First Grow,CFL's With Bagseed--PICS


Well-Known Member
Roger That BL, Im headed to check it out now!

And for everyone, I know that Im keeping yall hanging on the whole surprise thing, But Ill be posting it up tomorrow. Ive been super busy getting everything ready ; )



Well-Known Member
all i hear is the theme from "Jeopardy" playing in my head...

btw...where the heck ya been? Haven't seen ya in a while...

can't wait to see more pics...gotta let me know when you update your journal in my thread so I make my way in here...i never really go into the journal forums...

hope to hear/see from ya soon...



Well-Known Member
Alrighty Day #29!!!

The grow is going great so far. One plant left. Female.

Watered with just plain water today. She looks a little droopy but 30 mins after watering leaves are starting to pick back up : )


P.s. Just waiting on a package in the mail, Then comes the big update : )

EDIT: FORGOT the pics....Ugh, LOL



Well-Known Member
Lookin good man. Always fun watchin 'em grow huh? For me, its not even just the reward at the end, but the thought I can actually grow something without killing it off quickly. :)


Well-Known Member
Alrighty Day #29!!!

The grow is going great so far. One plant left. Female.

Watered with just plain water today. She looks a little droopy but 30 mins after watering leaves are starting to pick back up : )


P.s. Just waiting on a package in the mail, Then comes the big update : )

EDIT: FORGOT the pics....Ugh, LOL
Ah dude! Righteous! Looking beautifully healthy guys are giving some TLC for sure! She's going into her flowering stretch now...if she were vegged then put into flower, it'd be like she's in her first week and a half of flower, so figure you've got about 6.5 weeks till you're reaping your rewards! I can't remember and i'm too lazy to look for the post, but what strain?

O, and another thing i was thinking might be good for you to try is the "Hempy Bucket"...a passive hydro system that supposedly works phenomenally with pics to back it up...i was gonna do this trick, but put my work in the the bubbs...if you want to know more about it, stop by my thread and i'll walk you thru it...really simple....and sorry for the novel, but i dont see you guys as often n e more
C ya ~JB
forgot to congratulate your topping'll be a happy man seeing two huge dank colas growing before you! :)
Lookin good man. Always fun watchin 'em grow huh? For me, its not even just the reward at the end, but the thought I can actually grow something without killing it off quickly. :)
HHGTTG...its the fact that DaC is growing 12/12 from seed that has me locked in!!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
forgot to ask what your watering schedule looks like? And what nutes are you giving her? and what soil are you using again?


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah HHG probably everybody is like that. that they can actually grow something and it wont die right off the bat, and JB sorry for not being aroundanymore! been busy lately :-P


Well-Known Member
Dude, you need to google, mylar emergency blanket. They are from 1 to 2 dollars each. I got 3 with shipping about 9 bucks. They are reflective on both sides. Flexible. Reusable. About 6 feet by 3 and a half ft. 1 of those you could make a lil cabinet with a big cardboard box and 1 mylar blanket.


Well-Known Member
Hell Ya,Thanks for stopping in JB30! Its just bagseed but shes getting beautiful!

Im doing a 60 day run. Tomorrow will be day 30! : )

Shes starting to show budding at the nodes. So she she'll have a good month of just pure bud growth : )



Well-Known Member
Thanks GM, Thats whats in there now : )

Thanks for the advise though!

Oh Strain is bagseed and nutes are Sugar Peak Bloom. Its Organic. and just some miracle grow soil from wallyworld.

As for watering. Im watering every 3 days. Nutes twice then pure H2O once.



Well-Known Member
Thanks GM, Thats whats in there now : )

Thanks for the advise though!

Oh Strain is bagseed and nutes are Sugar Peak Bloom. Its Organic. and just some miracle grow soil from wallyworld.

As for watering. Im watering every 3 days. Nutes twice then pure H2O once.

does sugar peak bloom instruct twice feed once water like that?

If not, i'd just feed every watering...

does the top 1 1/2" of soil dry out with the MG mix? I found that MG potting mix compacts and stays moist too long...


Well-Known Member
Oh no! They wont be ready in 30 days im sure. This is just a test run. Just making sure I can grow and take care of a plant properly! lol!



Well-Known Member
Oh no! They wont be ready in 30 days im sure. This is just a test run. Just making sure I can grow and take care of a plant properly! lol!

DaCDaC man, I'm def not doubting your caregiving abilities thus say your thumb is pretty green :)


Well-Known Member
Thats what the guy at the hydro shop told me to feed it to. To advoid Nute Lock. : /

And Thats what Im starting to notice with the MG. The soil finger test is showing dry but leaves are always showing slight overwatering.

Fuck Soil on my next grow..Or does that give to much away to yall : )
Oh well!
