Outdoor Monster 2009 HUGE BUDSKIES


Well-Known Member
Now that I have your attention, will this hobby plant of mine survive until its ready for harvest? I'm in MN and its starting to get pretty cold, low of 36 tonight, and I want to know if this plant will be able to make it another month, which I figure is the bare min of flowering time it will need to finish. I've been feeding with PBP grow and some Roots organics HPK(organic bat guano) as a bloom booster.

Side note, do you guys think she'll get any bigger? I planted her late so essentially she's 12/12 from seed. She's pretty much a $5 bud at this point lol, I thought I would at least get an eighth out of her...

Edit: I already took care of the shit stuck to the bottom of her fans, just an FYI.



Active Member
Haha, ok that is sneaky as hell, but here I am replying.

As long as temperature allows, you should let her keep going. I think you'll only get another two weeks at most out of your weather though. I'm not in MN so I can't tell you for sure.


Active Member
you look like you got a while, i dont think you will have a fully mature plant, odds are that you need to harvest early. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Word guys, that's about what I expected, she started flowering really late because she was planted late and from seed to boot. She just didn't have the hormones to start flowering on time.

Sorry to be misleading, no one will reply to your thread on here unless you can grab their attention with the thread title. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal because I've seen others do the same and it made me laugh haha.


Active Member
Yeah, it's cool, it definitely got my attention. Although if it gets trendy with the kiddies I'm going to fling some poo.


Hey, whenever you finish up that girl though, send me a pm or make a thread or something and tell us what you got off of it. Hahaha.


Well-Known Member
Little bit of an update here...

The little one just made it through her toughest night yet. Yesterday it was freezing rain all day long, sometimes pretty heavy, followed by a very cold night. I think she was pretty much in hell yesterday. On the plus side, she's still alive. Believe it or not, I think she actually may have grown a little last night during that cold lol. Check out those trichs, not bad right? Perhaps the onset of cold weather is speeding up her development, Mary is so god damn adaptive.

The weather is getting really rough though, how much longer do you guys think I should leave her out there?

Also pictured is my cat, isn't he beautiful?



Active Member
Hahaha, that's really hilarious. This reminds me of the grow-off where they used 1 oz shot glasses. Nice looking turd there buddy.

I say leave it out as long as you can. Try to put it under something like an awning at night and put it out in the daytime.

You still have a minute or two left on her though. When did you sprout her?


Well-Known Member
This is going to sound funny, but I don't really remember when I sprouted her.:eyesmoke:

I think it was the beginning of august. I found a seed in some bud I bought from someone that grows. I've been telling him for years that turning on the lights during dark time causes male flowers to show up, but he does it anyway when he waters his plants, and he gets some male flowers on all of his plants as a result(moron). Anyway I thought to myself, "female plants that are self pollinated produce femenized seeds, don't they?" I don't know the strain but he usually orders pretty good genetics so I was curious to see what I could get. So I decided to plant one in my back yard for shits just to get an eighth out of it. I figured its worth the trouble to grow a small plant if its a guaranteed female, and it turns out I was right.

Wow, that was a way longer answer than you probably needed lol.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
What? :confused: I'm not gay, and if I were there would be nothing wrong with it. If you're pissed about the thread title I apologize, it was intended to be funny...
dude, as nice as this site can be. You have to weed yourself thru all the little "high schoolers", and their sophomoric comments.

Here is the reality of your little girl. Cannabis is 70% to 75% water. So imagine 30% of what you see now, when it's dry will be your smoke.


Active Member
I did'nt say you were gay. I said you are a FAG!!!
And you are shining example of how to be odious. Grow up, keep your ugly stuff to yourself and play nice.

Your mother should have taught you better. Now you get to be an adult on a grow site getting bitched at by someone who doesn't even like to do it.

I really don't.

But when I see you purposefully being mean, I gotta say something.

Ever heard of KIND bud?

Smoke some.bongsmilie

Yes, we all know now that there aren't huge budskies in this thread, and frankly its old news. Try to be nice to people, ok?

TheDankness: As you probably can see, posting threads that have different content than there topics can be misleading, however I think you already got that from my first post.

So you don't remember when it sprouted? Hmmmm, got any new pics?

Oh and PunaBud is right on with the numbers, good to have you here dude.


Active Member
wheres this monster at dude all i cis sum pussy and a small ass plant wtf
On the first page, I think you will see what you are looking for. The vast expanse of shiny resin heads....on a one gram bud.

No huge budskies......sad, I know. But he does have a novelty 6 inch plant that I think is hilarious.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad *some* of you on here have a sense of humor. I really didn't mean to personally offend anyone, it takes all but 3 seconds to hit back at the top of your browser window and return to the forums. Take a chill pill yo.:blsmoke:


Active Member
I'm glad *some* of you on here have a sense of humor. I really didn't mean to personally offend anyone, it takes all but 3 seconds to hit back at the top of your browser window and return to the forums. Take a chill pill yo.:blsmoke:
indeed! :joint::joint: lol, nice bud


Well-Known Member
Yo, post me a picture TheDankness!
Haven't had a chance to take any new pics yet, ill for sure post some tomorrow morning.

I think I may be plucking her on friday. Forecast shows the overnight low on thursday is 32, and then on friday night its going to be 28. She won't be fully mature by any stretch of the imagination, but I figure I better get her out of the dirt before that kind of cold. Should only take 15 minutes to dry this small of a bud so maybe I'll have a smoke report same night haha.