Using Urine As a Fertilizer

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Most fertilizers have been derived from urea---AKA urine
see the similarity look on the labels of Nutes.
first of all, I would like one knowledgable grower in here to seriously say that marijuana (or any other plant for that matter) directly absorbs ANY product that is in the soil. Fertilizer goes into soil --> nutrients from fertilizer gets released in soil --> plant roots absorb NUTRIENTS (not original fertilizer). I'm sure some of you have attempted mollases in your grow, does it make your bud taste like mollases? Or does the natural sugars in the mollases get absorb and help the plant create the plant's natural flavors?

I'm especially surprised at FDD, who (I had thought) is a strong proponent of organic solutions. Put aside the stigma attached to human urine, and look at all the scientific tests done with urine.

Human feces, no, it has shown to be toxic and very harmful to plants (as opposed to other animals' feces) however human urine is not.


use it, diluted with water as part of your feeding program.

Would you eat grass clippings? No. Would you compost them and use them on your plants? Probably if you're interested in organic growing.

Also, about the toxins, yes, you can have toxins in your urine. An easy way to tell if your urine is toxic or not is to look at it. Urine should be clear, completely. If it is slightly yellow, there are a few toxins, if it is a dark yellow or orange probably don't use it. (You can probably notice that after a night or weekend of heavy partying and drinking, your piss will be yellow as hell. no good). I am a fairly healthy eater, and my piss is almost always completely clear.

Anyway, I am surprised at how many people are closed minded on this topic. please do some research on the topic instead of just spouting off about piss pots and what not.
i think its funny how people are like, im not gonna smoke pissy plants. but bat shit plants and worm shit is very tasty in a plant. we didnt even talk about compost. i have never tried urine on my plants. i just think its humorous. it reminds me of grade school were kids made fun of anyone for anything. like im not smoking your pee pee weed. ewww pissy pants na na na na. and its not like the urine wouldnt break down and be processed into different components.
exactly my point, I won't try it on this grow, because I'm already trying a compost tea for this grow. However next grow I will definetly experiment with it.
~Im gonna go water down my pee now and give it to one of my plants that has slightly yellow leaves!

Hope it dont make it worse :(

I haven't used any nutes yet cause i feel that adding chemicals just complicates everything, altho i intended on adding some blooming nutes once flowering starts.

EDIT: i didnt read the whole thread...but after reading hte last page i still dont regret what i just done :D

When i was peeing in the measuring jug i was wondering what color pee is best i no :D

Mine was pretty clear with a hint of yellow, not atall dark :)

Now u all know what my pee looks like
Who wants to smoke a fatty :D:D
OK, its my very first grow but i think there's still more that i need to know about taking care of the plants etc when they get old enough. Ive got them in a 2 foot long rectangular planter, with a 250 watt heatlight about 2 feet above the plants. Also there's a fan in the closet to keep them cool. Im using miracle grow to feed them. It was already in the soil i bought. If theres anything you can tell me that i need to be doing plz do so. I need all the advice i can get.
piss in the toilet and give those yellowing leaves a 30-10-10 based plant food>

by the way stop using LSD just before u go in your garden
GardenMan -
DO NOT use a heatlamp. If it is what I'm thinking it's like one of those shop heatlamps, Or like something fastfood uses to keep food warm. Which means it is incandescent (if it has a wire which runs electricity through it, like a regular light bulb, it's incandescent). I had a 150W heat lamp which I had tried to use one my first grow. Incandescents have a couple of things going against them. First and foremost, they do not produce the right light spectrum for growth, you can all the incandescent light you want and they will not grow, at least not to get anything useful out of them. Secondly, that will produce way to much heat, even if it's in a pretty open area. For lighting you're going to need either flourescent (cfl or shoplight types), or HID (Metal halide, high pressure sodium, or mercury vapor). There is plenty of information and debate on these two types of lights on the site. On the soil, MG soil is not the best, however, it is your first grow, and it will grow in MG soil. You just have a lot less control over the nutrient levels in your medium. Basically just read as much as you can.

Good luck. ;)
Also, how many plants do you have, and it sounds like they are all in the same container. If they are, tranplant them to there own containers, or at the very least put some kind of dividers in the soil, other wise one plant will become dominant and the other plants won't get enough nutrients. If you do transplant (I recommend), they don't have to go into huge containers, hell, takes some 20 oz soda bottles, cut the tops off and plant in those.

P.S. start a grow log. You can get more advice, and you don't have to jack anybodys thread.
Re: piss.....I hope everyone realizes that we technically drink piss every time we drink ANYTHING...water is like cannot be created or destroyed...the piss from the first human is still around...that strawberry gatorade you drank today?...could have been made from the piss of Napoleon at Waterloo.....that vanilla coke you had last week...yep...Jim Morrisons piss.
Of course, pissing in a plant pot would probably be heaven for whatever bacteria might be lurking in there.

lol. Soil is bacteria. Soil is life. The best reason for using urine for something is that it is there. There is no waste, in nature. When we attempt to grow "organically", by the very definition we are attempting to do what is natural and untainted through processing and technology. Thus, the raw animal feces used in composting, along with use of urine if not directly then indirectly as a source for fertilizer, represent techniques in "permaculture" design. To eliminate entirely the necessity for fertilizer through highly regulated soil amending, inter cropping, and landscape design (see God'a latest: rainforests) is the goal of the truly enlightened organic farmer. The one who understands all life processes have a fucntion, all cycles have us as the center piece, not as an outside observer.

This quote represents the inherant ignorance of the vast majority of the world population in terms of basic biology. The gigantic intermingling of various bacterial progeny WITHIN and BETWEEN living organisms is crucial to the existence of advanced life forms. You eat bacteria every day, alot of it. Ever eat yogurt? You are a slimy bacteria laden sack of shit, literally. It might serve nature to run you through with a knife and release your grab-bag prize of amino acids, nutrients, and a fuckload of dangerous bacteria (read: shit and piss/ blood and guts) for the plants in your area to thrive off of. Thus the idea of using urine as a fertilizer in some way is not grotesque, in fact it is so beautiful, so embodying of the true design of the World, of sustainable interconnectedness, everything with a purpose, everything with a place. Now, get in yours, bitch.
lol. Soil is bacteria. Soil is life. The best reason for using urine for something is that it is there. There is no waste, in nature. When we attempt to grow "organically", by the very definition we are attempting to do what is natural and untainted through processing and technology. Thus, the raw animal feces used in composting, along with use of urine if not directly then indirectly as a source for fertilizer, represent techniques in "permaculture" design. To eliminate entirely the necessity for fertilizer through highly regulated soil amending, inter cropping, and landscape design (see God'a latest: rainforests) is the goal of the truly enlightened organic farmer. The one who understands all life processes have a fucntion, all cycles have us as the center piece, not as an outside observer.

This quote represents the inherant ignorance of the vast majority of the world population in terms of basic biology. The gigantic intermingling of various bacterial progeny WITHIN and BETWEEN living organisms is crucial to the existence of advanced life forms. You eat bacteria every day, alot of it. Ever eat yogurt? You are a slimy bacteria laden sack of shit, literally. It might serve nature to run you through with a knife and release your grab-bag prize of amino acids, nutrients, and a fuckload of dangerous bacteria (read: shit and piss/ blood and guts) for the plants in your area to thrive off of. Thus the idea of using urine as a fertilizer in some way is not grotesque, in fact it is so beautiful, so embodying of the true design of the World, of sustainable interconnectedness, everything with a purpose, everything with a place. Now, get in yours, bitch.

Well said are truely an enlightened one!
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