Nb's 600w Hps Basement Corner Grow


Well-Known Member
maybe it was a person dressed as a deer... hah u never know. well plants lookin good as so does that trim party u got goin on. be there in a few ;p

just wanted to touch on ur nute choice too? i cant ever remember who all is using wat and i see ur selection now but was it the same as ur outdoor grow or u switchin it up? im thinkin when i do my indoor maybe go hydro and use fox farms nute lineup. but gotta do alot of research so i wanna see wat ure workin with


Well-Known Member
maybe it was a person dressed as a deer... hah u never know. well plants lookin good as so does that trim party u got goin on. be there in a few ;p

just wanted to touch on ur nute choice too? i cant ever remember who all is using wat and i see ur selection now but was it the same as ur outdoor grow or u switchin it up? im thinkin when i do my indoor maybe go hydro and use fox farms nute lineup. but gotta do alot of research so i wanna see wat ure workin with
I was using the Blue Mountain Organics line for my outdoor but switched to BioBizz for my indoor. my cousin uses it with pretty good results so I figured I'd try the bloom and then supplemant that with the Hi Brix molasses to really fatten them up. the super silver haze is a pretty big yielder too so it should be a nice little run :eyesmoke: gotta be careful with the FF ferts tho especially Tiger Bloom since they're pretty salty and if the salt buildup is too great it could lockout so just gotta gradually build up the doses. that's why I like this BioBizz since it's all organic and it seems the more organic the less chance of lockout or burning.

gonna perpetuate this first run with the one of each mothers I have then keep another one of each as the main mothers then just keep tossing clones in every 3 weeks or so. gonha have to do a little lst'ing on the mothers I think since the stretch would be too much for the heigth of my room


Well-Known Member
yea interesting cuz i know the liquid ferts are never completely all "organic" they just rep it for sales. but lockout does concern me thats another reason why i went organic outdoor. but i appreciate the imput ill follow and see how the bio shit works out for u and judge it from there


Well-Known Member
yea interesting cuz i know the liquid ferts are never completely all "organic" they just rep it for sales. but lockout does concern me thats another reason why i went organic outdoor. but i appreciate the imput ill follow and see how the bio shit works out for u and judge it from there
have you heard of OMRI before? http://www.omri.org
should check it out and they are the ones who really dictate if a product is "organic" or not cuz like you said, a lot of companies just slap that on there for added face value. and I'm pretty sure the BioBizz products are registered with OMRI. but yea we shall both see how well it goes. hold tight :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Bio Bizz Bloom is some good shit ;)... only do molasses feedings at half strength or less when you use it alongside Bio Bizz Bloom, as BBB already has molasses in it ;)..... good nute selection you got ;)


Well-Known Member
Bio-Bloom natural bloom formula is a complete fertilizer used from the beginning of a fruit or flower production until harvest. It is packed with naturally occurring minerals, micronutrients, amino acids, and hormones of vegetable origin to ensure exuberant flowers and fruit sets. Bio-Bloom can be applied through manual watering or automatic drip irrigation systems.


Well-Known Member
Bio Bizz is the shit! :)

All-Mix was developed especially to be the best potting soil for organic cultivation. It consists of 20% sphagnum peat moss, 35% garden peat, 10% high quality organic Worm-Humus , 30% perlite and 5% Pre-Mix.

- Available in sacks of 50L.

The potting soil can be reused indefinitely on condition that the following rules are observed:
1. Do not reuse potting soil that has been infested severely by parasites.
2. Remove the top layer of soil and throw it away.
3. Remove roots and plant debris as best you can, a forked tool is useful for this.
4. Add fresh potting soil, coconut fibre and perlite until the original volume is reached.
5. To the 1000 litres of soil add 50 litres of Pre-Mix and 100 litres of Worm-Humus and mix thoroughly.*
6. The soil mixture now needs to be lightly wetted in order for it to humidify. For best results leave for at least a few days in order for the microbiological bacteria's and enzymes in the Pre-Mix to proliferate.

*Reuse per 1000 litre soil mixture:
- 5% Pre-Mix (50 litres)
- 10% Worm-Humus (100 litres)

I mix it 2 to 1 with FF OF and then add in 15% perlite :)

premix consists of:

Pre-Mix Is a dry fertilizer comprised of 100% natural ingredients derived from organic matter, rock meal and trace elements. This microbially active blend was formulated to guarantee vigorous growth, abundant flowering, and maximum resistance to disease and fungal attack.

- Available in sacks of 5L or 25L.

Make your own soilmixture: (1000 litres)
- 50% pottingsoil or Coco-Mix (500 litres)
- 30% perlite (300 litres)
- 15% Worm-Humus (150 litres)
- 5% Pre-Mix (50 litres)

Important: mix good and evenly.


Well-Known Member
I lit up the hps at 4 pm and giving the plants a couple days to get used to it before I switch to 12/12. I had to supercrop all the main shoots since they were much too tall and would've got fried. I'm going to run 12/12 during the night hours to keep temps and energy prices down probably 8 to 8 or 9 to 9. I'm going to continually put clones in and perpetuate it but these are just two that I had and wanted to try out before I actually run the perpetual. so here are some pictures of my room, my home-made carbon filter, my fresh air intake, and my clones. enjoy :leaf: :eyesmoke: :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Looks like I stopped by just in time... don't know why I haven't checked this thread out before. Looks great B..Can't wait to watch those babies respond to that HPS and take off. Nice setup!!


Well-Known Member
glad ure makin headway bro i just chopped mine down and takin a break from trimming but the two u got in the corner are those plants LSTd FIM scrogged or wats goin on? they more then one? cuz thats one bushy ass plant man i was lookin to do sum shit like that and widen out my canopy when i move indoors.


New Member
glad ure makin headway bro i just chopped mine down and takin a break from trimming but the two u got in the corner are those plants LSTd FIM scrogged or wats goin on? they more then one? cuz thats one bushy ass plant man i was lookin to do sum shit like that and widen out my canopy when i move indoors.
Those look like they were supercropped but if your looking to widen your canopy here is a good LST tutorial https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/104231-fishys-bend-noobs-pics.html < he likes to tape his string to the pots I like to poke holes through mine and run the string through that. :peace:


Well-Known Member
thnx nick ya i did LST on my outdoor grow turned out good. thatd make sense he even said he supercropped haha mang im tired from trimming just outta it,. but lookin good B!


Well-Known Member
How's everyone doin? stayin high I hope. I have been :eyesmoke:

To Boom, it's just 2 plants in there right now. will be running 16 plants, 8 "super" gdp and 8 super silver haze in 1.5 gal containers once the clones veg for 3 or 4 weeks. and yea I had to supercrop them since they were too tall and wouldve burned. I like Fishy's idea in that tutorial how to tape the loop instead of actually tying it to the branches. thanks for that post Nick. I shouldve lst'ed but I got lazy and just went with the quicker supercrop.

plants were a little wilted when I got home today but no burn. they were just a little thirsty. gave them their first dose of Bio Bloom and plan on turning the lights out around 8 am and turning back on at 8 pm so 12/12 tomorrow :-) temps were about 84-85 when I got home but I opened the door and it dropped to about 80 so just about right. now I need a little cooler outside temps and it'll be just about perfect in there.