I've been smoking shwag for 30 years


Active Member
I am completely stunned.

I took a sample from my first plant (indoor, soil, fluoro's). Let it hang for a week and a half. Then gave it some "fireplace" drying. Then I tried it.

Now, I'm 46, been smoking since I was 16. I thought I've had some fantastic weed over the years, but I was not prepared for the extreme potency of this shit.

The buds looked awesome, covered in crystal resin, so I knew I had something worth smoking, but not in my wildest dreams did I think it would be this good.

Never, ever been this fucking stoned. Now I know what they mean by "couch lock." I felt like I could not get out of my chair. Like my entire body was being held down with lead weights.

Now the problem is this. I have one plant, with a small yield of likely 2 oz (due to confined space). We don't smoke much, so that would last me and the wife 2 or 3 years. I'd like to share it with friends, but for security reasons, absolutely NOBODY knows I grow. How do I give some away without tipping my hand?


Active Member
2 oz woud last 2 or 3 years, wow wish it lasted me that long.

cant u just tel them that someone gave it to you,


Active Member
What strain?

I mean if you smoke with people other than your wife just be like some young kid sold me this crazy weed you gotta try this

cheeze me

Well-Known Member
holy shit 2 ounces lasts you 2-3 years? WOW you are lucky man, id be happy if 2 ounces lasted me 2 dam weeks!

But wait how is 2 os over 3 years even possible, what like a joint every month or something?


Active Member
he does crack and heron on the days he dont smoke....hey a druggie is a druggie,lmao

just kidding bro...good shit


Active Member
I wish I was your friend right now. Why don't you make some cannabutter and cook some stuff with it. Usually the more I have means the more I smoke so if I just harvested that then I would throw some more seeds in the pot and smoke from now till harvest. If you want to give it away just tell your friends that they should try this weed that you bought. If someone tried to give me free weed though I would at first think something was wrong with it or my friend and then buy a lottery ticket because I am having the luckiest day I will ever have.

Illegal Smile

I give some away too because I don't like selling it. An ounce doesn't last me a year but it does last over a month and I've been growing it faster than smoking it. So here's what I tell people: I have an old friend who has become a medical grower in a legal state. He gives me some from time to time and it's more than we use so here 'ya go. No-one ever argues.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations! I smoked schwag for years and years. And in the region I live schwag runs hot and cold depending on the time of year. I have smoked schwag that tasted like dirt and some that would knock you over it was so potent.

But not until I sampled my first harvest did I truly understand what decent cannabis was all about. It's a wonderful feeling, but kind of a double edged sword in that now I will never knowingly smoke schwag again. But even my best friends call me 'cheap' (I prefer 'frugal') so you will never catch me paying the outrageous prices demanded of premium smoke.

As a result, I am fated to grow my own or not smoke at all.

As far as your quandary is concerned, let it cure. There is no reason to expose yourself as a grower to anyone. If the opportunity arises to share your bounty, then do it with a carefully crafted lie.


Active Member
Can I be both of your friends. I have never gotten free weed. There may have been a couple times in my whole 8 years smoking when my best friend was trying to be nice and he would be like you want a free gram or 2 but nothing significant. I did the same for him occasionally. And maybe my birthday. But no one has ever called me and said hey dude, you want an 1/8 or a quarter or a freaking ounce. I just moved also and i don't have a hookup yet so if someone called me saying that shit i would have a freaking heart attack


Well-Known Member
never really show them what they're smoking. Most people aren't going to realize that you grew it anyway, unless they grow themselves. Say an old friend who owed you some money that you haven't seen in years dropped by and gave you a bag as payment.


Active Member
Wow, thanks for all the responses.

First, I smoke 4 -5 hits out of a bong. Just on weekends, sometimes every other weekend. I like drinking tequila too, so I don't need that much weed anyway. I start by drinking, and getting a good buzz on. Then we get out the bong. That blasts us off to a whole new level. I bought a 1/2 oz, last November, the guy called it "blueberry." I still have some left.

In my 20's I smoked everyday. Weed, like anything, is best used in moderation. I enjoy and appreciate it better now, when I smoke once in a while.

Back then "homegrown" was a dirty word. Always wanted to grow sinsemilla, never figured out how to do safely...until now.


Well-Known Member
Congrats, sounds like you did a good job. What strain did you grow?
If you want to share with your friends, don't say anything unless they ask - don't gotta say you grew it - say you got it from someone that would not like their name mentioned. (Like stoners would ever be paranoid) lolbongsmilie


Active Member
Actually....not sure of the strain. Got some Aurora Indica and B52 beans. It was my first grow, and I got them mixed up. Only this one plant came up.

When I tried to add another plant, NONE of the Aurora germinated, so I'm assuming it's a B52.

