my litte baby plants


I`ve got a big doubt... i have some plants that grew already 2cm. The current light i`m using is a low energy comsumption (100w). I`d like to know if this light will be enough for the first weeks and how many hours/day it should be on

Thank you! ;-)


Well-Known Member
your using a cfl? whatever the light, leave it on 24 hours during veg. what are the details of your grow? soil, lights, strain, etc?


Yes, i have a 100w cfl (sorry about my poor english). I`ve made the soil with some organic stuff like banana, eggs.. etc (really not much of it)
These plants are inside of a closet, covered with aluminium paper... i dunno if give them light 18 or 24 hours then... what do you think?

saludos desde Argentina! :)


Well-Known Member
your using a cfl? whatever the light, leave it on 24 hours during veg. what are the details of your grow? soil, lights, strain, etc?
read above for your lighting time question. they'll need more light than that 100w. 2 per plant would be good, for now. they make y splitters you can use 2 make 2 sockets out of one. hang 1 y fitting(with 2 bulbs) over each plant. you'll need more cfls as you go. the closer the better... 1-2". use water with ph between 6.2-6.8. no nutes for the first month.....


whatta f*... 1-2"??? that`s only 5cm away from the plants.. are you sure guys???? i`m scared to burn these littl´plants! they`re the only thing i`ve got!
btw, i hate your imperial units :smile:

and something else, it´s ok to give`em 18 hs of light?
thanks a lot!


ok! thank you a lot.. Right now they look like this, being 15/20cm (6/8") away from the light...

i`ll take better pictures soon...


Active Member
i use 18/6 only cus i think that its normal for the plants not much plants get 24hrs a day. all though you can grow with multiple light cycles whichever you decide is best for you! =) well good luck=) peace!!



my lab... every place covered with aluminium paper!

the leaves of these babies are 2.5cm / 1 inch long... 7 days ago were seeds

and i dont know what about this one and it`s yellow leaves... what do you think?


Some recent photos of my plants... so far ive got 2 girls and a boy. Expecting to know the sex of another couple in a while.............



Houston, we`ve got a problem. This bugs are all over my plants... how can i kill them!!!??? they are 2-3mm long



Active Member
no one knows? :(
Hrmm looks like an ordinary housefly to me, try posting in the marijuana plant problems forum under bugs, should get some better help there. Be aware that tin foil(unlike Mylar) sometimes creates Hot spots. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
many bugs do not like cooler temperatures, or windy conditions, during the past 3 months, my first grow, i kept temperatures below 75 at all times. 70-75 during veg, and 65-70 during flowering. i keep my fan on constantly. flys and other bugs have trouble staying on plants long enough to lay eggs if the leaves are constantly moving