Ways To Get Higher and Stay High Longer.

I heard that if your fat, you stay higher, longer, but it would take more to get you high. I don't know though. My smaller friends, shorter friends, (all of them), seem to stay way higher longer than I do.
joint, bong, bowl, whatever u hit, u gotta follow up wit a ciggarette.. i preffer newports but w.e... i find it makes the high better and either way ive gotten to the point where i especially crave ciggs after i hit the weed
Ok i have never had a strait blunt ofanything:( But will as soon as plant grows.. But fro past experience id say to have a good feed of food with out being stoned and then roll a joint and fill a bong! Smoke half the joint, put it down, do the bong, get a glass of water, drink and smoke the rest of the joint.. Believe me you will be such a happy hight ( Only works if you are not in a bad mood) Let me no howyou get on with this it has worked wonders for me :D

why not just smoke the joint in the bong? xD
Number 1. When you jog or play sports, endorphines are released so that is an extra boost to the weed.

Number 2. Bongs are more efficient with the smoke than joints, so yah.

Number 3. I have no experience with that one... but it may link up with No. 1. Your body says, yeah...smoke!! endorphine release. maybe..

out :blsmoke:

Number 2 couldn't be further from the truth. An unfiltered joint is the most efficient way of smoking weed. You only lose about 50% with an unfiltered joint. Bongs are the LEAST efficient way to smoke marijuana because you only get about 30%. You really did not do any research before spouting random nonsense on another forum, did you?

The most efficient way to inhale marijuana is through a vaporizer. You will get higher and it will last longer because NOTHING is destroyed via combustion. When I evolved to using a vaporizer, I feel like my knowledge of marijuana evolved as well. I also felt horrible for wasting/burning ALL that pot that I never vaped.
A joint may be scientifically more efficient but in my own personal experience I get way higher smoking through a bong. I don't need any percentages to tell me what works for me.

Really really wish I had a vaporizer though cuz I've heard nothing but excellent things about them! =]

Number 2 couldn't be further from the truth. An unfiltered joint is the most efficient way of smoking weed. You only lose about 50% with an unfiltered joint. Bongs are the LEAST efficient way to smoke marijuana because you only get about 30%. You really did not do any research before spouting random nonsense on another forum, did you?

The most efficient way to inhale marijuana is through a vaporizer. You will get higher and it will last longer because NOTHING is destroyed via combustion. When I evolved to using a vaporizer, I feel like my knowledge of marijuana evolved as well. I also felt horrible for wasting/burning ALL that pot that I never vaped.
A joint may be scientifically more efficient but in my own personal experience I get way higher smoking through a bong. I don't need any percentages to tell me what works for me.

Really really wish I had a vaporizer though cuz I've heard nothing but excellent things about them! =]

Because you can take bigger hits. If you smoked a gram in a bong and a gram in a joint I can promise you the joint will go farther and you will get higher. Simple math/science.

Also, I got my vape because my local head shop had one of the 125$ box-whips for 60$. Keep an eye out!

p.s. I still smoke joints because I don't like hugging my vape all day but the highs are hardly comparable. Smoking joints feels like im wasting a bunch of the weed and its obvious to me that i'm not getting the full spectrum of the high. Something to keep in mind.
cause workin out is its own drug. once u do it u gotta keep wprkin out everyday to get stronger an stronger an the more days u miss the weaker you become. your feeling higher because all thos drugs r bein drained out yor system. most people dont know but the best way to get off drugs it too work out. youll be off them 10times faster trust me from my own experience of bein hooked on opiots an the only way i was able to get off it was to go swet it all out every morning
why do all mofukas think orange juice vitamin c boost yor high up wen u on thizzles or watever. that garbage monkey shit information. vitamin c reduces the chance of yor e-tarted ass to get brain damage duh
Easiest way to get the biggest bang for the buck or grow, is to simpily hold in your hit till you blow out no smoke. I'm sure this isn't healthier, but it does get you higher because you use most of the thc instead of just some and blowing out the rest. Another thing to do is cover the weed till it goes out and inhale all the smoke you create from lighting it (bowls and bongs), this doesn't make that much of a difference, but you get a extra hit or two.
eating it fucks u up a treat ,but i sujjest a zoomy u probs not heard of it b4 its english slang but erm,
its simply a bottle with a small whole in the side u stick ur joint in and cream up the bottle by sucking in throught the top of the bottle and lighting the joint ,when shes nice and creamed up pull the joint out and suck the smoke in through joint whole in the bottle, when me nd my m8 done this- now im a heavy smoker lol i just blaze on hard- and this fucked me up big time

2nd a bong

i do love a nice joint though

also a shotty yet again english slang. basically a home made bong without the rush whole
its a whole lot harder to rip but it fuks u up hard aslo u do use water in this so its sorta cooled but (if its ur first time you gotta have aleast 10 hits of ov it toget used to ripping it cuz this fucks u hard lol remmeber when u all toked ur first bong well this is the same but harder so have a few trys b4 u show it to ur m8s cuz u dnt wanan embasses urself choking like i did lol but now i can do them 1 after another like shots =)
Easiest way to get the biggest bang for the buck or grow, is to simpily hold in your hit till you blow out no smoke. I'm sure this isn't healthier, but it does get you higher because you use most of the thc instead of just some and blowing out the rest. Another thing to do is cover the weed till it goes out and inhale all the smoke you create from lighting it (bowls and bongs), this doesn't make that much of a difference, but you get a extra hit or two.
it takes around 5 seconds for all the thc to be absorbed in your lungs, holding longer is just worse for your health