I have a good cover story for where I got this weed. It's just gonna be hard not to tell someone....especially when I'm fucked up.

grow space

Well-Known Member
Hey man...Random question-what type of fluros did u use and what were the wattages:)???

Anyway....Its always good to grow your own...You dont get no shwag, no high prices is going to get you, and your independent...

Stay high...:mrgreen:



Active Member
I used some t12's I had around the house. Started with 3 (2 lamp) fixtures, and added 1 more. About half of the tubes were standard white, the other half were random "grow bulbs" from a local big box hardware store. Then I got 2 cheap LED's. They are only 13w, and not sure how much help they are. They don't seem to throw much light.

Next grow will be t8's. Found out some of the fixtures also take t8's. So, I'm going to get 2 more of those, and to with all t8 bulbs. There is an aquarium store, I can get some good t8 bulbs. I should go to t5's but they are too expensive, and I'd have order them online.

grow space

Well-Known Member
I used some t12's I had around the house. Started with 3 (2 lamp) fixtures, and added 1 more. About half of the tubes were standard white, the other half were random "grow bulbs" from a local big box hardware store. Then I got 2 cheap LED's. They are only 13w, and not sure how much help they are. They don't seem to throw much light.

Next grow will be t8's. Found out some of the fixtures also take t8's. So, I'm going to get 2 more of those, and to with all t8 bulbs. There is an aquarium store, I can get some good t8 bulbs. I should go to t5's but they are too expensive, and I'd have order them online.

Hey man..Thanks for info...Im growing right now with t8s myslef...3 lmaps(2 fluros in each) will be adding 2 fixtures more:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I used some t12's I had around the house. Started with 3 (2 lamp) fixtures, and added 1 more. About half of the tubes were standard white, the other half were random "grow bulbs" from a local big box hardware store. Then I got 2 cheap LED's. They are only 13w, and not sure how much help they are. They don't seem to throw much light.

Next grow will be t8's. Found out some of the fixtures also take t8's. So, I'm going to get 2 more of those, and to with all t8 bulbs. There is an aquarium store, I can get some good t8 bulbs. I should go to t5's but they are too expensive, and I'd have order them online.
WARNING: You are proceeding down a treacherous path for a self-described light/casual smoker.

Growing cannabis is more addictive than cannabis itself. Soon you find yourself perusing seed banks, comparing prices at online lighting sources, and investigating various fertilizers.

Soon your wife will complain that you enjoy spending time with your 'girls' more than with her. And you will wonder why she is getting so upset with you as you enter your grow room for the fifteenth time that day just to 'check' on them. You will find excuses to hang out in the grow room. You may catch yourself talking to them, playing music for them, and other activities you might have considered 'nutty' before beginning this hobby.

Soon you will be dying to brag to somebody about your grow. Not bragging really, but just real proud. You may even be forced to edit yourself in the middle of a sentence with a 'norm' before you expose your new hobby. So you will hang out at RIU more and more to discuss your grow, and other member's grows. Your wife will probably not like that either.

Soon you will have more plants that you know what to do with because you will have just started experimenting with cloning. That means another set of lights. With the new lights you may wish to try this perpetual harvest you have been reading about.

And before you know it you will have cannabis falling out of your ass crack. Jars and jars of it. You will look back wistfully on the days when you just had to worry about disposing of two ounces.

It is a slippery slope my friend. Consider yourself warned.


New Member
WARNING: You are proceeding down a treacherous path for a self-described light/casual smoker.

Growing cannabis is more addictive than cannabis itself. Soon you find yourself perusing seed banks, comparing prices at online lighting sources, and investigating various fertilizers.

Soon your wife will complain that you enjoy spending time with your 'girls' more than with her. And you will wonder why she is getting so upset with you as you enter your grow room for the fifteenth time that day just to 'check' on them. You will find excuses to hang out in the grow room. You may catch yourself talking to them, playing music for them, and other activities you might have considered 'nutty' before beginning this hobby.

Soon you will be dying to brag to somebody about your grow. Not bragging really, but just real proud. You may even be forced to edit yourself in the middle of a sentence with a 'norm' before you expose your new hobby. So you will hang out at RIU more and more to discuss your grow, and other member's grows. Your wife will probably not like that either.

Soon you will have more plants that you know what to do with because you will have just started experimenting with cloning. That means another set of lights. With the new lights you may wish to try this perpetual harvest you have been reading about.

And before you know it you will have cannabis falling out of your ass crack. Jars and jars of it. You will look back wistfully on the days when you just had to worry about disposing of two ounces.

It is a slippery slope my friend. Consider yourself warned.

I'm addicted and all the aforementioned is now true in my life. Thanks Johnny, I feel much better now.:hug:
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