Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

for youtube videos
go to youtube
then look under the video where it says "more share option"
copy the stuff after the = sign
and place it between [ you tube] [ / you tube ]
but with no spaces
[ you tube]ZS4mcAALUBY[ / you tube ]

for pic on the net
just right click copy and then past where you want
you can also left click hold and drag to where you want it

for pic on you computer
you go to " go advanced"
then to manage atachment
and then upload
I did follow it To the damn tee even watched ur mastubate video

You followed it to a tee? Where in that thread did I say to fuck with the embed code? :???:

All you need is the url, you know, the thing in the address bar. And from that all you need is everything AFTER the = sign.

Paste it between [ youtube ][ /youtube] without the spaces, and it will work. I don't know where you got whatever you did, but it wasn't from ME
for youtube videos
go to youtube
then look under the video where it says "more share option"
copy the stuff after the = sign
you can also get this from the URL address at the top of the page
copy the stuff after the = sign
and then place it between [ you tube] [ / you tube ]
like this but with no spaces
[ you tube]ZS4mcAALUBY[ / you tube ]

for pic on the net
just right click copy and then past where you want
you can also left click hold and drag to where you want it

for pic on you computer
you go to " go advanced"
then to manage atachment
and then upload .
You followed it to a tee? Where in that thread did I say to fuck with the embed code? :???:

All you need is the url, you know, the thing in the address bar. And from that all you need is everything AFTER the = sign.

Paste it between [ youtube ][ /youtube] without the spaces, and it will work. I don't know where you got whatever you did, but it wasn't from ME
DDUUDDEE....i took ur link to ur thread used the other link to youtube and it says
The URL contained a malformed video ID.
TRY IT u will see. so i just searched "how do i embed a video"some stupid lady said the embed code but i now understand what u mean i will get it this time.
DDUUDDEE....i took ur link to ur thread used the other link to youtube and it says
The URL contained a malformed video ID.
TRY IT u will see. so i just searched "how do i embed a video"some stupid lady said the embed code but i now understand what u mean i will get it this time.

You're not supposed to CLICK that you dork! It's just an example URL for you to see which part of the url you copy.

YOU would use the url of the youtube video that YOU want to use.
for youtube videos
go to youtube
then look under the video where it says "more share option"
copy the stuff after the = sign
you can also get this from the URL address at the top of the page
copy the stuff after the = sign
and then place it between [ you tube] [ / you tube ]
like this but with no spaces
[ you tube]ZS4mcAALUBY[ / you tube ]

for pic on the net
just right click copy and then past where you want
you can also left click hold and drag to where you want it

for pic on you computer
you go to " go advanced"
then to manage atachment
and then upload
one of the greatest freestyle battles eva. from eli pullin heat through his teeth to marvo bein in the closet,
to the controversial decision on the battle. eli killin cats!!!!!!
At last got to the end of the thread hooray for me now that was some funny shit all of it


  • jg1s111.gif
    941.3 KB · Views: 259
that VID is BS, its made so that people keep going around all the squares, i kept going bac and forth, and he took down one my finger was on :roll: