• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Entitlement mentality


Well-Known Member
It seems these days that more and more people are developing an entitlement mentality never before seen in the US. I was wondering why when so many before them have worked so hard and have scrimped and saved their entire lives to give their children a better life, so many these days feel so entitled.

The best answer I can think of comes from the notion that when people are used to having something and then that something is cut off, people tend to go ape shit, for lack of a better term. For example, if you give a child a toy and take it away the child will through a tantrum. But, if the child never had the toy to begin with it is a different story.

Now consider that our parents generation was the most prosperous in history and we are the first generation that can plan to earn less than their parents. Combine the two and you have a perfect recipe for this type of thinking. Now, as never before we have children raised with a relatively high standard of living growing up and having to make a downward move when they leave home.

The problem with an entitlement mentality is that it makes a person particularly unattractive to prospective employers. This is because people with entitlement mentalities tend to see life as a deck staked against them. They feel that life is unfair, everyone else is responsible for their adversity and that others, including their employers, are taking advantage of them.

In short, people with an inflated sense of entitlement are pre-disgruntled employees. Ask any employer and they will tell you that one of the single most damaging thing to their business is a disgruntled employee. One of the worst things about a DE is that they are highly effective in spreading their poor employee moral to other employees causing a substantial loss of production, poor attendance and perhaps worst of all employee theft. In fact, employee moral is the single largest determinant of employee theft. When an employee feels he is treated unfairly, its time to keep an extra vigilant eye on that employee as theft becomes much more likely. Often people who steal like to rationalize their actions and being "taken advantage of" makes for a great rationalization. Now that I think about it, the whole concept of the unfair society created by the evils of Capitalism is largely such a rationalization only of collective theft rather than theft on an individual level.

When broken down, it should be easy to see how having an entitlement mentality is antithetical toward finding more lucrative employment. Perhaps it is this and not "society" that is mainly responsible for the adversity of many people. Perhaps if people would lose this toxic way of thinking and develop a better attitude towards life and the marketplace of skills people would find their situations improving.

As an employer I have seen employees come and go and one lesson I have learned is that people are where they are in life for a reason. Those with a strong work ethic and a good attitude tend to go far where as those with poor attitudes who feel that the world owes them a living tend to go nowhere. The former make for great employees, they bring value to my business and therefore wind up earning more, the latter are to be avoided like the plague.


Well-Known Member
While others beat there chests writing a half a page of BS about how they this and they that.Maybe it sux to work for you!In my own experience ya need to give them somewhere that they want to go.Teach them something they want to learn.Not every one is a type(A) personality.Hopefully they will find their niche.No reason to piss and moan about it on a growing site Bro.:peace:


Well-Known Member
While others beat there chests writing a half a page of BS about how they this and they that.Maybe it sux to work for you!In my own experience ya need to give them somewhere that they want to go.Teach them something they want to learn.Not every one is a type(A) personality.Hopefully they will find their niche.No reason to piss and moan about it on a growing site Bro.:peace:
Well, the best advise I can give you is to learn how to form a complete sentence. And by the way, after a period and before your next sentence you should have two spaces. Anyway, thank you for demonstrating my point. You clearly take no pride in how you represent your self to others. I'm betting you will go nowhere in life and you will piss and moan about how its everyones fault but yours - typical.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
People are generally lazy, so they would like to not have to work hard for what they want.

If I wanted health care - which I don't - I'll get a second or third job to pay for it, not look to uncle sam for a handout.

Much of this entitlement mentality started with the welfare state.

Just look at what happened during Katrina. You had folks who were used to relying on the government (check), who were left unable to take care of themselves, during a natural disaster.

I remember watching the TV, and seeing the people making signs, and shouting "HELP US", and others who simply walked out of that City on their own, just as I would have done.

So the Libs actually think they are helping the poor, through government handouts? It's the Liberals the elitists, who are the real racists, because they think poor folk, are too stupid to learn to take care of themselves. In your (subconscious) racism you are actually keeping these poor folks in slavery, and keeping them reliant on you, because you believe you are the superior white person.

I don't doubt that your heart is in the right place, but " give a man a fish, and he eats for a day; teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime" :peace:


Well-Known Member
People are generally lazy, so they would like to not have to work hard for what they want.

If I wanted health care - which I don't - I'll get a second or third job to pay for it, not look to uncle sam for a handout.

Much of this entitlement mentality started with the welfare state.

Just look at what happened during Katrina. You had folks who were used to relying on the government (check), who were left unable to take care of themselves, during a natural disaster.

I remember watching the TV, and seeing the people making signs, and shouting "HELP US", and others who simply walked out of that City on their own, just as I would have done.

So the Libs actually think they are helping the poor, through government handouts? It's the Liberals the elitists, who are the real racists, because they think poor folk, are too stupid to learn to take care of themselves. In your (subconscious) racism you are actually keeping these poor folks in slavery, and keeping them reliant on you, because you believe you are the superior white person.

