Leaving System Unattended


Active Member
Hey guys.
My set up right now lets me leave my crop for 2 weeks, I come home, and refil the resovior. I am growing in soil now, but could I leave a resovior unattended for 2 weeks and not worry about PH fluctuation? I have done hydro before and Ph did not fluctuate at all. I have never left it for 2 weeks unattanded tho. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
I don't think you have anything to worry about in regards to Ph really your in soil.
What I can tell you is I have left water for a week or so and the Ph did rise. I would say if you left the res on the low side you should be alright.


Active Member
I don't think you have anything to worry about in regards to Ph really your in soil.
What I can tell you is I have left water for a week or so and the Ph did rise. I would say if you left the res on the low side you should be alright.

Im not talking about my water res, im talking if I was to get a hydro set up, how often does the ph fluctuate? Would i get away with leaving it for 2 weeks?


Active Member
Im not talking about my water res, im talking if I was to get a hydro set up, how often does the ph fluctuate? Would i get away with leaving it for 2 weeks?
That's a loaded question. It all depends on a lot of factors, Type of water your using type of nutes, nute strength, how many plants you have, water temperature, size of res, etc. Ive had some stages of growth the water stays stable for a week or two and others that need to be monitored every other day. also keep in mind that 2 weeks is pushing to the very end of the amount of time you want to use a nutrient solution. I religously change mine at 7-12 days, just habit i guess


when i did hydro I had a tough time with evaporation. My ppms in my resivoir would skyrocket due to excessive evaporation....would affect the PH the same way...as long as you have your humidty in check and don't have the evaporation issues I had you could get away with it


Well-Known Member
Hey guys.
My set up right now lets me leave my crop for 2 weeks, I come home, and refil the resovior. I am growing in soil now, but could I leave a resovior unattended for 2 weeks and not worry about PH fluctuation? I have done hydro before and Ph did not fluctuate at all. I have never left it for 2 weeks unattanded tho. Any advice?
I can't leave my setup for a long weekend let alone 2 weeks.

I have 2 ebb and flow tables that are 3 x 8 and they both run off a single 125 gallon resivoir in my flower room. I have to add water to it every 4-6 days and readjust the ph every time I top off. And besides that, I will never leave my lights (4 x 1000w HPS) unattened for any period of time. I have read to many times where fires start and home owners come home to ashes and an arrest warrant. I have to plan any vacation around shutting down and restarting when I get back. Thats why I never go on vacation unless my girlfriend is willing to stay home while I go off for a week...and I have a snowballs chance in hell of that happening...lol

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I can't leave my setup for a long weekend let alone 2 weeks.

I have 2 ebb and flow tables that are 3 x 8 and they both run off a single 125 gallon resivoir in my flower room. I have to add water to it every 4-6 days and readjust the ph every time I top off. And besides that, I will never leave my lights (4 x 1000w HPS) unattened for any period of time. I have read to many times where fires start and home owners come home to ashes and an arrest warrant. I have to plan any vacation around shutting down and restarting when I get back. Thats why I never go on vacation unless my girlfriend is willing to stay home while I go off for a week...and I have a snowballs chance in hell of that happening...lol
Definitely better to be safe than sorry, but if you only need to top off and/or adjust every 4-6 days, that should be plenty long for a long weekend or such - your lights should be relatively safe, assuming they're hung correctly and the ballasts are away from any possible spills.

Just my $.02, though, whatever works for you, keep on doing it.