First Grow,CFL's With Bagseed--PICS


Active Member
alright, Semi Tired. probly fixing to head to bed in just a bit

Oh and P.s. Everyone, The greatist PC game of all time is CS1.5. Suck It. : P

Oh man, you hit it right on the spot. Lol CS 1.5 was the best. Now it's just ruined in my opinion. 1.6 was horrible and ever since then I never play it.


Well-Known Member
: ) CRAP I changed my mind

DOOM 3D was the best, Well that and duke nukem : )



Well-Known Member
Oh man, you hit it right on the spot. Lol CS 1.5 was the best. Now it's just ruined in my opinion. 1.6 was horrible and ever since then I never play it.
I always favored Team Fortress. I just can't get into the new one though, the old one was always my favorite for multiplayer-gaming.

Well, no, the original Quake was always my fav for mp. Was a huge fan of the level design and general feel of the game.

Now if you want to get really old, I got the leak of DOOM before it was released from a friend of mine, still had unfinished levels, sound and looked a little different. This was back in the old BBS days when Rustie and Eddie's was still around and Tradewars was a fav BBS game.

Sometimes I miss those days....


Well-Known Member
Ya. Sometimes the old days were the good ones!

But thats why were growing, To make new better days : )



Well-Known Member
hey peepz im a new dude 2 dis well tha fourm @ least on ma second tomotoe grow nw ;)

bin useing 200w cfl blue n thn swtich 2 tha red but cum across a 300 watt dual spectrum cfl Has anyone used it or got any usefual info on this product a comapny in the uk sells em 4 £40 any knowlege wud be very appricative :) thanx me herbal friendz :D
yeahh i didnt understand a word you said either,english please :-P


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU! :joint: Ah yes the infamous duel spectrum CFL. I've heard alot about it..Seems like a good idea to me. I haven't heard anything bad about it so I would give it a go. 300 watts of duel spectrum CFL for 40 pounds? Sounds like a bargain to me. :blsmoke:
lol 300 wats of duel spectrum CFl for 40 british fucking pounds? not sure about how much that is in USD, but it sounds like alot :o

EDIT: lol, thatwas a good movie too... BRITISH FUCKING POUNDS!


Well-Known Member
lol 300 wats of duel spectrum CFl for 40 british fucking pounds? not sure about how much that is in USD, but it sounds like alot :o
40£ is around $64 or so. Not too bad considering i've seen them for about the same here. My general experience is that everything in the UK is about double the price of everything here. :)


Well-Known Member
they have 300 watt cfls at home depot for $14.99 and you can get 500 to 600 watt cfls from for like $35.00 or so.


Well-Known Member
they have 300 watt cfls at home depot for $14.99 and you can get 500 to 600 watt cfls from for like $35.00 or so.
Dual Spec? For some reason I thought I saw those for about 50 or so at Lowes, but I was a bit baked so it could have been me. If that's the case, then yah, everything in UK IS like 1.5/2x more expensive. :)


Well-Known Member
YOYOYO! Whats up everyone! Yes the baby is doing good. Ill be taking pics later on today to update yall!

Still waiting on the package in the mail so I can do my surprise update : )

didint come today,maybe tomorrow : )

Thanks yall for being patient and checking in!



Active Member
YOYOYO! Whats up everyone! Yes the baby is doing good. Ill be taking pics later on today to update yall!

Still waiting on the package in the mail so I can do my surprise update : )

didint come today,maybe tomorrow : )

Thanks yall for being patient and checking in!

Hey man, sorry I haven't been in to check in on your girls. Lol I can't wait for the surprise. I'm guessing a new light fixture? Or possibly some seeds? I'm impatient! lol :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol! me too! I cant wait! its driving me crazy!

But itll be a very good day when my package gets here! : )

Thanks for stopping by!


Oh P.s. sorry I didint get a chance to get pics today,Will do a pics update tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I know right! Like when the mail guy gets here im like standing there waiting on him to put it in my box....

he's all "hello,how are you today? anything speacial your looking for? It sure is a beautiful day out today!"
Me- "*puts my hand up* Dont talk to me." "waiting on something"