I don't doubt that your heart is in the right place, but " give a man a fish, and he eats for a day; teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime" :peace:
Those are all good points. Also along these lines I have found that people with a good work ethic will take what they can get and work their way into a higher position while those with the entitlement mentality will refuse work if they feel it doesn't pay enough or is too hard. In my experience the latter tends to be very short sighted and unwilling to pay their dues. The "go getters" tend to like to get paid according to performance while the EM people tend to want to show up and get a fixed paycheck regardless of performance. The go getters are more likely to take a job that pays commission and generally work harder where as the EM people settle for the crappy back room jobs where they can drag their feet and bitch about how unfair life is.


Well-Known Member
In my own experience ya need to give them somewhere that they want to go.Teach them something they want to learn.Not every one is a type(A) personality.Hopefully they will find their niche.
work is that thing you do that enables you to find the happiness and contentment we all crave.

walking in the door, an employer owes you nothing. he is the one with the power, earned by creating and/or operating a business that can afford to give you the opportunity of a job. all this crap about how employers must satisfy the needs of the worker, creating a pleasant environment and coddling the employee, is the invention of that cult of entitlement that has destroyed the value of the american work force. an employer teaches his employees whatever will further the aims of the business and, though it is in his best interest to provide an agreeable workplace, comfortable surroundings are not a right. we are afforded a great freedom of movement in this country, so if you don't like the working conditions then you are free to work somewhere else. if enough people refuse to work at any given establishment it will eventually fail, that is the nature of a free market.

it's true that not everyone is driven to succeed. some of us are lucky enough to find a vocation they really enjoy, some manage to find an aspect of their employment that provides them a small amount of pleasure and many merely endure the workday for the sustenance it provides. in any case, it is not the employer's duty to provide you with fulfillment. it is his duty to give you an agreed upon wage for an agreed upon amount of labor, anything else is a perk and is at the employer's discretion. the alternative to this trade is a life of scrabbling for food and shelter in a hand to mouth existence and a stagnant society, too busy surviving to advance beyond savagery. in a perfect world everyone may love to go to work each day and life is full of lollipops and rainbows, but i've never lived in a perfect world. when you find one, please let me know.

jeff f

New Member
i currently live in a town of about 12,000 where 55% of people are on some kind of assistance. that statistic is from the public school in town and is tracked for reimbersment from different govt entities. i am a business man and several of my friends have businesses from contracting, pizza shop, trash collection and several others.

i know, i know...get to the point! the unemployement rate for my county is currently 10.2% which is way way low balled because of the folks getting assistance. they dont look for work. realistically our unemployment rate is around 25-30%. anyway, my point. whenever any of the community business's need workers, they have a hard time finding someone to fill the position. a recent job opening was posted at the public school for 2 maintenance persons, experience prefered but not required, for a very competetive wage. there were 6 applicants. 6!! you would have thought that there should be 500 people lined up around the corner to apply for these jobs but when you throw in welfare, ssi, workmens comp, wic, 93 weeks of unemployment (fill in additional govt handouts in this space)...why would someone want to get out of bed and have to actually do something.

handouts are killing our inner cities. it has basically destroyed the black family in urban america. i recently read a statistic that said the black poverty rate is higher now in inner cities than it was pre 1964 great society days. that should startle people. libs think they are helping people, but they are killing motivation. i am all for lending a helping hand to those who need it, but the state of our govt handout programs is quickly killing the entreprenurial spirit that makes free people so productive. instead of people being slaves to the slave owner, they are slaves to the govt. this isnt rocket science. we have centuries of historical case studies but politicians refuse to see it. i hope things change back, but i dont see the political gumpshin to start taking handouts away.

the old saying holds true, if you want more of something, subsidize it.


Well-Known Member
Well, you being the owner you have the right to do background checks on your prospective employess, during the interview you can get a good sense there work ethics.
Some company's prefer to use temp agency's and to me that's where you'll find the people you are refering to IMO.
Creating a good work enviroment is essential in productivity and benifits the overall profits of any company, You get what you give.
You can alway's create a bad work enviroment, feeling that this is my buisssness and I could care less about the small guy, Than yes you will have negative reprocussions and a bad work force. Kindness goes a long way.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
everyone wants something for nothing
Here's what you get when you look to a democratically elected government (this was Chicago public housing - by the way) to take care of you.

You get a place to live, and a park (not pictured) to gang-bang in. When Mayor Daley build these, he made sure you couldn't access the highway from either direction; thus cutting these poor people off like caged animals. And that's exactly how they behaved...

After the republicans took control of congress: "The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 replaced the previous welfare system", and these people were able to regain their dignity by working for their livelihood, rather than waiting on a government check each month.

Remember this history lesson, the next time you hear the liberals fear mongering... in an attempt to pass more welfare programs.


Well-Known Member
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."

– Norman Thomas, American socialist

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."

– Norman Thomas, American socialist

That's a frightening quote :cuss:

What I find interesting is that the spread of socialism in the UK, is being pushed by the right, but here in the US it's more the left, but this kind of stuff (political shift) can happen unknowingly. Like they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Fascism is normally described as "extreme right", but it can come from either side too


Well-Known Member
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."

