story) and yet im in the start of flower and she is doing great!! the yellowing is practicaly gone!! and i think that was due to not enough veg food!!
I think you have transplanted at the right time, just keep your light nice and close so your little baby girls dont stretch too much and DONT overwater them, make sure the soil is dry(top inch or so) before u feed them!

Will stay with you mate and try and help in anyway i can but im quite new to this too!!

First off Thank you for Subscribing! :mrgreen:

As far as the yellowing on the leaf tips. It hasn't jumped to the other plant so it's not contagious w/e it is. Also she doesn't really seem affected by it. She continues to grow and looks healthy.

Yes concerning the transplanting it was after the advice I got in the live chat here on the website. They told me to look for roots poking out of the hole on the bottom of the propagator and there where.

Today I watered them with 2 quarts and they seem to be doing fine at the moment. If I notice any changes I'll be sure to document it and post up in my grow journal. I hope I am not over watering them.

Again Thank you for subbing and for the positive energy and insight.




Active Member
Day 11

Well today wasn't much of a surprise, The two female AK-48's continue to grow at what it seems to be a exponential rate. They look to be growing like 1/2 inch every 24hrs. This is probably exaggeration.

I swear though sometimes when I get stoned I stare at my plants and they look like they are growing right in front of my eyes. :eyesmoke:. Anyways here is some more pics.





Active Member
Looking good man! I keep checking the mail like 12 times a day waiting for my 48s to come in >.<


Active Member
Day 12

Both plants are doing very well today. Although one female is growing faster than the other even though they were germinated and planted at exactly the same time. The smaller lady with the yellow spots on her first set of true leaves was the first one to pop out of the soil but now she is losing the vegging race. The other female plant is now growing faster. Just goes to show you how much surprise you can get from growing your own. The other AK-48 is still a sprout, but she continues to grow. The kiwiskunk is still chillin underground, I don't know if she will make it or not. Although I have been told that it can take up to 2 weeks to crack the surface. So let's hope she does! Pics!

Just a personal note , ever since i was a kid i loved growing my own vegetables and fruit. When I was small my grandmother would help me plant my own strawberries in the backyard. It was my patch of strawberries and i would protect them by putting chicken wire over it so the crows and other birds could not get to them. In my grandmother's backyard she also had a peach tree, a plum tree, and even a grape vine. I get the same type of enjoyment out of growing these plants as well. It was just that I let other stuff get in my way....work, school(not any more graduated in August) , and relationships. Not any more! :blsmoke:
Sorry for getting all nostalgia.





Active Member
The toughest time for me is the veg stage, especially if I'm doing something new or trying a new strain. Once I start 12/12 and they show sex (up to 2 weeks after that), I know about when they'll be done and I can relax because my odor control, ventilation, lighting nutes, etc are pretty much dialed in.

Yours are off to a great start. Now is the time to think about how much light you're going to throw on em and how to deal with the cooling, space, etc.



Active Member
The toughest time for me is the veg stage, especially if I'm doing something new or trying a new strain. Once I start 12/12 and they show sex (up to 2 weeks after that), I know about when they'll be done and I can relax because my odor control, ventilation, lighting nutes, etc are pretty much dialed in.

Yours are off to a great start. Now is the time to think about how much light you're going to throw on em and how to deal with the cooling, space, etc.

Ya ive been considering adding some more lighting, those two plants are really growing fast. Every day I check on them and they have grown more. I have ventilation under control but the one thing i'm worried about is cooling. It gets pretty hot during the daytime around noon here and inside the grow room it reaches up to 85 F, I've managed to keep it under control by opening my closet. But I cant be doing that all the time cause this is supposed to be a stealth grow... :-?




Active Member
Day 13

Well , the plants continue to grow like crazy. One of the two plants is really taking off. She continues to amaze me everyday. Maybe because its my 1st grow or what but, I have never seen a plant of any kind grow this fast. I dunno what but if there are any exp. growers out there y'all can be the judge of it. Anyways Pics!