– Norman Thomas, American socialist
another great quote is from nikita kruschev, “I once said, "We will bury you," and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you.” we can see now that he was both right and wrong. the tide of socialism is engulfing the west, but it is not the workers who are pressing forward this agenda. it is the intelligentsia and the political elite, hiding behind a mask of good intentions, and the avaricious poor, caught up in their expectations of having the american dream handed to them on a silver platter, that are forcing onto the working american this totalitarian version of the socialist worker's paradise.


Well-Known Member
another great quote is from nikita kruschev, “I once said, "We will bury you," and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you.” we can see now that he was both right and wrong. the tide of socialism is engulfing the west, but it is not the workers who are pressing forward this agenda. it is the intelligentsia and the political elite, hiding behind a mask of good intentions, and the avaricious poor, caught up in their expectations of having the american dream handed to them on a silver platter, that are forcing onto the working american this totalitarian version of the socialist worker's paradise.
You know, the strange thing about this is that the intelligentsia tend to gravitate toward positions in which there is very little correlation between performance and pay. College professors and other educators often have little or no accountability for the performance of their students. They usually belong to a union and many receive tenure which is a fancy way of saying they can't be fired. Combine this with the willingness to toe the ideological line and you have a perfect home for people with an EM.

It is as if professors spend their entire lives sucking at one tit or another. First, they suckle on their parents tit well into adulthood by remaining in school as long as possible and then while others leave the sanctuary to enter the workforce and produce, professors remain and look to the University to continue their subsistence while not having to face real challenges. Unfortunately, what they do produce is more people like themselves.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Speaking of the Professor...anyone heard fron JRH? I'd been off this board for a few weeks and upon my return he seems to have disappeared. He was always good for a debate.


Well-Known Member
You know, the strange thing about this is that the intelligentsia tend to gravitate toward positions in which there is very little correlation between performance and pay. College professors and other educators often have little or no accountability for the performance of their students. They usually belong to a union and many receive tenure which is a fancy way of saying they can't be fired. Combine this with the willingness to toe the ideological line and you have a perfect home for people with an EM.

It is as if professors spend their entire lives sucking at one tit or another. First, they suckle on their parents tit well into adulthood by remaining in school as long as possible and then while others leave the sanctuary to enter the workforce and produce, professors remain and look to the University to continue their subsistence while not having to face real challenges. Unfortunately, what they do produce is more people like themselves.

And by "remaining in school as long as possible" you must mean "long enough to get their master's degree or doctorate", which are required to be a college professor. They typically also have to have several years experience in the field, "suckling" at the teat of whatever institution employs them.

And by "produce more people like themselves" you must mean "well studied, dedicated students who desire PhD's".

Seriously, do you know ANYTHING about ANYTHING?


Well-Known Member
And by "remaining in school as long as possible" you must mean "long enough to get their master's degree or doctorate", which are required to be a college professor. They typically also have to have several years experience in the field, "suckling" at the teat of whatever institution employs them.

And by "produce more people like themselves" you must mean "well studied, dedicated students who desire PhD's".

Seriously, do you know ANYTHING about ANYTHING?
all of my college professors had 20+ years experience in their particular field. the only ones that fit your profile were the lab technicians and the professors from the history, language, and arts departments (these three are my least favorite, so they can fall under your classification).

But they were members of the american workforce, who reached a point in their lives where teaching became more of a priority, be it through injury, or opportunity.

I had one professor win the Industrial Engineer of the Year award, for his work in establishing the most efficient Lean Manufacturing System in the Western Hemisphere. This guy worked 40 years in the private sector, won numerous awards, had a PHD in Industrial Engineering, a PHD in Psycology in the Workplace, and a Master's in Electrical Engineering and a Bachelor's in Computer Science.

he's about 80 years old and he still teaches, not because he wants to suck on a tit, he's got more money than any of us will probably ever see (MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS), but because he wants to spread his knowledge.

This guy would DESTROY you in any debate, concerning any topic. I guarantee it.

You talk about professors and intelligentsia as if reaching a certain level of knowledge is easy. It takes a lot of work, a lot of dedication and sacrifice. It's easy to be closed minded and try to appear smart, it's very VERY hard to be knowledgeable enough to spread that knowledge.


Well-Known Member
And by "produce more people like themselves" you must mean "well studied, dedicated students who desire PhD's".
that's all fine and dandy if they are transferring actual information to their students that could be used in real life. so much of that information has become opinion and indoctrination that it is as much mental masturbation as is posting on these boards. institutions have sprung up whose sole purpose is creating these indoctrination automatons to populate our houses of so-called higher learning. so much of what is fed to gullible students is conjecture and innuendo, based on nothing more than ivory tower philosophy. at a time when those young minds should be exploring all facets of life and the multitude of philosophies that our world contains, they are all too often being implanted with the agenda of the same liberal establishment that will later seek to enslave them and instilled with a disgust for the very society they should be learning to enhance. anything of value they may learn is often offset by that disgust and any use they may become to a free society contaminated by that flawed agenda.

wow, that was fun. can you tell i have a bit of a problem with the ivory tower crowd?:rolleyes: